2 Post – 1346 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I appreciate the point you're making, but I'm not entirely sure that on average slight differences indicates much of a biological component. Ie. trans or gay people having slight biochemical differences on average says nothing about any individual trans or gay person. Furthermore, there is very miniscule average difference between cis-AFAB and cis-AMAB brains so much so that I bet it would be impossible to find a sex difference between them for many.

There might be a biological component to sexuality or gender identity, there might not be- it doesn't really matter. It should be enough to say, I don't like how I look, I want surgery to correct that.

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Certain outsiders aside, Democrats are really good about getting their shit together behind closed doors.

I don't believe that many voters like closed door conspiring

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Yeah I agree there's no time for primaries, I was just responding to that isolated statement- not saying its never useful.

I don't feel I could change the foods I like on a whim, that doesn't mean there's a biological component(for some dislikes there is though) to it. My boyfriend is gay and he admits he has no clue if he was born with it or not.

Within the scope of the law, things that are perceived to be choices within one’s control are more likely to be regulated. It’s harder to justify regulating those components of ourselves that we inherit.

I know this isn't what you're doing, but I feel some people use this as a justification to push something they know is unproven.

And in the case of jesus, we have literally zero independent verification.

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That sounds like a joke from the doctor that the patient missed

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Theism is not inherently right wing. I am agnostic, and consider myself fairly right wing

Even assuming the passage is totally genuine, two fires had destroyed much in the way of official documents Tacitus had to work with and it is unlikely that he would sift through what he did have to find the record of an obscure crucifixion

Why? If it was a popular myth, why assume he wouldn't try to confirm/deny it

According to Bart Ehrman, Josephus' passage about Jesus was altered by a Christian scribe, including the reference to Jesus as the Messiah

So? I'm not presenting evidence for him being a Messiah. I am saying there is some independent evidence of him existing.

B. The second line in Tacitus that mentions Christ and his death was never noticed until after the mid-fourth century. So this second line is fake.

I agree that is bizarre, but not proof of it being fake. Though should be taken with a grain of salt.

This is why Bart Ehrman specifically dismisses Tacitus and Josephus. As do most other biblical scholars.

Who is Bart Ehrman and why relay his beliefs rather than speak for yourself?

They do have an disincentive, its called decades in jail if its discovered you kill him.

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How quickly will capacity degrade charging at that speed?

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I don't know the situation, but of course the CEO will say that, whether she'd be punished or not

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A great president is one who expanded the institution of the president,

Yea, I don't know if this definition of greatness is very good

As long as they honor what people have currently bought, honestly this is the first time they've made a change I agree with. Awards were usually used for trolling from what I saw

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You actually definitely could, they just didn't offer to pay enough

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You mean the ones that protected Snowden, Assange, and Manning?

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His whole thing is being anti-debt which is probably good for some people, but some people already have no debt

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It's not efficient, a huge amount of it gets diffused or absorbed

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If true then that's the real innovation for me. I don't want a car that I basically need to replace 70% the cost of every 4-5 years.

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I'm a lurker unless something actually impassions me to discuss

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Good. If you try to break into someone else's shit, you should reasonably expect to get shot at.

In many other contexts this would be downvoted to oblivion on Lemmy.

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As a software developer I am huge supporter of Mozilla's developer initiatives from Manifest V2 implementation to MDN. But it's also important to be realistic Mozilla has long had major money problems, and not the kind that giving them more would fix.

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It's not much of a guinea pig if you're just asphyxiating him, its pretty understood how that kills people. By the logic of calling him a guinea pig does that mean anytime anything is done to someone for the first time they're a guinea pig?

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The issue is that both antiseminites and Zionists do want Jewish to mean Israeli. Same with being Israeli doesn't mean your Jewish or a Zionist

Much of what is classified is not even classified for political motives but instead because its cheaper and easier to leave something classified. Furthermore, you're not likely to get punished for not declassifying.

Imo, compared to how prevalent viruses were on older versions of windows, this type paranoia seems to be working

This is one thing I really don't understand, how can you think someone should go to jail for beating a dog, but be happy to fund the slaughter of hundreds of animals over your life.

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No cure, blood test, or scan usually means its not a clearly defined illness, just a symptom. You don't say someone having a heart attack and someone shot in the chest have the same syndrome just because they both have chest pain.

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This type of comment is evidence Lemmy has attracted all types of reddit users.

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I think the stereotype also comes from Germans often not catching onto sarcasm in English

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*laughs villainously* This is all going to plan, now there will be some chatbot spewing my insane beliefs

Very Stallman of you, unfortunately for many people's use cases they will want at least proprietary video codecs or drivers. You could even argue using most websites with minified JS is closed source.

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School administrations often are the bullies.

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People are bullied by a lot of words, stupid, dumb, crazy, ugly, gross. Context of the words used is what matters. Obviously bullying is not acceptable, but a self-deprecating joke is okay.

If complete mutually intelligible communication of complex ideas with another species is undeniably proven, that will be a massive boon for veganism(although of course not all animals are equal), and a legal quagmire. What do you do if they are suffering in ways that we can fix due to their environment? Like humans were, and then we changed our environment. Do you give whales weapons so they can defend themselves from orcas? Do you shoot whale pochers? Do you shoot orcas attacking whales? Do you farm krill for them to eat? Do you drastically alter the ocean surface to be more comfortable for whales?

After all, most people recognize it as good to alter a person's natural state(hunting and gathering from caves) for the better, so would that not be the same for animals that are considered essentially people or near-people?

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Some people argue that intellectual property law is not free market capitalism, and is instead a regulation that benefits big business. I'm one of those people

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Probably was waiting for the toilet and just couldn't hold it, then was running back and forth between bathrooms trying to get in one.

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Also to clarify saying if you're poor enough makes it seem like it's a high bar, but iirc ~35% of people are on Medicare/Medicaid

Yeah, I would say there are definitely specific experiences you could make that make 80+% nauseous(I have pretty good VR legs but moving platforms can still disorient me). But a well designed VR game accounts for that, see something like Beat Saber.

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Well superdelegates aren't exactly something the government can legislate away because they're just an internal thing of the DNC.

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