0 Post – 256 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I pretty much disregard everything /u/givesomefucks posts. Most of his comments are garbage, extremely dumb, or seemingly troll attempts

This place reminds me so much of early reddit. It's been a strangely nostalgic experience so far. The part of that which I'm enjoying the most, is that commenters are more polite to each other as far as I've seen

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I have no real opinion about the topic here, but I'm getting really tired of seeing headlines containing the word "slams" or "blasts." It guarantees I won't read the article

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I feel at this point like Trump could easily skip the debate, and then somehow spin it as 4-D chess with his moronic, rascist, hateful base who have already bought into his garbage cult

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To be clear, I'm under no delusions that anyone from the company will see this comment, but this is enough for me to never buy their products ever again. So they have verifiably lost at least one customer for life over this.

On the infinitesimal chance someone from the company does see it who has decision-making power from within:

Fuck (capital F) your garish plastic crap with LEDs plastered all over it. Your products were a hard pass before this, and now I'm encouraging others to avoid you

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To anyone who hasn't read the article or watched the video yet: don't bother. It makes a lot of assumptions and answers very little. Really poor journalism.

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Ah, a fellow chess enthusiast I see

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Well. At this point it feels like I'm just watching it happen. I can vote against fascism, but what the fuck else can I do?

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For me, this falls neatly into the "who fucking cares?" category. These things are deployed in very few cities overall and if the technology is ready for wide-release, you better have a more effective defense against theft than you already do if they are already being stolen from

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I work in manufacturing in the bay area. We hire so many people who are ex-tesla workers. Anyone enchanted by Elon quickly loses their gusto for the job after working there. I've heard some horror stories about how they treat their technicians

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I smell desperation. It smells like spray tan and meat sweat. Get fucked lil Donny

I actually don't blame him on the falling asleep stuff. Look at the facts: he's old as shit, he's overweight, he's going senile, and he probably has a myriad of health problems which are undisclosed and is probably on a complex cocktail of drugs to ease them. He's a fucking walking corpse and should have never held the office that he did

The only polite way is to lay on the horn non-stop while following them to their destination (so they know you're there), when they stop, get out, approach them as quickly as possible (to be respectful of their time) to thank them for going

More future minimum wage workers for the upper class to exploit! Mission accomplished πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

I would love to tell you you're wrong, but you kinda nailed it.

Also, what the fuck? How have you never had wings?

More of a difference than you're making, I fucking guarantee it

God I hate marketing bullshit like this.

This article won't be read by any of his supporters and if they do happen to see it, it will be dismissed as fake news

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Fuck Trump and all, but these polls are asinine click bait

That's because it's a toxic community

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Suuuuper weird. I'm willing to bet that they will settle for substandard teachers to fill the void. Teachers who will be okay with not teaching "challenging" topics like equal rights and evolution

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Are you complaining because the video was posted here or because it was made in the first place? Maybe this community doesn't need it, but there are a lot of people out there with not much awareness of what's happening in this realm.

Eh. Is he even good at that?

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Wow, what a total piece of shit. A small glimpse into the kind of father that raises a hateful, murderous monster

No, this is the choice between literal fascism and just another mediocre democrat leader. You are an absolute fool if you think it's a difficult choice

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If the title of an article ends in a question mark, I immediately question the content. Shit journalism red flag.

Wow man. You have the highest proportional mix of someone being both highly opinionated and highly misinformed that I've witnessed in quite a while. Congrats, I guess πŸŽ‰

You're being eaten alive here because you are confidently wrong about many things and seem to be blind to criticism

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Hold up. Truck nuts on a Prius or PT Cruiser is fucking hilarious

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Someone should tell that tardigrade that's not where you position the bow when playing violin

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Yo... That's not the point. Roping off features that are typically an expected part of a ($70!) game to squeeze more profits from your customers is fucking slimy and greedy. If you aren't angry or at least disappointed by this, you are part of the problem

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Same reason you can't buy a new small pickup truck. They don't make them because the mass market isn't there

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I've awarded you Lemmy gold πŸͺ™. It's buried 8 feet down in your backyard located at this exact coordinate: 37.78499221801758,-122.3960189819336

Should be marked not safe for work

He did though! Every morning when he got up, he stared him in the face as he brushed his teeth

Look who you're talking about. The man is highly capable of manipulating idiots and racists, but he's no mastermind

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This should absolutely be the top comment. Holy shit, Rodgers is such a fucking moron

There was zero plan as usual. The thing is, imagine what's going to happen after Trump. Imagine someone who is actually charismatic and smart in Trump's place who tows the same basic line. That's what really scares me

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Salinger is a classic example of this. One of the most celebrated authors of all time. He really only wrote one full novel and then essentially disappeared from public view. Despite this I don't think anyone would consider him a failed writer by any definition

What's so peculiar about that? People get engaged all the time at all points in their lives. It might blow your teenage mind, but this dude is dying young, sadly