Two of the biggest Reddit communities reopened in the funniest way possible to Reddit – 209 points –
Two of the biggest Reddit communities reopened in the funniest way possible

“All posts must be images of John Oliver looking sexy.”


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As I write this, John Oliver's Twitter is posting a bunch of pics of himself telling /r/pics to "have at it"

we can rest assured that John Oliver is collecting all the sexy pics people photoshop/post and is going to put together a Last Week Tonight episode on this, once the strike is over.

I love this! I have a tiny sub but I'm doing this!!!!

I closed my tiny subs. Reddit won't be able to find mods for them all.

I had closed mine too, but the Oliver thing seems too good to pass up. Once a day, every day I will post John Oliver pic. Just to be snotty.

John Oliver always likes to stick it to the big guy in the fight which I find hilarious, I wish Last Week Tonight was on the air so we could hear his takes.

Nitter link, for those who would rather avoid Twitter:

Hmm. Probably could benefit from a bot to auto-post those in response to Twitter links. Human time being valuable and all that.

Until the API changes at the end of the month.

Oh, no, I mean a bot here in the Fediverse, rather than on Reddit.