5 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit refuge, escentric engineer and serial hobbyist.

You haven't worked with a lot of Chinese engineers, have you?

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I didn't down vote you. I'm not saying all Chinese engineers are bad, I'm just saying a lot are bad or don't care enough about details just execution as fast and with as little effort as possible.

There is nothing wrong with LED lights. There is just a big problem with cheap, poorly designed LEDs. You can use proper optics and control the light exceptionally well and put it exactly where its needed with very little spill over or reflections up. You can also chose whatever color and color rendering index (CRI) you like but all of this costs more money and municipal bean counters are drunk on the lowest bidder. So we get glare bomb blue light shows. I used to design this stuff so feel free to ask questions.

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Exactly by design. It's a lot cheaper to make people quit than to lay them off and pay a severance package.

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If you can solder and heat shrink then search for "usb c trigger board" on ebay and get some for like $5. They will request either 5v, 9v, 12v, 15v or 20v. I've found for most older battery powered barrel jack devices a voltage that is an little under spec works just fine. Ive convertered everything in my house and now own a nice USB PD battery bank, life is good.

Depends on your luck. I've had to repair my Samsung dishwasher 3 times in 5 years and yet my parents bought the cheapest possible model 15 years ago and it operates lawlessly and does a better job at cleaning.

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Enocean has been making battery free wireless light switches for almost 15 years. I've personally used them for about 8 years and love them. They're a lot more expensive then the $1 quote in the article but still cheaper than an electrician. They work with a strike to a piezoelectric element to make energy and transmit the signal.

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Everyone is very focused on recent history. What about the huge amounts of aging immigrants in the USA that migrated here for a better life in the 50s-70s from poor countries and no education? They just worked their ass off and reading wasn't a priority. My father was a poor shepard, no education and illiterate but he hustled and retired early and put me through college to be an engineer. It seems improbable but it is possible for someone to be illiterate and wildly successful and contribute a lot to society and culture.

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I have a folder that all my docker services are in. Inside the folder is a folder for each discrete service and within that folder is a unique compose file necessary to run the service. Also in the folder is all the storage folders for that service so it's completely portable, move the folder to any server and run it and you're golden. I shut down all the services with a script then I can just tar the whole docker folder and every service and its data is backed up and portable.

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My company had a badge in/badge out procedure, badge out was new after covid. No one actually badged out. They have since installed security guards at all exits and they will chase you out the door if you forget to badge out.

As someone who has destroyed a lot of wheel barrows, what brand is that? It looks rugged AF. I'm really liking the quality and size of the strut that bolts the nose of the bin to the frame. I WANT

I work on consumer electronic ear buds. Frigging ear buds, and we support this...

I worked for Sylvania about 15-20 years ago as they were swirling the drain and trying to adapt to LED lighting. Lots of cool old equipment and facilities but it felt like whoever was steering the ship (Osram) was asleep at the wheel. The way the company handled the next 15 years proved that was true.

I've been through too many exodus, this post hits hard and true. Been using the net since 95 and have been a community refuge too many times. I'm really hoping federation takes off because I'm tired of rebuilding. Not sure I'll try again if this doesn't pan out.

As someone who designs global battery powered products in the USA and is well versed in the regulatory hurdles, enforcing these rules is long overdue. The fact that people willingly buy and bring these illegitimate products into their home and wear them on their body is mind blowing to me. You can design a safe lithium products but doing it requires full knowledge of the chemistry, electrical design, safety certification process and some wisdom. Chinese vendors on Amazon have very little of this.

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Deleted the certs from the sshd daemon which locked me out of a remote server that required and a 2 hour drive to fix.

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I as not expecting to read about socket A tonight but I still have a special place in my heart for my old athlon. I still have the CPU somewhere in my basement, I had that sucker over clocked for years and it played a lot of WoW on it.

Every link should open a separate pop up window. Add an under construction gif of a dude digging.

So I work for Bose. ANR ear buds are notably better than ANR headphones because they totally block your ear and adjust the ANR based on a microphone literally inside your ear. It records what is heard in your ear and cancels it, our latest buds are uncomfortably good at this. I find the absolute quiet a bit unsettling.

