
1 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Updated headline:
Does violate gag order, justice system to do nothing about it because rules don't apply to the wealthy

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Trust him, he's an expert on not paying bills.

I thought Tommy was the White Power Ranger?

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Also their game is literally $10 USD on Steam, compared to all the $70 ones that have been coming out lately.

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But that costs money.

It's worth noting that a lot of solutions actually save money.

For example, universal healthcare is a big issue in the US. Around 2/3 of all bankruptcies are from medical debt. People ration lifesaving medication like insulin because of how prohibitively expensive it is. GoFundMe is of the largest healthcare providers in the country, and over 1/3 of all campaigns are for medical expenses.

They've created a system where it's prohibitively expensive to seek necessary medical care, and is built on the foundational acceptance that people need to die and suffer for it to function as intended.

Yet a universal healthcare system is projected to cost the US an estimated ~13% less than they are paying.

Taking into account both the costs of coverage expansion as well as savings that would be achieved through the MAA, we calculate that a single-payer, universal healthcare system is likely to lead to a 13% savings in national healthcare expenditure, equivalent to over $450 billion annually.

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As I write this, John Oliver's Twitter is posting a bunch of pics of himself telling /r/pics to "have at it"


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So is this guy, like, the Devil? Every headline I see with him is like "Emperor Palpatine is buying single family homes" where I just assume it's for some nefarious purpose that's gonna benefit his regime and dick over a looooot of people.

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It's been invite-only for a long while, so they can manage the userbase easier. I imagine that, plus the lack of support for visual content makes it challenging for engagement.

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A good start to fixing the poverty is if companies making obscene amounts of money from their labor start fairly paying people in these areas.

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The US government were also months late to handling COVID, and the conservative leadership in power was actively demonizing safety protocols such as masks, vaccines, social distancing, etc not to mention their own Center for Disease Control, to the point that a fair percentage of the population is distrustful of medical science and unwilling to consider those safety protocols.

A lot of the news media (left and right) focused on things like getting people back to work in spite of the ongoing pandemic so it really forced the narrative away from collective safety and survival into economic prioritization and the illusion of normalcy.

Can you ELI5 Deezer abd FunkWhale, and how they replace what Spotify is offering?

Alternative headline:

"Brits F**k Around, Find Out"

Anything but affordable housing! Not in my backyard.

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Via AP News:

The nearly 100-page indictment details dozens of acts by Trump or his allies to undo his defeat, including beseeching Georgia’s Republican secretary of state to find enough votes for him to win the battleground state; harassing an election worker who faced false claims of fraud; and attempting to persuade Georgia lawmakers to ignore the will of voters and appoint a new slate of electoral college electors favorable to Trump.

In one particularly brazen episode, it also outlines a plot involving one of his lawyers to access voting machines in a rural Georgia county and steal data from a voting machine company.


That's not really a physical release then? It's basically one of those cards they have hanging up at walmart, but with an unnecessary box. And the whole point of the box is as a protective distribution method for physical media.

"Monado" has no specific meaning and is just a name.

As a Xenoblade fan, I call BS.

But I do expect we'll see more open source VR solutions and support as adoption increases. They're still in that phase of expensive luxury goods in most cases - PSVR costs more than a PS5 and also requires one to work, Index is $1000, and I don't even know where the Apple headset got its pricing.

Most of these also want to lock down their VR as a platform, instead of being ubiquitous hardware like a monitor, and I think lack of standardization is gonna hurt them in the long run by narrowing their audience.

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Sure, but only if you count stealing nudes off her underage daughter's phone then keeping the child porn in her possession for an undetermined amount of time until she found a spiteful enough reason to tweet them out to her 3.5 million followers being abusive.

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Fallout 3 released two hardware generations ago at around 8GB. Fallout 4 released last gen and sits at around 25GB. One generation later, Starfield is launching at ~140GB - almost 6x the file size of the previous generation.

I can't speak for everybody, but my PC storage didn't jump to 6x capacity in that amount of time, and my download speeds didn't get 6x faster. But I imagine that's why it's concerning to some people.

Even just going by console standards, we're looking at only a jump of 2x capacity between the Xbox One and Xbox Series X - or exactly the same if you have a Series S. It takes up over 20% of the storage Series S in just one game - with a mandatory install, unspecified patch sizes, impending DLC, etc.

Obviously there's a discussion to be had of WHY the games are increasing exponentially like that, but on the surface that's likely where the bulk of the frustration comes from.

