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Joined 1 years ago

I think people who dislike the headphone jack must be young and not have (good) wired headphones.
Older people (older than teenagers and young adults I mean) often have a few pairs of good headphones they got over the years, and it's a massive waste to just throw them away and buy wireless because that's what the trends demand. And in most cases wireless won't sound as good, because the budget needs to go to bluetooth chips, and dacs, and batteries and all that crap, instead of just focusing on audio.

According to Wikipedia, 'The original 1⁄4 inch (6.35 mm) version descends from as early as 1877', and it's been an industry standard since then.
You can use it not just for headphones but as a line out, to connect all kinds of audio devices between them. You can hook up your phone to a car audio system, an old radio (if it has input, I think most do), a guitar pedal or an amplifier, a reverb or an effects unit, etc., just with the "magic" of wires.

18 more...

If you're considering buying one you might want to take into account that they removed the headphone jack so they can sell their own wireless buds and headphones.

80 more...

Garry pulled Linux support from Rust so imho he can get fucked too :)

Edit: to clarify I mean after I and other people purchased it with Linux support.
So now he knows what it feels like when you purchase something and the seller changes terms on ya. Nice!

6 more...

This is the kind of post we need around here :)

I suggest you do poop, your plan atm sounds cartoonishly stupid and likely to blow up in your face.

Do keep us posted though!

11 more...

Oh no, not the golf courses!

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Regarding the Android bit, it's so cancerous because everything is locked down and users have no control over the OS. They don't have admin rights on their own device. Nothing to do with Linux, that's jus the kernel. Android + GNU utils & root access would be completely different.
People shit on the GNU/Linux meme, but Android actually proves that just the Linux kernel can be put in an OS that's just as hostile to the user as anything proprietary.

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We all know companies are pushing for a return to offices but I expected more pushback from employees.
Luckily I have it in my contract that I am a remote worker and the company doesn't even have an office in my city, so I'm safe, but still I'd like to see wfh become the new normal.

Legislation to stop gambling for children when?

12 more...

I wanted to get a Fairphone 4 until I saw I saw it didn't have a headphone jack. Made me think all their "sustainable" mottos are just marketing.

Purism with their Librem phones took people's money and didn't send them the product so I didn't want to chance it or support a company that does that.

So in the end I got a Pixel 7 instead and put Graphene OS on it. Not particularly happy but didn't seem like there was a better choice.

Recently found out from a Louis Rossman video that the lead dev of Graphene has some mental health issues that don't make him a very trustworthy individual. Supposedly he stepped down but he's probably still contributing code.

Tl;dr: phones = bad

25 more...

I saw the news that Microsoft is eying to buy them. That'd be a tragedy and we'd say goodbye to such contributions.

10 more...

Yeah bat infested cave is offensive to bats. They did nothing wrong, that's their home. More like dog infested cave

The fact that they don't include a headphone jack that's been an audio standard for decades makes their claims of sustainability seem like marketing bs. And the argument that it's to make the phones thinner is bs too, since most phones now are bricks compared to previous generations. It was all a ruse to sell crappy bluetooth headphones with recharcghable batteries that are going to wind up in a landfill.

13 more...

I'm worried that Gaben isn't immortal and he'll eventually die/retire/sell etc, and the people in his footsteps won't share his vision. Throughout history this has been an often repeated story.

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I think that's a feature. I find "gaming" laptops with all the red stripes, rgb, stupid angles everywhere, etc. to look very cringe.
If anything it incentivizes people to buy a separate "work" laptop (for those who might need to buy one themselves) because you can't show up with that thing at a professional meeting or something like that because it looks ridiculous, juvenile, and in bad taste.

Can't believe it. And so "sudden" - though not really, they did give months of warning in advance, but I still wasn't expecting it. My account is from October 2008 :)

It's not a perfect tracker. Even this week I was mildly frustrated with a torrent that wasn't seeded much, but it was good enough for me not to bother with many accounts anywhere else.

Don't know where to go on next. Please leave suggestions if you know anybody taking in refugees :)

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I get your frustration but I think that's just the price you pay for doing "IT" things (meaning here more in-depth stuff than just using a browser)in the current IT landscape. I think there isn't an easy fix, not even money.

The snap rant - I'd say that's Ubuntu's fault for pushing for it. I'm not a fan and I'd advise against using snaps, but if you decide to use them and then complain that you don't like how it works ...who's fault is that? (other than arguably Ubuntu's, who have paid developers to work on that crap btw).

Virtualbox - same as above. That's not Linux doing stupid things, that's Vmware (now owned by Oracle, damn) and if you decide to use it you can blame the folks who develop it for not doing a more user-friendly job, or you can chose to work around the issues you encounter, or you can use something else. Personally I used libvirt + virt-manager in the past and while virt-manager doesn't look nice and modern it worked well for me.

For the sleep/wake up issues it might be firmware, it might be your desktop environment, it might be some software you're using, it might be several things. I'd start looking into the output of sudo systemd-inhibit --list to see what's keeping your system from sleeping if you still have issues.

If you ever decide to try Arch I'd recommend doing so for a bit and see how it feels. Their wiki is the best I've seen and really helpful with a lot of topics from gaming to setting up a web server and many others.

I personally use Firefox not Chrome, Arch not Ubuntu, native packages not snap, libvirt not virtualbox, KDE Plasma not Gnome. I try to use more "libre" stuff. Ofc you're free to use whatever you want, that's the beauty of it, but if something doesn't work the way you want, you can try something else.

