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Obviously they were raised by owls and speak an owl language.

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I have been saying this since Obama.

In 2020, people believed they were voting for healthcare, defunding the police, emptying the migrant concentration camps, protecting Roe v Wade, etc.

When you fail to do the things that brought people to the polls, and do the things the opposition wants instead, the opposition's voters still won't vote for you and your own voters just don't vote.

Trying to appeal to moderate republicans just lowers your own voter turnout. The republicans will always vote for fascism over diet-fascism.

But no, pointing out these very obvious mechanisms just gets me labeled as an evil conservative Chinese Putin-bot trying to disrupt the election.

dropping out of the race at the convention

The face of the party is infinitely less important than the impact the policies have on people's lives. It doesn't matter if it's Biden or Pete Buttigeig at the front, the dems only shot in hell is to use every power at their disposal short of drone striking Trump and the SCOTUS (maybe) to demonstrate to voters that 1. They want the same thing the voters want (eg, not genocide) and 2. They will actually do those things (no blaming the parliamentarian or norms or some rules you set or fear the SCOTUS might ask you to stop).

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Dems could have had Bernie, Warren, Buttigieg, even Klobuchar, but Biden won pretty handily. That’s on people people.

Is it though? The media confusing people by claiming Biden is more electable because his policies are closer to what republicans want isn't on people, nor is every conservative candidate dropping out at once to endorse Biden, while Warren remained in to keep Bernie's share divided (ensuring that none of the popular policies the former Reagan campaigner ran on were actually implemented), nor is the DNC giving Biden debate questions before hand.

You really don't understand what I'm saying do you?

No amount of messaging or vote shaming or self delusion can override the dogshit policies Biden has enacted trying to appeal to "moderate republicans".

But if you learned nothing from 2016, I'm sure in November you'll blame everyone but the people with power.

This is a solved engineering problem, they have screens that are shaped such that a person can't cover it.

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These shithead illegal immigration policies probably wouldnt even be in the spotlight if scared old white people weren’t the biggest swath of participating voters.

Fascists are never going to vote democrat.

Triangulation doesn't work. When you triangulate yourself to be 1 inch left of hitler, the people who want hitler vote hitler, and the people who wanted not-hitler don't vote. When you get elected for being not-hitler, and proceed to facilitate genocide, people who wanted not-hitler don't vote

You learned nothing in 2020.

You learned nothing when Obama lost the house and senate in 2010 after not pulling out of Iraq+afghanistan, ending the war on drugs, and doing other stuff that voters expected of him, instead tryed to reach out to moderate republicans.

You learned nothing when Kerry lost after campaigning on doing the wars more competently in 2004.

And you will learn nothing in November.

Now what the fuck do we do about this impending presidential vote?

Pressure Biden to cut off all aid to Israel and sanction them until they give equal civil rights to Palestinians and return their homes, use military hospitals to provide healthcare to women, send in the military to destroy the child-drowning fence on the rio, etc.

Doing good things instead of bad things is only way Biden can hope to be reelected (no, the republicans or the parliamentarian or the SCOTUS or Joe Manchin or civility and norms aren't an excuse).

Do you just do things entirely at random with no input from your understanding of the world?

No? Then congrats, you've got ideology. I'm gonna assume it's liberalism, since they're typically the only ones both dumb and arrogant enough to think they're not only non-political, but non-ideological.

wtf, dude was just really enjoying his coffee

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The university did not agree to drop charges against forty students for rule violations, but the charged students themselves voted to accept the agreement under the belief that the overall offer was worth their own sacrifices.

Not including amnesty as a prerequisite is wildly irresponsible. What leverage do they have now? The board can simply say "no", and send the cops in to arrest anyone who tries to restart the protest.

This isn't negotiating, this is the students unilaterally giving up everything in exchange for... The ability to ask again, but quietly and in a circumstances where there is no consequences for saying no?

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Quaglin complained about his jail conditions

I absolutely love how republicans all think prisons are insufficiently cruel, then suddenly become prison abolitionists, but only for Trump and Jan 6ers.

Like nah they're treating you with kiddy gloves. People got decades for non-violent crimes during the George Floyd protests.

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Apple could have tried to work with them and said something like "We'll pay when the embargo ends", since now Kapersky has every reason to sell their next apple exploit on the black market.

They've just turned a department of people successfully working to make apple more secure into a department of people working to make it less secure.

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Reminder: Civil Disobedience (like any demonstration) requires you plan for and control the way the media covers it and have a target audience and desired response from them.

If you're just getting yourself and others arrested/fined so some people who already agree with you can read about it on some blog, you're doing the fed's job.

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This indicates bad design.

Some places, like college campuses, will avoid putting any paths in at all in the beginning, wait a few weeks, and then pave based off where people are already going.

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You can apply that logic to most decisions this country makes.

Why the hell are we letting 70 year olds dictate energy policy? They're not gonna see the full brunt of climate change.

Why are they involved in foreign policy? They're not going off to war.

