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The same Hasbro that tried to make a land grab for all D&D derivative content by changing their Open Game License to grant them irrevocable, perpetual rights to it. This is not a nice company as they demonstrate time and again.

So maybe it's time the RPG community stopped thinking Hasbro are ever going to change, mourn for what D&D has become, but move onto something else.

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Brave is a marching band of red flags. It claims privacy while injecting ads, affiliate codes and crypto into the browser. It's kind of sad to see someone like Brendan Eich who should know better turn to the dark side and pretend this is all fine. It isn't.

Best advice I could give for anyone who wants privacy is use Firefox or a branch of it. Firefox is out of the box the most privacy conscious mainstream browser and add-ons make it more so. If you want absolute privacy you could even use a derivative like Tor Browser.

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The new Tesla Model 3 should be banned from the whole of Europe until they put the indicator stalk back. It is virtually impossible to safely and legally traverse a roundabout without it.

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I got blocked by him on Twitter (in 2012!) for mocking his whackjob antivax views. He was espousing shit headed antivax nonsense long before it was fashionable.

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Seems like she was over qualified

Masturbation makes hair grow on the palms of your hands - it's science people.

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Chiropractors and osteopaths only exist in such large numbers because they bill less to insurers than actual doctors & hospitals. So of course insurers are going to promote these quacks because it's cheaper than somebody going to an actual physiotherapist for treatment.

There should really be legislation that requires insurers to cover science & evidence based treatments. If someone wants woo it should be at additional expense to them, not part of a standard policy.

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Even Tesla's own manual says to clean the car immediately of bird poop, bug splatter, tree sap, salt water, oil, grease, chemicals. That should be the red flag right there. Tesla cheaped out on painting the truck, not even a transparent lacquer and now owners will be perpetually washing their trucks or watch them rust. These things really are just a fail on so many levels.

Personally I think that the following car functions should be mandatory physical controls - wipers, indicators, hazards, side/headlights, door locks, defogger / defroster, electronic parking brake. forward/reverse/neutral/park. And they should be controls that have fixed position in the car (i.e. not on the wheel) with positive and negative feedback.

And fuck Tesla or any other manufacturer that wants to cheap out on a couple of bucks by removing them. Removing physical controls has obvious safety implications to drivers who are distracted trying to find icons on a tablet.

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Jobs basically had one job - be the screaming obnoxious asshole in charge who harangued the engineers until they came up with something to his liking. And then took the credit when they did. Basically just the Elon Musk of his day.

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I don't believe his choices are THAT limited. Most prisons will have a self-service line with a choice of boiled veg, rice, beans, potatoes, pasta, fruit, grits, oats. Also, and just generally, boo hoo for him. Funny how his ethics extend to what he eats, but not who he steals from.

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Failing to vaccinate a kid (unless there are legit medical reasons) should be a chargeable offence in the same way that letting them sit in the backseat of a car without a booster / seatbelt is. These parents, as stupid and credulous as they are, have endangered their kids and some of them might suffer life altering injuries or death from that.

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It's time for news orgs and journalists to say a) "we're hosting our content on our own Mastodon server and that will be the source of truth for federated platforms (eventually including Threads and Bluesky)", b) "we will mirror the content across non-federated social media platforms that support free and fair reporting".

In other words give Twitter the middle finger and make the content available everywhere.

I wouldn't trust anything from a P2P site that purports to be:

  1. A cracked game / application for desktop and mobile platforms. Maybe it's legit but assume it is malware.
  2. A serial number generator. If you absolutely must run one of these do it from a throwaway VM, or via WINE emulation to mitigate what it might do.
  3. An encrypted archive with a README. It's a scam designed to make people sign up to other scams to release a non-existent password.
  4. A movie / audio with an extension such as .scr, .wma, .com, .exe etc. It's malware.

Movies, audio & books are generally safe providing they use a recognized extension - mp3, mp4, pdf, mkv, aac, flac, epub etc. Stuff that runs under emulation like console games is generally safe. I say "generally" because an exploit could still be crafted to escape a popular media player or emulator and cause actual harm to your computer.

All the ads and 3rd party scripts should be considered malicious too and should be erased with an adblocker, or even better use Tor.

So basically use some common sense and if you really want some game or app, just buy the damned thing or wait for it to go on sale.

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And Tesla, being the helpful sort, also makes it hard to open the doors in an emergency. The front might have manual door release mechanism somewhere - good luck finding it when the car is on fire or sinking. The rear... not so much.

EuroNCAP is changing its testing regime to negatively score manufacturers who remove critical physical controls and it should probably include door handles in that regime.

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Glassdoor is little more than a shakedown service like Yelp or Tripadvisor. It looks superficially useful but the real purpose is to suck information out of users to monetize, and extort businesses for $$$ for review "curation".

It definitely seems like an irrelevant point. All car sheet steel arrives in rolls.

I'd be more concerned about how it is formed into panels, how resistant it is to corrosion, what tolerances parts have, how easy is it to replace parts, whether there are visible production flaws due to it being naked steel, and if construction techniques or material thickness makes it more dangerous to occupants or pedestrians in collisions.

I certainly won't be surprised if pictures start appearing in a year or two of cybertrucks that have been completely fucked by salt water corrosion, or heat warppage or other issues caused by their design.

Sounds to me like shareholders should call his bluff and be rid of him. Maybe then the company won't be wasting money on boneheaded vehicles like the Cybertruck.

Carmakers did this to copy Tesla, not realising that Tesla did it to save themselves a few bucks and to hell with the person who suffer a degraded or unsafe driving experience as a result. Witness how Tesla even removed indicator stalks, making it all but impossible for people to safely and legally navigate a roundabout. Who cares if someone crashes, because it's all about the bottom line.

