6 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

No one here is talking about how the woman in the picture looks the same in both photos? Am I missing something?

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"Libertarian party endorses man who fought to install authoritarian dictatorship."

Whatever happened to the whole "Don't tread on me" slogan? Oh right. I forgot it was all bullshit.

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Zebraforce would be a kickass band name.

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That is literally a swastika.

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"Safer Kentucky Act"

Orwellian is not a strong enough word. This shit is beyond parody.

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Transphobe who talks like a JRPG villain. Here's a rationalwiki article about her.

Wrongly, because the Bible not only doesn't condemn it but actually gives instructions on how to perform one. (Numbers 5:11-31)

Also, souls haven't been proven to exist, so it's kind of moot.

Imagine using predictive text as a source.

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Honestly, why do you need graphics to create that level of detail? In regular gameplay, you aren't getting closeups of your characters face. It's just a waste of energy on the part of the animators.

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Only now? She's already said that the only thing Hitler did wrong was expand outside Germany. They not only kept her after that but defended her, accusing critics of taking her words out of context. (The context does not actually help her in the slightest) Why is her doing the exact same thing she always does suddenly a problem?

I miss r/comedynecrophilia.

Team Magma is at it again.

Thus proving her point.

"I'd rather be a pig than a fascist"

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We don't believe that the government will let us have good Healthcare without revolution at this point. One side violently opposes it and the other dangles it like a carrot on a stick for votes, with no intention of actually providing it because if they actually improved things somewhat they'd lose a precious bargaining chip. This song and dance has been going on for as long as I've been alive. We're losing hope here.

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These are peoples lives we're talking about.

Medical devices aren't supposed to kill their users, which is what happened in the animal testing phase. It didn't even have a single successful case of doing what it's supposed to.

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He was 100% in a minor.

They should change nothing and say that they got rid of it. It's not like these people are smart enough to tell the difference.

I spent lots of hours interacting with it, and I understand its limitations and strengths.

Considering you think it's a substitute for a scholarly source, I doubt that. Once again, this is a machine designed to repeat things it heard. It's a mechanical parrot. ChatGPT4 did not earn a degree. It did not study. It does not fact check. It does not give a solitary fuck about the scientific method. If you cannot see why this would be a problem for its credibility, then I can't help you.

The rest of it

You just tried to use a glorified markov chain in an argument. Suffice to say I do not believe that you are the best judge of factual accuracy in regards to said tally.

Gen 3 came out in 2003. That was 20 years ago. If you don't at least recognize Groudon (one of gen 3's box art legendary Pokémon, specifically the red one on the left) then that's on you.

You answered your own question. Websites are technology and therefore news regarding them is tech news. If you don't want to see it then just use the content filters.

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Something being normalized doesn't automatically make it morally okay.

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Every word in that headline is objectively true. What on earth are you talking about?

I seem to recall digital trading card games existing long before NFTs were ever thought up, so not even that works. In fact, every "use" for NFTs I've ever seen suggested has been something we already had that is actually easier without involving the things.

He also ignored the AIDS epidemic on purpose, leaving thousands to die simply because he didn't like gay people.

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In the short term, yes. What this leaves out is that two years of HRT is enough to negate those physical benefits. Hormones are powerful shit.

Also, no it fucking isn't a reasonable method. It has neither the credentials to know what it's talking about, nor any obligation to verify that what it says is true. Imagine reading 10,000 shitty sci-fi novels and 1 textbook and thinking you can piece together advanced physics. It literally cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction, nor does it care. It's a machine. Garbage in, garbage out.

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Stonetoss is a Nazi. Please don't give him exposure.

He's sterile. He works with science all day.

This is the same website that initially outed them. Unless you can provide a less shady source, I'm not inclined to believe them.

I mean yeah, it's kinda sexist, but his heart is in the right place ya know?

For real though, why do bigots even like X-Men? It's not even remotely subtle.

Last time I mentioned Musk in a casual conversation, this one guy kept going on and on about how he thinks he's a genius and how Twitter will be so much better now and how he'll bring us all into space and how people only don't like him because he's conservative. He would have kept talking forever if we didn't change the subject.

My point is that lots of people don't know how shitty he is. Some people live in an echo chamber where they don't ever hear about that stuff because certain people want to sell a narrative where the rich man is competent and the poor people are just jealous. Others just aren't very attentive.

Not everyone is you. It's good that you know he's shit, but you shouldn't assume that everyone knows everything you do. It's important that we dispel the myth that the rich and powerful got that way by being smarter than us. If it takes a hundred articles to do that, then it will all be worth it.

I've heard many absurdly over optimistic predictions of AI's potential, but I have to admit that "ends World hunger and solves resource depletion" is a new one. Seriously do you even know what "post scarcity" means?

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I wasn't aware that I was making a profound vegan statement when I posted this. I just thought that the panel was funny.

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John Carpenter's They Live.

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If I stabbed you and then patched it up later, you would still be mad at me for stabbing you.

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The whole generative AI thing bums me out as someone who dabbles in writing, but for more philosophical reasons than the ones you listed. Storytelling is supposed to be something humans do to connect with one another. Art and culture are windows into our psyches. This, to me, is why art makes life worth living. It's why we go through the hassle of maintaining our dreary and tedious obligations, because when all that is done and over with we can sit captivated and spellbound by a good tale from a talented writer.

This? This makes little sense to me. You're telling me they made a computer program that uses pattern recognition to write and draw for us? Okay, why? This goes against what I always assumed art was for. There's more to storytelling than just pattern recognition. There's themes, emotions, metaphor, allegory, messages, politics, and so much more. A computer program doesn't understand any of that, it just follows it's programming.

Tech bros insist that AI is not going to take our jobs, but as long as we live under capitalism I don't buy it. A lot of the people who work in publishing or producing are just doing it for the money. They don't give a shit about whether the stories are good, only that they are profitable. If you don't think that they are going to jump at the chance to create product without paying anyone for it, then I have a bridge to sell you. Creators need to eat too. The phrase "starving artist" exists for a reason.

We were supposed to create robots that would handle manual labor so that we could all be free to pursue our passions. Now they have robots creating art while we continue to do manual labor. It's not the future I wanted to live in.

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It's a recruitment tactic. For obvious reasons, it's pretty hard to convince people that the group most famous for committing genocide were the good guys. In order to get fresh blood for their little terrorist cells, they have to pretend that the Nazis had clean hands and were the victims of a grand conspiracy because that's the only way to make themselves look decent. That's also why they insist that even though the holocaust "didn't happen", that it " should have ". Because in their own narrative, the Jewish people are an organized force behind all of the worlds problems, and from that perspective they've gotten away with countless crimes that the holocaust could have prevented. You can imagine that the conspiracy theorists who get suckered in by this lie eventually become the people who sell it. It's a cycle that is intentionally set up to radicalize those who distrust authority.