Wandersong is $7 USD right now and it's a real gem if you like more casual games. It's a 2D adventure game where you interact with the world by singing. It's cozy and heartwarming, and I'd recommend it to anybody who might be into that kind of experience.

Also Prey is the opposite of heartwarming but it's one of my all time favorite games (easily top 5) and it's somehow $3 right now.

Same goes for the whole Dishonored series.

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Here's the source for anybody curious:


Def worth a watch. Tony's chocolate looks like a good alternative.

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I'm no linguist, but aren't Palestinian people also under the umbrella of Semites? Like, by definition?

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I'd hope some of it gets socked away for any possible time in the future when costs may be greater.

As for the rest of it, I'd like to see it used to grow the platform - marketing to increase user base, more developers, etc. Whatever makes sense.

"Self-described free speech advocate censors dissenting views"

Having an actual address is ingrained in all aspects of modern life in the US. Picture trying to get a loan for a car, or applying for a job without an address - mandatory fields when doing either. Then look at the housing market, and it would be obvious to anybody why it's so hard for these people.

Pollution, climate change, unchecked capitalism, VR headsets... I'd say we're just a few decades out from a dystopian cyberpunk era

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Pretty sure Moses wasn't the one in charge of Egypt in Exodus.

Maybe he should stop reading his weekly report about his son's masturbation habits and open a Bible.

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Don't forget:

1.5. Spend a fair amount of time mocking the people you fired across interviews and social media, and suggesting their work/abilities have no value

He spent plenty of time on thr "Fuck around" path, and is unhappy where it leads.

Also I think the Meta stance is that Threads doesn't have any former Twitter employees on staff, but who knows if that's true.

I can't wait to play more JSRF. Haven't grabbed Bomb Rush Cyberfunk yet but super happy to see both official and third party solutions for my fix

Watch Bender's Big Score. There's some continuity. No spoilers.

If somebody can point me in the direction of a $20 1TB NVME for my Steam Deck and a free transfer tool please hmu

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I'm against doxxing in all of its forms. Privacy's a right and we should protect it, even when it makes it harder to punish the bad guys. So I'm not really mad about the outcome here

I don't know that I'd agree with characterizing this as doxxing; I'd say it's more in line with reporting. Especially considering many of the terrorists involved in this attack are still at large.

April 16, 2024

For those who can't watch right now

I guess when they call themselves the party of law and order they're talking about the TV show???

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It specifies it's from the app, so they have access through the native functionality for that. When you go to install it, it lists the data it accesses, and by downloading and using it, that's how they are given permission.

Protip: Don't use the app

Yeah plus they have over 2 million associates per their website. Even if they COULD give everybody a raise, that's only like $70,000 per person.

Fallout 4

The changes they made to the game mechanics ripped a lot of the roleplaying out of the experience. I kept hoping to find a lot of what I loved about Fallout 3 and New Vegas in it, and never did.

It's not even necessarily a bad game, but the aspects of the games that I found fun were either heavily reduced or removed completely, leaving behind an open world shooter with a bad story.

The issue is voters talk about how regular people are doing, while politicians talk about “the economy” which is rich people and business…

This, 100%.

Ask some person on the street how their stock portfolio is looking, and they'll probably be like "The F are you talking about???"

Ask the same person about the cost of groceries, and they'll have a rant locked and loaded about why a 12 pack of soda costs $10 now.

When people respond to these surveys, they are taking their experiences with them, and most of us are seeing expensive gas, expensive groceries, expensive housing, and jobs that don't pay enough to live. People couldn't afford to live on $8 an hour a decade ago, and now everything costs more.

This has downstream effects in that it makes it harder to switch jobs because you cant wait two weeks for your new job to kick in - much less afford to take off work to go to an interview. You can't move to a city with more opportunities because cities are more expensive and you can't even afford to save up enough to make the move because you're paycheck to paycheck. Jobs paying "market rate" for wages which is dragged down because the system keeps people desperate enough to work for cheap.

These are people who have had to live with the boot of the economy on their necks for a long time. And while politicians can talk about all the great jobs out there and how amazing the economy is, for real people that boot is just stepping down harder. It's no wonder they blame leadership when this is their experience with this economy.

I don't think this is the best strategy; I think if we want people to leave we should make it as easy as possible. We can't just prioritize the people who will take the time to learn and understand federated spaces, and google search or whatever to find us; in terms of user volume, if we want to be competitive, we need average users, too.

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I edited all my comments to be the same message. I don't know what the benefit would be of deleting vs editing them. Ultimately the goal is that they can't benefit from content I've created, right? Is there any benefit in deleting?