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Joined 1 years ago

Some of us are old and still think of him as stoner frog. I'm not in the spaces where he's used as a fascist icon and forgot they hijacked him.

Man having to remember every permutation internet bullshit gets exhausting.

? Have disc qualities been declining? Most of mine last 5-10 years easy, but I also avoid the cheapest option if I can. I also am talking from 10-15 years ago, as practically speaking I rarely burn things to disc anymore.

Agree its not great for very long term storage though.

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I didn't watch debate but have been enjoying tankie and pundit hyperventilating that alot of us grassroots dem supporters don't give a shit about the debate and realized Biden was old before it even happened.

Not about being "the king" just about simplicity and sufficiency.

I want ubiqituous immediate connection...we aren't all maximizers, some of us just want the easiest serviceable & reliable option.

Biden doesn't get enough credit for all the good shit he's spearheaded.

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Oh no, they've been communicating since before 2016. Just look at the changes to party platform for the GOP that year regarding funding to Ukraine. The new policies, which came directly from Trumps people, reversed course on Ukraine and basically adopted pro-Kremlin positions. And it was out of left field...on alot of policy positions, they didn't comment on shit or even have fully developed positions....but on Ukraine they have a very strong and very pro-Kremlin stance.

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People are paying attention. Problem is, 35-40% of the country likes fascist talking points and would be fine with a dictator, as long as it's their guy.

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The root problem is that Google offered unlimited storage as an option in the first place. That at least should have given a clear stated cap on uploads. The guy should have been more proactive since May too, no one really is fully in the right here.

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Hey look everybody, these guys have tech so important they don't have to follow laws like the rest of us.

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"No offense, but if they cops don't feel like respecting free speech and protest, you probably should expect them bullets".

The 2020 protests were largely non-violent, and when that was breached it was typically because the cops brought so much violence. Its amazing to me that people can see a civil rights image and see the police oppression, but videos of cops cornering a crowd and then inundating them with tear gas and shit gets rationalized.

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Lost their fucking minds.

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"Mistake". Bullshit, they are starving people on purpose.

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I check in about once a week or two to make sure comments haven't reappeared and take 5 mins to see if things are changing. I noticed a number of my old favorites that are small to midsized definitely have less upvotes on top posts and generally...I think that's a fair proxy for decreased user activity. I think declaring that "reddit won" ignores the degrading quality and lower activity levels...its a weaker platform now.

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This is massively media is supposed to relay relevant facts about the situation, like this one, not try to entertain people by pivoting to new forms of content constantly.

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Trump is getting special treatment over and over again across all of his trials. We've heard him beg for the exact number of votes he needed with state officials. The prosecutor getting some dick is non-sequitor to the crimes he did.

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Not only do I hate the cultural shift from laptop/desktops to phones, you can't even avoid it when on your desktop because of how websites are designed for mobile first now.

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Yeah, this article is a great example of psychological readjustment. The author has readjusted to goddamn Roe being struck down, to the extremely dangerous student loan ruling (George Miller wrote the bulk of the Heroes Act that authorized the forgiveness and he agree it was a proper use of the law--SCOTUS ignored the law and effectively rewrote it).

The Supreme Court is illegitimate and on the precipice of being entirely fucked. Starting with the stealing of Garlicks seat to the appointed of no experienced and supremely unqualified Barrett to its now dangerous and improper rulings, its legitimacy has been shredded.

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Its ran by a hardliners rightwinger? I mean, its pretty self-explanatory.

You know any pastor praising Trump has to be a grifter lol.

The history of forcing slaves into limited food choices, and then caricaturing an entire race based on people adapting to those arbitrary forced limits....there are alot of layers of historical racism in play that could make doing this in a way that highlights those foods would probably play into that racism. Chicken and watermelon aren't "black" foods, they were common staples of Southern slaves that had limited choices.

That said, those stereotypes are stupid, those foods are delicious to people of all races, so if those foods are served as a broader celebration or feast and its just part of the day without any emphasis or indicators of meeting (i.e., chicken and fruit are common foods for celebration so why not have them), I don't think anyone would care.

Never again....unless we do it?

No, the difference is the Trump actually gave Ivanka and Jared real positions of power in the government while Biden kept his kid out of power like every other normal president we've ever had.

Forced to use it at work. Yes, its shit, an inferior version of everything all rolled into one.

No, voter disinformation campaigns are newsworthy.

Oh wow, big cover up! LOL Intercept.

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I'm against what Israel is doing in Gaza but some small % of protestors are getting legitimately anti-Semetic, but starting to be very aggressive about it in an uncomfortable way, especially with larger authoritarianism at play in the culture.

I appreciate the president calling that type of shit out personally.

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Thank you for your work, awesome product!

Wow, I knew Rogan is a giant, unthinking piece of shit but even I didn't think he'd stoop this low.

Lol, so Telsa is fucked?

No matter how hard he ponders, Trumps base still isn't going to go for a guy who isn't white.

Profoundly false--McCain famously defied Trump to save the ACA.

Love me some grafana.

The AI future is upon us!

LOL that's more than the GDP of Japan. What a joke!

Illegitimate is exactly right.

Fucking false equivalency distortion driving dipshit media.

Nah its funny. Those things are ugly, overpriced, poorly designed pre-ordered fake futurism that, amazingly, some people bought for that look.

That the "geniuses" at Telsa didn't realizing paint and protective coatings are actually important and it leads to such immediate problems that destroy the look--i.e., the entire main purpose of the shit design--well thats funny.

Ghibli >> Disney

He's doesn't unilaterally have the power to stop it. I agree we should stop military support under current conditions, but Biden isn't Israel....this isn't a US War. Its amazingly short-sided to blame Biden for this to the point of helping Trumps reelection chances.

Lol, hated by people who despise poorly designed death traps that are unsafe for pedestrians.