2 Post – 262 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Because some of the checks were written while he was president.

SCOTUS can choke on a back of dicks.

Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

AOC is earning my vote.

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Great! Now jail and/or execute the 6 corrupt justices. The problem just solved itself.

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Don't forget the corrupt SCOTUS justices!

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Someone who can speak. Clearly and effectively, if possible.

I'm deeply understanding and sensitive to people with speech impediments. The debate (and, let's be honest, any time he speaks without a prompter) was embarrassing and concerning. I'm voting D no matter what and I'm not looking for a great president, but we can't afford to be nostalgic. Democracy can't afford it.

So wait...lemme get this right. They made it illegal to be homeless AND the government can come and take your belongings, just 'cause?

I'm sorry, what??

It's ridiculous. Shit, I'd vote for a literal and figurative vegetable over Trump, but damn Biden failed miserably last night. Anyone who thinks anything different is simply delusional.

I do agree the DNC should be exploring an alternate candidate, as they should be very, very fucking concerned about President Biden's ability to perform the most basic functions of his job. I don't know who the answer is - my personal preference remains Bernie and I think he would be an easy sell - but they must take his performance really fucking seriously. He must take his performance really fucking seriously. Russia and China both are.

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What do you want from Republicans - a party that hasn't stopped trying to eat each others' faces throughout the past 3+ years? You want a platform? Ideas?

Oh wait...that's Project 2025 and they would rather we steer clear of discussing that.

In my opinion, most people are using "old" as a proxy for "not fit for duty." It's just that no one wants to say the President is not capable of performing his job.

If an employee showed up to your workplace as incoherent as Biden was at this debate, they would be sent home and may need to undergo a "fitness for duty" test to return. While I agree selecting an even older candidate would be difficult, you have to admit Bernie would absolutely skewer Trump on a debate stage and no one would ever have to worry about his mental competence, at least until November.

Again, I'm open to alternative candidates - I've only seen one mention of Whitmer, Who else is there?

He'll find any way to defund education. Why? Because a dictator always "loves the poorly educated." Why? Because they're easier to control.

Get with the program, folks. Everything is about control.

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...and they BELIEVE IT! Such a sad, sad bunch of suckers and losers.

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They already have the power. Control/subjugation is harder. It takes manipulation and requires subjects to comply and not rise up.

The conservatives have already acquiesced to their "dear leader." It's the pesky liberals and progressives who have enough intelligence to know that what is happening is wrong. Get rid of that element and you have ultimate control.

There are enough stiffs on the stage.

“It is the worst year of the nine years and three months that I’ve been in Congress,” Buck elaborated to CNN, describing the current iteration of the lower chamber as “dysfunctional” and the “worst year in 40, 50 years.”

“Instead of having decorum, instead of operating in a professional manner, this place has just devolved into this bickering and nonsense and not really doing the job for the American people.”

They buried the lead, as do most American media outlets. Who gives a shit about what Mike "Accountability Partner for his" Johnson thinks? The MAGAt party is collapsing. Report on that!

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Lacy said the family also reported that after the shooting, the family was forced out of the home while officers “rummaged through their house looking for any justification for shooting and killing Ryan”.

Not a good look.

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Haters gonna hate...

..up to and until they face real consequences for their behavior. Then they'll just whine about being treated unfairly.

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It's always the ones you most expect.

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All this "purity" talk, yet they're perfectly fine with men diddling little kids. Get off of it, you liars. It's all about control.

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If hiring a convicted felon, rapist, failed businessman, dementia patient means they'll end up with a bigger yacht to take them to Epstein's private island, then yes. CEOs will gladly back him.

Nothing like a good old fashioned quid pro quo resulting in the permanent destruction of the environment for an elderly sociopath who won't be around to see the world burn, but least he won't serve his final days on earth in jail.

Even Trump's legacy is bankrupt.

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Find them, arrest them, and charge them as terrorists. The "party of law and order" should be all over this.

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He must have taken "Sneaker Con" literally.

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Thoughts and prayers

They all fall in line behind Don Poorleone.

They can't lead. They should not hold office. And many should be in jail. People need to just quit the shit and vote them out. Let's go!

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Because they have more money than you and, according to the US legal system, that's all that matters.

This guy is getting so good at losing, instead of X, he should start naming his companies L.

Why only TikTok? Every social media company does the exact same thing.

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Cue all the "First Amendment absolutists" who believe it's their right to call people whatever they want, as long as it's not the pronoun they prefer.

Every accusation is an admission.

$1 mil to influence an election? Sounds like money well spent.

If God wants it so bad, why doesn't he handle it his goddamn self?

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It's three years later. How much longer could you drag this news out?

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So great to see Apple finally invent RCS! /s

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Ladies and gentlemen: the 45th president of the United States.

Does anyone else remember when that used to be an honorable title? This idiot sounds like everyone's least favorite uncle at Thanksgiving.

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I thought Xitter was going to be a bank! Honestly, who can follow the mentally-ill, cocaine-fueled ramblings of this man-baby?

God's an asshole.

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...and three posts up Tesla is threatening to sue customers who want to resell their car. WTF, America?

Here's the post I'm referencing.

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