2 Post – 629 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Lemmy has so few comments that people actually read my comments occasionally, which is wild.

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It always confuses me to learn that when people want to ban smoking it somehow means ban "cigarettes" and not "nicotine"

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It's about taking money from people who like spaceships.

Seriously, that comment got, like, an updoot every two minutes so far. Crazy.

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We were confused about how much backlash there would be. We didn't think it would hurt our bottom line this much. Sorry for the confusion.

Can mostly handle. Snow blindness is a thing, and that's all diffuse reflection too, not specular. But it's unlikely a roof would be such a problem.

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Slightly more correct to say alleles are the "answers"

A gene is a spot where the DNA usually codes for something, where an allele is the particular version of a gene carried by an individual.

Listen, mate, threatening to kill people is a pretty shit way to interact with anyone. If you don't want to date someone with a penis, maybe say so up front. No one is trying to trick you, and no one is trying to lie to you. They're just trying to live life, same as anyone.

I have heard someone say in all seriousness that it's still murder to abort an ectopic pregnancy (which would just kill the mom and 'child' if allowed to continue)...

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She is a terrible bigot, and a loud one, and that sucks because she also produced a cultural phenomenon of my childhood, and while the canon of HP is only just barely pretty okay sometimes, it spiralled out from there and SO MUCH of the media and culture I've consumed and existed within since then has been informed by it.

So yeah. If there's any comfort, let it be that any money she gets from this comes from explicitly affirming a trans woman through the work, as well as implicitly affirming any trans players through the character creation options. Small comfort maybe, but she is far away.

The trick to make this stop is to be an expensive text-to-speech engine.

69 inchemeters.

I mean, yes you can? You can inform authors that papers that include the image will not be published. How is that not a ban?

I take food from the baker and carry it to people's homes directly in exchange for custom. We call it "being a delivery girl". The amazing part is what the baker makes, it's called "pizza"

Because fluent speakers of a language know the rules even if they don't understand them. Why can you have a big green dog but not a green big dog? Because that's the way the language works.

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Apparently she defended trans people in a conversation, someone complained, and moderators got involved and manually overrode the ai. Paraphrased hearsay.

To be fair:

The word pony derives from the old French poulenet, meaning foal, a young, immature horse.

Quoth wikipedia.

They will laugh and think it's funny because they don't get why it bothers people. They'll insist that the only reason what you're doing is wrong would be if you were "reinforcing a lie" or some other bull shit.

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As a religious trans person, it's deeply insulting how many anti-trans religious authorities say things like "don't let the world tell you who you are, trust in the voice of God in your own heart" or something, and then go all surprised Pikachu when I'm still trans afterwards.

...AI generated jeans spammers? What did I miss?

These days the only time I use reddit is when I'm searching for some obscure question and that's the only place with an obvious answer. Otherwise, Lemmy is doing everything I needed reddit to do.

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And yet here you are.

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This is the proper response to the various flavors of nihilism. The world is a simulation, or the universe is cold and uncaring and there is no god, or what if you're just a brain floating in space having a hallucination?

So what?

If the world doesn't exist, but every test you can perform is consistent with the world existing anyways, then so what? Where do you go from there? You'll still experience consequences for whatever you do, everyone else will still experience consequences for what you do (as far as you can tell), so... what has the nihilism or the simulation theory changed?

Doesn't matter what color we paint the backdrop if nothing about the play or the props or the players have changed.

Can I just read Pratchett without fucking anyone? I'm ace and it's just really smelly and uncomfortable.

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Okay I did some math. If the gun shot a single photon with all the energy of a .50BMG from an M2 heavy machine gun, it would have about 1.2e-4 Ns of momentum. For reference, the bullet it's compared to would have 38.3 Ns. So the photon has about 32000 times less momentum than a bullet. Do with that what you will.

The blahaj is ours now, we dibs'd it. Get your own shark. (You can play with ours too but you have to be nice.)

How about a UBI? Do social policies count as technologies? They do in 4X games, so I'm going with it.

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Trans surgical procedures have some of the best outcomes of any major procedures. they are performed on consenting individuals who are always well informed and at or very near adulthood, and only after many other interventions have been ongoing. People who receive these interventions show incredibly low rates of regret (compare for example the percent of people who regret knee replacements or probably circumcisions), and enjoy increased happiness and satisfaction by almost any metric.

Basically every major medical organization in the world (and certainly in America) agrees these interventions are medically useful and should be performed. While there are doctors who dissent, they are in the vast minority and almost never actually work with any trans people, but rather insist all the doctors who do work with trans people must be wrong. It's not a controversy in the medical world, just the political one.

which going in reverse is 100+MPG.

Holy cow, why don't people drive in reverse all the time?


Ooh, an interrobang.

Welcome to language my friend. Always has, always will.

Exactly. Can't even really experience it by googling. Had to be there.

If nothing else, mandate the opening of the standards must coincide with the end of support. I realize it would mean a service blackout while another company tries to pick them up, but it would be a lot better than nothing and it doesn't hit the bottom line if a company operating now quite so much which would make it more palatable.

except that we already have a word for "female person", and that's "woman". And to go out of your way to avoid saying "woman" makes you sound like some kind of incel weirdo

Sounds more like a terf or "gender critical" person, but maybe that's just my experience.

I mean the odds aren't very different for the kid after the procedure. Why can't God save them after? Not even /s, why don't they ever have an answer for that? If we're relying on a miracle anyway, why would an infinitely powerful god need such constrained circumstances to make it work?

I just read, lurk, and occasionally reply to comments.

So would, like earth, or even the Milky Way. All motion is relative. Gotta define what "the same place you teleported in from" means...

I mean I do.

Well obviously it doesn't mean that in Riga. You have to go farther inland to hear it.

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Not tipping doesn't fix this problem, it just makes someone get payed less. If you want to fix the issue, regulate it out of existence. You aren't changing the culture, you're just being a bit of a dick.

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