And because your use cases are more complex (like webserial, virtual machines, etc) I think you'd encounter issues in other operating systems too?! I think people underestimate how hard it is to do stuff in Windows for example, because they never try doing more complex stuff in it - getting an obscure error that could mean anything. Googling for answers to only find stupid crap like "I rebooted and it works" - which ofc it never does.

tl;dr: There is no Linux "product" there are a bunch of 'em glued together. Try different tools maybe they work more to your liking.

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I would have done the same.

Nice! Hope they fix the bug where opening a new tab with the MMB freezes the whole browser!

Good read. I also liked his recent interview with Adam Conover, came at just the right time with this wave of everything getting shitty.

I'm also in the "let them burn" camp, hoping that's gonna bring more people to open source platforms like lemmy/mastodon/etc.

I preffer Matrix because it's FOSS and no paid BS like Nitro. I expect (and sorta hope for) Discord to go through waves of enshittification and push users away.

5 more...

I wonder if they couldn't focus on other domestic industries instead? More lucrative ones. DW say 59,000 tons of clothes end up being thrown in the desert so it doesn't seem like there's a need to create even more clothes.

2 more...

It's not all "purists" and "tribalism", Manjaro actually has issues. Besides the well known certificate issues and older packages, I have the following anecdote which made me really dislike it.

A friend has Manjaro and one day his nvidia drivers stopped working after an update. I helped troubleshoot over the phone, while looking over the wiki. For nvidia drivers they have their own wrapper around pacman.

Turns out there's a different nvidia driver for each kernel version. Already a stupid design. So unlike arch where there's 1 kernel package (the latest the distro offers) and 1 matching nvidia driver, Manjaro has dozens...

The wiki never mentions how to install or update the drivers manually with pacman or anything like that. It pushes their own tool, a stupid wrapper around pacman, which is supposed to manage this for you.

In my friend's case, the tool failed. It was trying to run pacman but there was a conflict issue. But the tool didn't show the pacman output, so we couldn't figure out what the tool is trying to do, and why it doesn't work. We tried removing the tool and re-installing, and all kinds of messing around with it. It failed to install the drivers, it failed to remove the drivers, it kept failing whatever we tried.

Eventually we figured out the naming convention they used for the packages (again not mentioned in the wiki), and manage to install the correct kernel - driver pair manually, using pacman.

Tl;dr: poor design, bad documentation, and they push their own crappy tools which hinder instead of helping

5 more...

You said if we guess you'd confirm so here's my attempt.

Are you participating in like one of those TV competitions? Will you be filmed if you poop and that's why you'd rather not?

Quite important detail. Ty for the info

I'd rather use SMS than Whatsapp. I also use Signal and am open to use any open source alternative but most people don't and aren't so the thing we have in common is SMS.

Would be great if it would actually be usable.

From what I've read from people owning it it's unfit for any purpose at the moment and very few people actually use it as their main phone.

Pine64's model of "we build the hardware, the community builds the software" doesn't seem to be working very well unfortunately.

As someone who's only owned Androids, it's just a different walled garden. It's a duopoly instead of a monopoly.

You can't really own your phone whatever you do. Even if you root it all your important apps like banking ones will stop working so there really isn't a choice.

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Took BBC a long while to aknowledge this.

I think that's a bad argument. If you go out of your way to install and configure all of these, then yes, they exist and you can do that - but that doesn't automatically mean they're bad.

But in most operating systems they're not installed, not configured, and you'll never have to deal with any of that.

I actually use systemd-boot because it's very easy to install and configure and systemd-resolved, but for a lot of those I haven't even heard about.

And furthermore even if more of them (I think it's highly unlikely that any OS would use all of those services by default) were preinstalled, they'd only be an issue if they'd cause trouble. If your system is running systemd-whatever and it works well then what's the issue? The name itself?

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I'd love normalization. Hope it works for movies where explosions are 10x louder than the dialogue.

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I especially look forward to replacing Ansible :)
Tried to do so with Guix though and I have to say I found it quite difficult, but I hope it catches on and becomes easier to use.

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For those wondering wtf is this supposed to mean, it's a reference to a game called Disco Elysium :)

All of the sudden? Have to say I wasn't expecting this but I'm glad it's happening.
It'll matter more what they do about it rather than what they say. Will they forbid the use of these chemicals in common products like waterproof clothing for example?
Regarding any corporation being made to pay - lol, I strongly believe that will never ever happen.
But I hope this will also motivate the EU to take action.

What do you mean? Ofc you'd expect the hardware you buy to actually work, like in all other devices.

He's talking about democracy but there was no democratic vote in place regarding the API costs they're going to implement. So he's only about democracy when he thinks it suits him.

I think it's monthly, otherwise it's just a regular ticket, no?

I think the language is harder but more powerful than Nix's.
Imo a better manual and examples would help a lot.
I'd say one of the biggest issues is the one with proprietary drivers - you can't really find examples and guides on how to get drivers working because it's kept hush-hush, and to install them yourself requires knowledge on how to set things up, knowledge which beginner users don't have ofc.
I'm a big fan of Guix and Guile but atm I couldn't switch over due to this.

Truly inspiring. This is what real leadership looks like!

So Israel is a hell hole?

I hope Valve will make the Index VR work again after breaking it with the 2.x updates in October :')