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Joined 12 months ago

Best part it when you think you know where people are going, tune out and then realize you were wrong.

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From an outside perspective I have been waiting for years for the USA to go "haha gotcha! We pranked the whole world!".

Please hurry.

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They also got rid of my premium lite subscription... I was paying them and now I have to get back to adblock.

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From a European perspective it's crazy to read this. It feels like reading about an evil government rising to power in some young adult novel.

Texas is soon equivalent to Saudi Arabia. I don't want to go there for any reason.

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He just wants a little bit of war. Nothing crazy.

Losing users is fine as long as a steady core remains. The summer growth was explosive, so some shrinking is expected.

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It is a good general threat for when you're not sure what you're up to yet.

Their viewers want to be outraged, not informed. That sums up basically most issues with Fox news.

We have been a right wing country for ages. Conservarive governments since 2010 but this is a low.

I will keep voting left but until the rest of the populations changes don't count on the Netherlands for anything internationally.

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That's the tinder profile "I am brutally honest". Honesty does not mean you can't word things nicely or not say something.

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But what about the money! Why won't anyone think of the money!

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Netherlands: you get asked what kind, or hot water with a box teabags to pick from.

Iced tea is a seperate thing entirely.

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They got rid of premium lite :( I just want no ads, I don't care about youtube music or any other features.

How is Peppa Pig 2+ meters. Those are some freaky mutant pigs.

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I'm 33 so I hope that if this ever works for humans I am still in a suitable age range for it.

Beans stroganoff

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Now the battle between "tab" and "space space space" people can really begin.

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I just call it Twitter.

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Sounds like he got a good lawyer instead of one funded to protect only Trump and nobody else.

Defeat my deck to play with my dick.

I am continually amazed by the USA. How does he get so much support? Why are all your candidates walking corpses? How did it get to this point?

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The text is facing the duck, so he would see our faces. That means this still isn't POV because the duck should see itself.

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If Apple supported a different search engine then Google might finally improve theirs.

A lot of people just want the endless scroll. No need to comment or post, just consume the posts. They would go back to Reddit for now because Lemmy is not a decade old content machine.

Good work by everyone involved!

Pretty sure they couldn't do worse than Bolsonaro.

Same, but only because I am not in the USA. I hope they don elect Trump because that will fuck everything up even more. The world had 4 years of a Trump USA and it was magnitudes worse than Biden's USA.

She thinks she understands string theory.

Thanks naked wombat.

Probably runs in your family then.

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The Muppets Christmas Carol Scrooge outfit.

Sound like you two need to get on the sources and start a Lemmy community.

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But mod tools have not improved. Anyone could technically still join and troll them which was one of their concerns.

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I try to comment when I can. Even if it's not insightful. A small compliment keeps a community going.

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Is it still going on? I don't visit new Reddit when I go there.

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The politician's equivalent of "I don't know why but the code works".

How does Rihanna's Work or Fifth Harmony's Work from home fit in?

In the Netherlands it wouldn't even work as yhere are usually cycle paths or pedestrian crossings that have a green light. Right turns have their own light whenever possible to make sure they are on their own cycle.

When you add cycle paths turnijg right on red needs to be gone. If the cars can't turn it is usually time for cyclists to cross.

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It doesn't have to be active like reddit right? Or even like Lemmy was around the blackouts? A community can remain active even without federating with People can still sign up for Beehaw and see their posts from other instances (like or the canadian one).

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