3 Post – 817 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

What do you think most clothes were made out of before polyester? Most people wore cotton, linen, or wool clothes. The first two are from plants, the last one doesn't kill the animal. Hemp was also a major source of textile. Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?

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Damn it, all those stupid hacking scenes in CSI and stuff are going to be accurate soon

To the state that can't even keep their power grid up during the winter?... Or summer?

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Did Trump mean what he said? Probably not. This is typical Trump fare. Say something provocative, grab some headlines, outrage your critics and thrill your fans.

Oh bull fucking shit, don't downplay his idiocy and danger

That's how Reddit was for a long time too, and Reddit still is more like that than the other social networks. For whatever reasons that demo is more likely to be early adopters of this kind of platform. Diversity comes with growth.

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Instead of lab grown meat they want meat grown in the most deplorable conditions with 14 year olds working there.

Maxis was bought by EA. The End.

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I wonder if there was some kind of technological revolution that made it exponentially easier to generate text that happened recently.

Why would anyone do free work for a corporation to profit off of?

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Am/is become is an old English biblical phrasing and the material he was translating is religious so he probably used that style to invoke the religious nature of the text. He was very well read so this was certainly a specific stylistic choice on his part.

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What the fuck is wrong with people? It's been common knowledge that hp is trash for decades now. The whole idea of capitalism is that the bad products fail when customers go to the competitors who do a better job, but hp is not a monopoly and there are better competitors that exist, but people keep in buying HP because frankly, they are too fucking stupid. Capitalism is a lie because consumers are too stupid to pick the best products.

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The monthly subscription model leaves me feeling so very conflicted. On one hand, it’s a way to get an important piece of safety equipment for less money up front, which is good—there’s certainly cheaper airbag vests, but there’s more expensive ones, too.

No, no, there's nothing conflicting here. If you need expensive safety equipment that you can't afford up front there's already a solution for that, it's called financing. There is no upside to this, it's just unethical, irresponsible, and dumb.

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They don't have real talent so their only hope of getting a job is fooling people who know even less than them.

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If I were in Alabama I'd race to move out of Alabama

As a developer building on top of LLMs, my advice is to learn programming architecture. There's a shit ton of work that needs to be done to get this unpredictable non deterministic tech to work safely and accurately. This is like saying get out of tech right before the Internet boom. The hardest part of programming isn't writing low level functions, it's architecting complex systems while keeping them robust, maintainable, and expandable. By the time an AI can do that, all office jobs are obsolete. AIs will be able to replace CEOs before they can replace system architects. Programmers won't go away, they'll just have less busywork to do and instead need to work at a higher level, but the complexity of those higher level requirements are about to explode and we will need LLMs to do the simpler tasks with our oversight to make sure it gets integrated correctly.

I also recommend still learning the fundamentals, just maybe not as deeply as you needed to. Knowing how things work under the hood still helps immensely with debugging and creating better more efficient architectures even at a high level.

I will say, I do know developers that specialized in algorithms who are feeling pretty lost right now, but they're perfectly capable of adapting their skills to the new paradigm, their issue is more of a personal issue of deciding what they want to do since they were passionate about algorithms.

Lemmy has already hit critical mass to sustain itself so from here on out it will only grow. It surpassed the danger zone where engagement wouldn't be enough to bring people back. On top of that, the best lemmy clients already blow Reddit's official client out of the water. Now all that needs to happen is for more communities to grow.

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Never forget that we're doing incredibly complex audio signal processing with meat.

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I tried taking a taxi about a year ago. There was one right there and I figured, might as well give it a try, won't have to wait. It was over twice as much as a ride share. The price difference isn't even close, they'd have to raise prices a ridiculous amount before I'd take a taxi again. Fuck not knowing how much a trip is going to cost ahead of time.

13 more...

Good. It's dangerous to view AI as magic. I've had to debate way too many people who think they LLMs are actually intelligent. It's dangerous to overestimate their capabilities lest we use them for tasks they can't perform safely. It's very powerful but the fact that it's totally non deterministic and unpredictable means we need to very carefully design systems that rely on LLMs with heavy guards rails.

11 more...