If they can charge for something then they can adequately explain what the thing is they're charging for

I saw the Marquess Brownlee review of this thing last night and I wonder why companies make this crap and who is fool enough to fund it. It's obviously doomed to fail, as are most "smart" gadgets & devices. The best that can be said for it, is at least there is no subscription to use it and it's not outrageously expensive but that's damning it with faint praise.

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Personally I've never left Firefox. Used to develop on it when it was still called Mozilla, and I'm happy it's still around. Privacy is a major strength of it compared to other browsers.

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Probably too late for Unity. A commercial game engine only makes money if there is a constant influx of new games to sustain it. I bet a lot of developers, large and small, have already decided to dump the platform either immediately or for their next project. So revenues are going to go into free fall.

Devs will move to Unreal (powerful) or Godot (free) and Unity will die. And it's all thanks to John here and the other members of the board who thought squeezing people for $$$ who have choices was a good idea.

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When you have a narcissistic sociopath for a boss don't expect job security. All these layoffs and his insane letter will do is cultivate toadying, fear, distrust, cliques and a culture of backstabbing within Tesla.

He's been saying variations of this shit for years. If you listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast there is scarcely a week when he hasn't invoked some schtick about how this could be the last broadcast.

Of course, if this dumpster fire has genuinely stopped paying the bills and the creditors are changing the locks then boo hoo for Jones. I'm sure he'll weave it as a conspiracy but this asshole has had it coming and then some.

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Hydrogen probably has some niche uses but there are some things that proponents like to gloss over.

  1. It's not green since most of it is produced from fossil fuels. It's also disgustingly expensive even compared to fossil fuels. I'd note that the company Orlen Koltrans which is funding this train is a subsidiary of an oil company PKN Orlen so yeah.
  2. Even if it were green (e.g. water electrolysis from renewables) it takes something like 3-4x the energy to produce, store, transport, and convert back to energy as just charging a battery.
  3. Regardless of how it's made hydrogen also contributes to global warming - if any hydrogen leaks or escapes during fueling or venting, it promotes the methane production in the atmosphere.
  4. It can and does go kaboom. e.g. this hydrogen powered bus has seen better days.

All said and done, I think it's crazy to even bother with the tech unless its so niche it cannot be done some other way. Japanese automakers & oil companies looking to do a bit of greenwashing have been the major proponents of hydrogen and that should say something. Also the fact that hydrogen has been a miserable failure in areas where it has been piloted.

In the case of trains it seems more sensible to manufacture biodiesel or synthetic fuels than this. It's certainly safer to transport and store. Perhaps existing trains can be converted relatively easily. Or electrify the train line or stretches of it. Batteries would be an option too - a train might simply hook up to a fresh battery tender and off it goes. Or some kind of hybrid solution that can source power from overhead lines and/or diesel and/or battery. Or even put solar on carriages to reduce fuel consumption during daylight operations. All these things seem more viable than hydrogen.

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This is why I wouldn't trust a thing that comes out of his mouth. He lies, he says really stupid shit and then he gives people an ultimatum to turn his stupid shit into reality or get fired. Safety, security and reality be damned. If you've ever wondered why people end up dying in fiery crashes because of "autopilot", or "full self drive", this is why.

I think all big orgs, NGOs, news agencies should do this.

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I wonder what would happen if Putin straight up offered to cover his debts? I expect Trump would actually accept that offer and his idiot base would see nothing wrong with it if he did.

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Las Vegas has something like 70 golf courses wasting inordinate amounts of water. Of course most houses also have outside private swimming pools too.

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Elon was mulling pulling out of the EU and I really want this dumbass to follow through on that threat.

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Assuming someone by necessity needed to do that, then a bowl of porridge would be better than cereal. It would be cheaper to buy, more filling & nutritious. And someone that cash strapped shouldn't be eating Kelloggs cereals at all since the generic equivalent probably costs half the price and tastes the same.

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Well yes and obviously. Russia is a bad actor and obviously wants to sow division & doubt over the war in Ukraine, to sow division in general, and to slander political enemies. They have a special interest in interfering with US and European politics.

They're not the only bad actor of course. If you see memes & misinfo trend about immigration, Ukraine, drugs, vaccines, climate change, abortion, gas & oil, politics, NATO, EVs, MAGA, Palestine / Israel, dissidents etc. then invariably there is a bad actor driving that crap. They'll use their clusters of bots on Twitter to amplify the info until it gets picked up by useful idiots looking to retweet around.

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Lemmy is written in Rust. There might be bits of C at the periphery behind bindings.

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Windows 11 is basically Windows 10 with a slightly nicer (in most respects) desktop. There aren't a lot of compelling reasons to switch if what you have works well enough.

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Or when he died on his ass on SNL. Or when he appeared in a Rick & Morty episode and managed to kill it by his mere presence. He thinks he is edgy, funny and cool but he isn't. Instead he is awkward, unfunny, weird and deeply unpopular for being a dick.

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It has little buttons on the wheel for left or right instead of a stalk. Problem is when you're going through a roundabout you're twirling the wheel around so it is almost impossible to to know where the buttons are at any given point in time. A stalk stays put, the buttons are anywhere depending on where the wheel is at. I think this video demonstrates it most clearly -

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The dumb part is this vow doesn't even make sense on the face of it to protect national security.

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Strangely enough there is another baby murdering nurse in UK prison called Beverley Allitt who in 1993 killed children the same way. She's been inside for 30 years and is actually eligible for parole since she hasn't received a whole life order (i.e. to die in prison). Doesn't mean she'll get parole but expect an outcry if she ever does.

There are plenty of online banks that do all the stuff people want. So good luck with that. And enjoy all the hideously complex finance regulation & legal obligations that varies from one location to another.

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