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Joined 11 months ago

This is such a bullshit article. Yeah the NRA is a terrible organization and there are a lot of reasons to attack them. But attacking the educational, gun safety and shooting sports programs that they offer or fund is complete bullshit and is detrimental to the public good.

This is like saying we shouldn’t offer driving classes because one day a student might get into an accident.

Correlation is not causation.

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Wow, an analog phone and not a single computer in sight. As a guy who works in IT , this is a beautiful sight to see.

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Russia has orders of a magnitude more fighting age men and resources than Ukraine. If Russian losses are two to one or three to one in a battle it is still a loss for Ukraine. Ukraine just don’t have the population or material to absorb those losses. Ukraine needs to have a 5 or 6 to one ratio to win in a conflict with Russia.

In every past conflict in history Russia traditionally does terrible in the first few years of a conflict and absorbs staggering losses but is able to figure out what works and ultimately wins.

The fact that Ukraine which five or six years ago didn’t have a
functional military is still in this fight is very telling for how bad Russia's military has atrophied after the Cold War.

The front lines have solidified and Russia has shown they can learn to fight defensively. The best Ukraine can do now is perhaps cut off transport routes to Crimea and make the Russian position there untenable. Otherwise unless there is some kind of major revolution in Russia it’s doubtful that Ukraine can retake their lost lands.

However, I still support supplying Ukraine with arms. This is Russia's 9th military invasion of a neighboring country since the end of the Cold War. It won’t be their last unless they are bled dry. Ukraine has the will to fight them, they just need arms.

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It’s not a lesson learned. X will be legally liable for damages. They are setting up a team of moderators to mitigate that liability and show lawmakers they can regulate themselves so they can head off potential regulations.

Much like his PR visit to Concentration camps Musk is doing it to escape consequences.

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I think there is more nuance here. In all my direct interactions with Chinese people in business they have been polite, responsive and intelligent. I still get messages from them long after I left the industry I was in.

The CCP however is a different story. I am opposed to them as much as I am opposed to any person or organization that seeks to usurp or silence an individuals right to self determination. There are certainly domestic threats to that right which are greater than the CCPs.

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I know a guy in the Reedy Creek fire department. He is a hard core Republican. When Desantis took over the board he didn’t think it would be a bad thing.

I like the guy and have known him for years so it’s sad to see it go this way but you get the government you votes for.

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Since the last yellow drop of piss leaked out of the cowards who were at that school that day the city was always going to find that every single law enforcement officer onsite at the Uvalde massacre acted appropriately.

They are facing massive lawsuits and they will do nothing to give the opposing litigants any ammunition to use against them in court.

As much of a piece of shit as Mike Pence is, at least he respected the rule of law and democracy. The same can’t be said for the Republican Party today.

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A parents inability to parent their children should not infringe upon my right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

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No it’s worse than that. How are they going to purchase enough dollars to replace their own currency? No one is going to give Argentina a loan to do this.

This project is doomed before it starts.

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Boeing is in a death spiral. Instead of a company run by engineers saying hey let’s build something new that pushes boundaries and the market will buy.

They now have a bunch of finance guys who say hey let’s squeeze another few billion in profits out of an existing product. Wait the new existing product doesn’t sell as well as our projections? Let’s cut costs so we can maintain profit growth for our shareholders and get those sweet bonuses.

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:Android stares intently: “Am I a joke to you?”

You know that remote start is a thing for ICE vehicles too right?

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The answer is no. Xi has killed or has displaced not only anyone who posed a threat to him, but he has done the same to anyone who could possibly be a threat. There is no one left at any level of government who can exercise independent thought and action. He has also killed the messenger so many times that bad news just doesn’t get put before him. Xi wasn’t aware of rolling blackouts in Beijing in 2022 until US diplomats asking him about it.