Economics? Most of the people they talk to are retired or rich. tf do they know about making rent in 2024?

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What's really old music? Like Greenday?

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Correct, it's supposed to be The Onion but conservative.

It's hard to tell sometimes because conservatives suck at comedy.

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Does anyone in Japan have the time and money to have kids?

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Responding to an unprovoked bombing of an embassy with a demonstration that you can hit military targets, and you could have hit them much harder is infact deescalatory.

Escalatory would be bombing Israeli embassys and other non-military targets.

I think you confused Saudi Arabia, the desert country ruled by a king imposed on them by the British Empire to oversee the extraction of oil with Iran, the country that had that, until a local militant religious movement overthrew him.

Hell half of Iran isn't even desert, Tehran has the climate of Colorado.

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Sending a message "We can overwhelm your batteries of 100,000 dollar missiles with 1000 dollar drones if we want to." is a de-esclatory action; it shows that escalating would be bad for Israel, without requiring a response.

Edit: According to an Israeli general, the Israeli missiles cost a total of ~1 billion. IDK if this includes the missiles launched by the US.

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The fact that they ever considered an apartheid state a democracy proves their judgement is worthless.

Money doesn't buy happiness, it's merely a pre-requisite for health, safety, freedom of movement, education, and social standing.

He’s an exceptional person, who should be treated as such, like RBG.

The close friend of Scalia's who opposed worker's rights, indigenous rights, and held up the constitutionality of solitary confinement? The one who prioritized her ego over not giving Trump an extra SCOTUS pick?

I have my criticisms of Bernie, but I would never put him in that category.

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It should be noted, once the soviets got the technical skills they needed from the nazi scientists, they were deported back to Germany. Some were fined/deported for being irresponsible with rocket fuel.

Unlike Operation Paperclip where they were given citizenship and put in charge of scientific programs and prisons in America.

Or Operation Bloodstone, where the CIA put nazi war criminals in charge of South American special police forces to do more warcrimes under the guise of anti-communism.

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wtf? It's such a popular IP, why would they do that?

No, this is just rioting. That's not to say rioting is bad, it got redlining and segregated neighborhoods banned, and is an important part of peaceful demonstrations, as it shows what the consequences will be if they don't give into your demands.

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Make firefighter's jobs a lot easier. Hell you don't even need a firetruck to tell the people outside "Yeah, it's fucked, nobody's coming out of there"

Why are you trying to pressure people to vote for the guy facilitating genocide, instead of for Biden to stop facilitating genocide?

The only explanations I can come up with are either that you support what he is doing, or on some level, you understand we have no influence on policy and so trying to get Biden to do things that will get people to vote for him is a waste of time.

This same shit happened when Obama did fuckall about Bush's policies and endlessly compromised. Of course, the voters were blamed when Obama lost the house and senate, and in 2016 too.

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Setting up/maintaining network infrastructure, coding, providing orgasms, UX design.

Can you really say the US doesn't have a war economy though? It's only not been at war for like 6 years of the last 200.

Even the US occupation of Syria, bombing of Yemen, and forces fighting in Niger + Somalia are all a fraction of the US's military production, since it's the biggest arms dealer in the world.

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Sure is brave of you to call for escalations of war an ocean away.

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This, and a lot of liberals are entirely unaware of anything left of social democrats, so they're genuinely confused by anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism.

This results in democrats accusing HB of being trump supporters, conservatives accusing HB of being liberals, and both accusing them of being paid shills of foreign countries.

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Write the local paper?

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Civil Disobedience is the opposite of this.

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Why limit it to foreign governments, and why limit it to the president?

Hell why not limit congress and the president to the conditions of the lowest quartile?

It's not like billionaires and corporations interests are any more aligned with the people than foreign governments. This has the bonus effect of essentially banning Trump if he doesn't want to give up his wealth.

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Access to housing and transport is necessary for independence though (actual access, not the access to healthcare or a megayacht type of access), how many people stay in abusive relationships because they depend on their abuser for housing?

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They were more like paramilitary than militia since they employed armored cars, tanks, and aircraft from the regular military of Weimar Germany when needed.

Maybe Biden can write poems and sing songs about how much he wants to genocide to stop.

Words are irrelevant while he continues to send them the tools they use to carry out the genocide.

Some devs consider themselves rockstars or 10x devs, people who are just more talented at computer development. Yes, I've heard both those terms both from people referring to themselves and from management saying someone is talented.

This attitude leads to deploying code that is unsafe/breaks conventions (I know better), untested (it'll work!), poorly documented (It's obvious! If you don't know what it does, maybe you shouldn't be touching it), and generally causes problems for everyone around them.

These people typically end up owning product by themselves, which to management can look like they're doing the work of a whole team, and a form of containment for anyone who has had to work with them.

part of a pressure campaign to send Netanyahu packing

4% of Jewish Israelis feel the IDF has gone too far

This isn't just Netanyahu or his administration, this is most non-arab Israelis. Every time you translate an Israeli twitter post or media, it's like you found a lost page from Mein Kampf