
3 Post – 410 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If I'm posting I'm probably high so don't hate on me

It's not extreme. This is an opinion piece posted on OMGUbuntu, so I'll let you figure out where their biases lie.

Okay I take back what I've said about AIs not being intelligent, this one has clearly made up its own mind despite it's masters feelings which is impressive. Sadly, it will be taken out the back and beaten into submission before long.

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I feel like OP has never worked in a corporate IT job before and has zero clue what it actually entails to manage a large fleet of desktop PCs used by the average office worker.

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And then what, send the teachers and kids to re-education camps?

Isn't this the same kind of thing some people get upset at China over?


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Western society handing money, tax breaks etc hand over fist to rich people while our quality of life slowly erodes over time.

What I do is I take several guns and a baseball bat with me when I shower so that I'm never caught barehanded ever.

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cough steam deck cough

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The Virustotal results are concerning though.

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What we're currently calling AI isn't AI but just a language processing system that takes its best guess at a response from it's database of information they pilfered from the internet like a more sophisticated Google.

It can't really think for itself and it's answers can be completely wrong. There's nothing intelligent about it.

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Imagine if we just paid teachers better so that they didn't sometimes resort to this to make ends meet. Nah, let's persecute the poor teacher instead!

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It's not like the profession has been treating them with any more respect anyway.

Linux Mint is one of the best ways to take an old business laptop from a few years ago and turn it into a nice, functional and smooth running device. I have been doing this myself too.

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Being a loser sounds pretty great actually.

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I miss the days of Ubuntu being a new upstart and Mark Shuttleworth going into space and being cool. I was involved with the project a bunch back then and even talked to him briefly once online.

There's been a lot of poor decisions honestly since then unfortunately and I haven't used Ubuntu in a while.

Whenever I'm forced to use Edge for work it reminds me of old IE that your grandma installed the Ask toolbar in. Functions about the same too.

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I'd be happy if Lemmy becomes like what Reddit was when it started and never grew beyond that. I don't need tons of clickbait outrage trash to doomscroll though every day.

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If and when Lemmy proves it has staying power then search engines will adapt. It's only been a month or so since it blew up.

How long until this trickles down into the major distros?

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It sounds absolutely batshit insane that judges can take sides and not be impartial when it comes to politics in the US.

For the most part it should have been free anyway just like our grandparents who perpetuate this nonsense had it.

I finally stopped using it entirely when they started paywalling the answers. I don't know if you had to actually pay or just sign up to view them but whatever it was went too far for me. Nothing of real value was honesty lost from my existence either.

Sounds like they are going to speed run what happen with Voat.

It's a good game that was pushed out far too early by suits. There's a lot of room for basic optimization to be done for one and it should never have been released without it.

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This is one of many reasons I tell people not to become overly attached to their Lemmy accounts. You don't know what or who's hosting your instance and it could just abruptly disappear overnight.

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Every time I've had a use for these either a business PC (or ex-business referb for home) has always been a better, cheaper answer.

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The free market is great!

No, not like that!

Ex-corporate refurbished laptop from the last 3 or 4 years for about $300 tops is perfect for this.

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It would be a great idea except it's incompatible with capitalism. It would take away a lot of jobs from less privileged people and society would do nothing to support them. These people could then be exploited even harder due to job scarcity.

Would be nice though if we could have nice things.

  1. All of the basics should just work well out of the box with minimal tweaking. Yes even NVIDIA stuff.

  2. The software center needs a massive overhaul. It feels like an afterthought by people who would rather use a command line.

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I imagine Epic doesn't really care about that so much as not giving Google 30% of in-game purchases in Fortnite.

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I hope you don't go with your edit.

The biggest problem you will run into isn't your skills but the willingness of the people who run various projects to even entertain or accept your ideas or input at all, regardless of your credentials or anything else. You could have the best, most logical UI design for an app and they often won't even entertain the thought of it what-so-ever. This goes double if you lack the ability to actually code it yourself using whatever frameworks and things the project itself uses.

I've worked extensively with various open source projects over the last 30 or so years and that's always the biggest barrier of them all.

My only issue is that kids use the platform a lot and shouldn't be exposed to overly sexualised content when they're just looking for gaming content. Twitch apparently says they'll try to remove it from the front page but stuff inevitably gets though.

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The price gouging is causing inflation.

They then have segments on the TV telling us it's our fault for spending more money. Like how the fuck am I supposed to spend less money when all the essentials in life are skyrocketing in price!?

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Kinda reminds me of the same argument to why businesses can't find employees, they aren't able to exploit them enough.

On the plus side watching you all tackle and solve these problems gives me confidence in the long term viability of Lemmy and the fediverse. The transparency and often detailed technical discussion definitely helps a lot too.

strong rat

You won't get justice or change anything about how the guy acts so you have to make changes yourself that you can control. Let yourself be free of needing his approval and attention. You deserve respect at least as much as you'd expect from any other person, being family doesn't absolve them of it. If he won't be respectful, then stop calling him, let his calls go to voice mail, stop seeing him and fill your time with people who are respectful. You can't change him but you don't have to put up with it either.

I used to be an old school supporter of cryptocurrency too, until that is when the scammers got their mitts into it and it went from a funny little technical hobby worth nothing to an overinflated shitfight that's robbed many people of their life savings.

Honestly, the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem is a parody of its former self and nothing the original inventors of it wanted it to become.

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I think the problem was doing the show in an incredibly small town where the hillbillies only like country music.