Balloon gate is another example of how the Chinese government is breaking down. A few weeks before Blinken was supposed to travel to Beijing to try and de-escalate the economic war with China they launched that stupid balloon. Not only was it an intelligence coup for the US but it killed any kind of initiative to tone down the economic war for at least 6 months. A functioning government doesn’t do that. They don’t let their intelligence services launch over flights of nations they are trying to negotiate with.

Xi might be the smartest guy in China but one man can’t make all critical decisions to save a complex economy like theirs.

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America would exist without either party. People forget that the meaning of each party has shifted throughout the years. Parties have even gone extinct when a viable third party alternative was available. But they aren’t central to American life. More than one third of our population doesn’t even affiliate with a party.

The CCP has done everything in their power to make themselves central to Chinese life. But they are a party and not China itself, even they are replaceable. Taiwan is a good example of how democracy could work within a modern Chinese society. Which is why the CCP wants to bring them to heel.

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The turnover rate at companies like Amazon is so high because the working conditions are so poor and demanding. People are just liabilities and expenses that should be burned through.

Amazon has burned through so many employees that they worry they will not have enough viable applicants to keep filling positions. That isn’t because of the workers, that is a calculated decision by management.

There is no need to a shill and push right wing talking points for corporations, they get plenty of help from the politicians and news networks they buy.

I’ve been using YouTube far more than any of my paid services for years. However I’m ready for a switch. If the YouTubers who I follow switched platforms I’d go with them in a second.

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I could totally see Texas go after a physician with SWAT and trash their house and kill their dog when bringing them in just to make an example for everyone else.

Sad but I can’t imagine practicing in Texas and feeling safe.

Black people don’t deserve protection from the law. Black people deserve equal treatment under the law.

Timelines for individual retail investors are significantly shorter than timelines for multibillion dollar sovereign wealth funds with fiduciary obligations.

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Political parties in the US aren’t monolithic entities that never change or shift positions. Every 30 or 40 years they change and factions can switch sides. The southern strategy saw “Dixiecrats” become Republicans in the 70s and 80s.

Ross Perot won approximately 18 percent of the popular vote in 1992. Once again, parties shifted their policies and absorbed those voters.

I think we are overdue for another major shift and possibly a third party run. Many “Moderate” Republicans are Republicans in name only at this point. Their party has been co-opted by Racists, secessionists, MAGA, Qanon, Evangelicals and other fringe elements. (Whom they freely courted in the past and viewed as useful idiots to further their own goals.)

The business community, fiscal conservatives, NeoCons and moderates aren’t used to being out of power. They are organized and have money. Their goals overlap more than MAGAs. It’s only a matter of time before they realize they no longer control the Republican Party and may never control it again.

If Trump or MAGA acolytes stay in power after 2024 you will probably see a significant fracturing of the Republican Party.

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I think he’s dead, that’s just a few remaining neurons firing off commands as his nervous system shuts down.

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lol Serbians don’t need a majority. If there were two Serbs and a cup living in a given city, Serbia would claim it and ethically cleanse the shit out of it.

I was on a business trip and pulled into my hotel late one night to find the Oscar Myer wiener mobile parked outside.

After a long day of work nothing put a bigger smile on my face. Ride on Wiener mobile, ride on…

I stopped using Google as my primary search engine all together. I now just use bing or duck duck go. Google is the last place I try searching.

Sweet, reverse the permanent Trump tax cuts passed in 2017.

Catastrophe averted!

Gun control wasn’t the subject of the article nor was it what I posted about. Why are you trying to change the subject?

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Sleepy Joe dominated that cuck Trump in one election and has skull fucked the rest of the Republican congressional caucus.

lol Ukraine is a bargain. I think the US has spent maybe 2% of the entire military budget supplying Ukraine with weapons. In exchange we get to see the last large generation of Russians turned into fertilizer along with all of their frontline hardware.

Israel is perfectly capable of turning the Gaza Strip into a moonscape without much support from the US.

