Trump vows to defund schools requiring vaccines for students if he's reelected to politics – 314 points –
Trump vows to defund schools requiring vaccines for students if he's reelected

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He'll find any way to defund education. Why? Because a dictator always "loves the poorly educated." Why? Because they're easier to control.

Get with the program, folks. Everything is about control.

Power. Control is a byproduct.

They want power.

They already have the power. Control/subjugation is harder. It takes manipulation and requires subjects to comply and not rise up.

The conservatives have already acquiesced to their "dear leader." It's the pesky liberals and progressives who have enough intelligence to know that what is happening is wrong. Get rid of that element and you have ultimate control.

Also doesn't that open up to vouchers for Christian schools, which of course is a big bonus. I'm not from the States so fuzzy on how that side works exactly.

Edit,I do mean a bonus for the fanatical right that wants a Christian state, not a bonus for freedom.