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Joined 11 months ago

Of all the options available to post covering this story why would you choose to direct traffic to fox news?

It's sad that this will have no impact on the china simps.

It sucks even more that the victim was terrorized and that it's entirely likely that their family will actually be retaliated against.

To be fair he might not like some people because they are black, trans, or little people regardless of if they are conservative or not.

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It would suck if the reasons congress had rejected it were remotely honest or moral.

Don't worry. It won't catch up to your head start.

Whinnying would probably contribute more to the conversation though.

"wholesomely uneducated". Walk me through that one please.

6 more...

This type of comment always really bothers me. You are misrepresenting what is being compared. It's not running chatrooms that is being judged. It's facilitating and organizing the creation and distribution of animal torture content. If he was running chatrooms about my little pony no one would care. Framing it as running chat rooms is dishonest. Flying planes isn't bad. Flying planes into buildings is. Say out loud the part you are trying to to minimize.

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The tabooness of the fetish isn't what he's talking about but rather the personality of the person with the fetish.

Who's we? I've met plenty of bigots that have voiced that exact threat.

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"why you think deaths were justified"

They didn't say that.

That's probably because it's a line that gun control opponents use to try and minimize the obvious dangers and issues with guns. Make sure you are very clear about the scope of your observation and take into account the context you are introducing the observation and you won't get yelled much.

I think you would be surprised how many people would not only understand but also engage in the same activity.

I used to be a fan of Neil until I saw how he conducts himself in person. He is not only arrogant but also needlessly cruel. I watched him make a girl break down and cry in front of an auditorium full of hundreds of people by ridiculing her and the question she asked during the q and a part of his visit. It was intentional and unnecessary. And he even made condescending remarks referring back to her after later questions so it wasn't like he was accidentally too heavy handed with his initial dismissal of her.

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Was it really necessary to include perky nipples and a camel-toe on Amy?

Really wish these people would jerk off first and then make their fan art.

99% doesn't match my experience with the community at all.

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that’s why opposing Putin “defends” liberty

You lost me here. Could you explain?

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It is kind of telling how emotionally fragile republicans are based on how the deplorables comment devastated them.

This might be because you are not clearly conveying what you mean. You brought up east vs west and north vs south but didn't really say in what they don't understand each other. You should consider taking the hostility down a notch.

And in your estimation how much should angry men be allowed to touch you?

Could you explain?

23 more...

I think that you are overlooking a lot of things here. If you are God in the traditional modern sense then you would already know how the universe will unfold. You would be gaining nothing by having the "ants" live and suffer. As the creator of the universe you would also have a responsibility for the lives you put in it and you would be responsible if you chose to not intervene in their suffering as well. As the creator it would have been within your power to create a universe without suffering. When we start to consider those points it paints morbid picture. That's not to attribute that kind of callous cruelty to you, the implications of such a hypothetical are probably not something we've spent much time sorting out.

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What's it like being so willfully wrong?

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I've sunk more time into it than it deserves and I think maybe 50% of the content that feels unfinished or half baked might have been gutted. It feels like there was more there at one point and it got hacked off and spackled over.

Why is it a stupid fucking dock?

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Ah, I follow now.

People have the opinion that the climate isn't changing. People have the opinion that the world is flat. People have the opinion everyone with dark skin is sub human.

Some people frame their terrible views as opinions so they can use the bad faith argument that it's just a difference of opinions so everyone should just be ok with their hateful or ignorant stances. Some people frame their terrible views as opinions to try and avoid valid criticism of their opinions contradictions with reality.

You are fervently engaging in a behavior exhibited by the hateful and ignorant and there is a pretty safe bet as to why.

That you didn't give a helpful answer makes me doubt you where as before I was interested in what you had to say.

Yes verbally. It wasn't directed at me but I was present when it was said with sincerity.

Most TV's don't list the width on the feet on the packaging do they?

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So dang euro you don't even want ice in your ice.

So if you acknowledge that it's a rural versus urban issue and not a geographic East versus West issue then how does splitting the country up into two or three other countries help?

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If an AR style didn't provide an advantage then the military wouldn't select designs like it.

Neat. A news source and a user I can safely forever ignore.

That doesn't matter. The hypothetical presented by OP has already established the assumption that a robot can suffer.

If that's your reply when someone mentions a decently sized and recognizable alternative then why are you asking your original question?

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I'm with you on my ambivalence regarding swift and I also couldn't help but notice the lack of thought occurring in OP's shower.

Your username is an understatement.

Weird. The last three TVs I bought didn't have the foot width listed on the box.

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Specialized tools oversells it. A chipped sparkplug will work.