The US hasn’t even touched the hardware needed to take on China (long range missiles and aircraft). On top of that we now have a west that is more united than ever behind the American Hegemony.

I think the US can afford to let a few off the chain and rain some good old fashioned freedom on a few Houthis.

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:Looks at massive increase in consumer spending due to Covid Stimulus and College loan payment moratorium.:

Lets do that trickle down shit again, it’s gotta work this time.

Our Allies should rightly be concerned. The US has become more and more isolationist. The last major free trade treaty was under the TPP under Obama and both Hillary and Trump stated they would not support its passing.

The US is now energy independent and a net exporter. The US is also in the middle of the largest industrial build out in history which will bring much of our industrial plant back to North America.

In ten or fifteen years there will be no need for the US to get involved and keep sea lanes open like we are in the Red Sea. We can maintain a presence in the few areas that we deem critical.

My two sons will be of military age soon I would not support active involvement in any war that would risk their lives for Europe, Middle Eastern or other far flung countries when there is no real threat to mainland US. Supply military and financial aid, sure, but no boots on the ground. We don’t need to fight other peoples wars for them.

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I’d expect this invasion to go about as well as Iraq and Afghanistan did. On top of that it would alienate most of the population of Northen Mexico who are very Pro USA due to their economic integration with the US economy.

After the Obama administration both parties have taken hardline stances on China. Their theft of intellectual property, ignoring international law, massive subsidies of industries that target foreign economies, human rights abuses, wolf warrior diplomacy etc. etc. had proven that democracy wasn’t going to take root even when they were uplifted economically.

China has no friends in either party now and the reaction of the a potential Hillary Clinton administration in 2016 likely would have been the same.

The US has to brutalize and strangle China’s economy to bring them to the table and force change. There is no need to provide incentives to other Asian powers as China’s actions against their neighbors are enough to put them in the USA’s sphere of influence.

They are going to shut the government down. They are going to kneecap US support for the war in Ukraine. They will go after popular programs such as Medicare and Social Security. They will block support for any emergency funding if the emergency is in a blue state. They will try to sabotage the economy and do everything possible to pull the rug out from under unions. They will go after a women’s right to choose and LGBTQ issues. Finally they will do everything they can to lay the groundwork to reject any election that doesn’t go their way and cover for Trump.

They can’t help themselves. By the time the election rolls around next year this will be one of many controversies. Twenty to thirty percent of the country will vote for them no matter what. The question is what will the 40% of the population that can be swayed do?

My family motto is “Buy it cheap and stack it deep”, also on grocery day it is “One trip or die”.

Surprisingly they get sent to bed early with a hot toddy and a BJ.

Believe me Florida does not make it easy to be a teacher and Ron Desantis’s policies have a lot to do with this.

But the primary factor is pay. Teachers are laughably under paid in Fl. My sister has been teaching for 15 years makes little more than she did when she started. Most of the teachers my two older kids had in their elementary school have left for better paying careers. The number of teachers moving into the profession is not enough to compensate for retiring older teachers and the loss of teachers to other professions.

It’s simple supply and demand. Pay your fucking people and they will stay.

It will be the third or fourth thing. Donny is going to consolidate power first and gut the government of anyone who is not directly loyal to him. This includes the military (why do you think they have a single Senator with a filibuster on approving appointments and we have 3 of joint Chiefs positions unfilled.)

Once he does that he’ll come for abortion rights or any other right he doesn’t agree with. Not to mention tax breaks for corporations and the 1% will be on the menu.

MAGA masses of course will eat it up as owning the libs.

You get the government you vote for. The people of WV have no one but themselves to blame for this mess. Voting in coal friendly candidates year after year for the last 60years is their fault.

The way China organizes its defense spending keeps a lot of it off the books. There are many corporations that are government controlled which engage in research, espionage and military weapons production that are not in the central government’s books.

The CCPs military spend is much higher than they let on.

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