What matters is consistency and our time system has tons of crazy inconsistent shit in our. Everyone knows about leap years, but do you know about leap seconds? Imagine trying to write a function to convert unix time to a current date and suddenly all your times are a second off.

Just look at this insane bullshit nonsense. The added complexity of time zones and daylight saving time is nothing compared to simply supporting our time system.

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They mention cost of living a lot in the article. They also point out that there's way lower drug use. On top of cost of living I bet a lot of people are getting their escapism from games and Internet instead.

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Every now and then trump says something where I think surely that had to have been taken at least slightly out of context, but nope, it's practically verbatim. Every single time.

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You can. It's called decompiling. Problem is you lose all the human friendly metadata that was in the original source code, meaning comments, variable names, certain code structures are lost forever because it was deleted in the compilation process. There are tools to help you reintroduce that stuff by going through the variables and trying to make sense out of what they were for but it's super tedious. With new ai tech that can certainly be improved with AI guessing what they were for but you'll never get the original meta data back.

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If the other choice is make less money then it's obvious what corporations will do

Google has a volunteer program to make their AI better. Fucking one of the biggest corporations in the world asking for free labor and apparently people do it?

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The biggest reason eggs are refrigerated in the US is because they're not vaccinated for salmonella, so refrigeration is needed to inhibit growth. The US was able to do that since they have the infrastructure for end to end refrigeration. It's not necessarily wrong, it's just another way to do it. Since salmonella can also be on the outside of the egg they need to be washed, and since they're refrigerated the loss of the protective layer doesn't matter. I guess in Europe with the vaccination it also lowers the chance of salmonella on the outside of the egg allowing the outside to remain unwashed and protective of the inside making refrigeration unnecessary. There's just not enough of a reason to change things in the us now since the refrigeration method is already in place and switching would cost more up front. The main downside is that you can't eat raw eggs in the US which means some dishes can't be made, but the vast majority of the US isn't interested in raw egg dishes anyways.

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The fuck is safety capitalism? Is it just some bullshit word for people who don't want to say socialism? Fuck, if that's what it takes for people to accept socialism then they can call it whatever the fuck they want.

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Assuming it's a real tweet my guess would be that the last reply appeared on their inbox out of context so they thought they were responding to the original tweet. Since Twitter is a shit platform with shit conversation structure I think it's likely assuming it's real.

This is the second old mac Donald post I've seen in a row

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I want a bunch of new gun restrictions, but I'm not against gun ownership. I want required training, required gun safes, background checks, and extra strict laws around higher magazine and fire rate weapons. So while most people would describe me as "anti gun", (I think it's just common sense), I totally support responsible gun ownership especially if you're in a marginalized group that is legitimately in danger.

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So they'll stop injecting ads in the middle of videos at the worst possible times right?


So they'll stop injecting ads... Right?

The better approach would be to prepare the update in the background and swap out the version on the next start

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Reducing meat intake isn't just about reducing carbon footprint, more importantly it frees up land to be rehabilitated so we can rebuild forests to absorb emissions.

In my experience it's normally frontend programmers that go full stack.

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Pretty sure? I thought the Lemmy audience was better at detecting sarcasm than Reddit ☹️ I guess I'll have to keep on using sarcasm tags here too then.

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IMO Harrison Ford looks pretty damn fit in that picture and I wouldn't bat an eye if he were in a super hero movie today. Like that's not a Thor body but there are many characters where that body would fit in just fine. I agree that movie bodies are not very attainable for most people with busy lives, but on the other hand, if you're playing a super hero you're not playing an average person. It would probably be weird to see an average body shape doing the impossible stunts you see in action movies.

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That's a hot take I'd expect to hear from a 12 year old.

Old MacDonalds was a trip gone bad

I want people to understand that when they vote for a president they're also voting for all the administrative appointments as well. The stakes of who is president is already high enough, but if you want people like Lena Khan in charge, that also comes from your presidential vote.

Breaking news! Chinese company runs ads paid for by Chinese government! Did anyone think otherwise? All governments pay for ads. Who in their right mind would think a Chinese company would refuse their government as an ad customer?

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