But to your question, you just want quiet while you sleep? What about good old foam ear plugs? They work fairly well when put in far enough.

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We are almost to the point where its the same cost for SSD. You can get an 8tb drive for $370 now and it won't always be spinning and wasting 4-7W forever. For me, with high electricity costs, it was a no brainer to get a few of these and they will pay the difference within a year or two. I got them on sale for $320 each.

This hits hard even as an engineer working in product development.

It's getting worst though. A lot worst. They keep adding more and more layers to make it so difficult and convoluted you give up. Last year my insurance started using an external pharmacy for my meds. Fine. But my meds to need to be administered by a nurse in a hospital. So I need to get prior authorization from my doctor to my insurance who then approves the pharmacy to do the meds. But there are 30% copays now so I use a third party company that works with the company that makes the meds to comp the 30%. Then I need to get the hospital to call the pharmacy to order meds on my behalf and send it to the hospital, not me. Then I can finally schedule my appointment to actually get the shot in the hospital. I do this circus once a year, every year because they change one layer every year and so I have to figure out the new rules. It's pure madness.

I've been running the Joplin server for over a year with clients on four laptops and three phones and share notes with my wife and its wonderful. There are certainly quirks and sometimes sync issues but by and large I'm really happy with it. There seems to be one cluster of notes I have that always irritates a fresh client sync and it shows up at 50 conflicts but I work through it. Also my notebooks are huge and the first sync can take an hour. It's a lot slower than I'd expect.

No outdoor advertisements/billboards, very few national chains, very protective of local business, everyone is very connected with the land and their community. Vermont is awsome.

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Most air intake for the heat and air comes into the cabin from the vents below the windshield.

Do you know what it's idle power usage is? I'm guessing below 10W?

Thanks for the reminder. Just signed up for monthly donations.

There is no one single solution to complex problems, it requires optimism and taking the first step.

Cool, let's see what states in the US are paying their fair share into the federal government, if you take more than you contribute then you loose your electoral votes.

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I'm sorry but wireguard is not easy for beginners and the quick QR code generator in the command line was fantastic and light years ahead of fumbling around with getting config files securely to a mobile device.

You haven't even heard them and are making grand assumptions. The bass is great at low to medium listening levels but rolls off as you increase the volume due to physical limitations.

Sound dampening. Common feature on high trim cars or electric vehicles.

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Ditto, though I'm getting more and more resentful by the day at the lack of multi user support. I'm not going to donate to them again.

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I have an Exos x16 and x18 drive and they both spin down fine in Debian using hdparm. I use them for cold storage and they're perfectly adequate.

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I am far from a photo prism expert but I can safely say the indexing algorithm is weird and takes multiple runs to finish. Logically I would expect to run it once and it would do everything in one scan but I've found it takes sometimes 3 to 5 full scans to update and properly catch up to major changes. It's almost like it acknowledges big changes and documents it but waits for multiple passes before committing it. Also it does a really good job when scanning to look or duplicate images and stacking/repointing to the valid file. I would advise running the indexing another 2 or 3 times if you are confident the 31k files are actually on storage and just not showing up on the database.

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How about a different angle; enjoy the veggies as they are and forget the emulated meat puck. This isn't a dig at you, just a general statement of how I always found it weird there are so many vegetarian and vegan food tring to emulate a meat stick or patty. Veggies are wonderful all by themselves why not enjoy them for what they are instead of competing with something it's not. My 2 cents.

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Been using for well over 10 years and use dynamic dns to have various subdomains pointing to different IP addresses/hosts I have in physically different places. It just works and I login maybe once every 3-4 years.

It's great if you don't abuse it, it's not intended for anything big. Little bits of stuff in the bottom of your sink? Rinse and turn the motor on.

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In case anyone cares here is my script, I use this for backups or shutting down the server.


logger "Stopping Docker compose services"

services=(/home/user/docker/*)    # This creates an array of the full paths to all subdirs
#the last entry in this array is always blank line, hence the minus 1 in the for loop count below

for ((i=0; i<=(${#services[@]}-1); i++))
    docker compose -f ${services[i]}/docker-compose.yml down &

#wait for all the background commands to finish