
1 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Operating Revenue: 33,723,297,000

Cost of Revenue: 19,715,368,000

Gross Profit: 14,007,929,000

Operating Expense: 7,053,926,000

Operating Income: 6,954,003,000

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“Mark Zuckerberg made more than $28 billion this morning after Meta stock makes record surge” https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/02/business/meta-stock-surge-mark-zuckerberg/index.html

seems fair.

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Friends don't let friends support fascists.

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“It was obviously really tough, we parted with a lot of talented people we cared about" - Mark Zuckerberg

"Mark Zuckerberg made more than $28 billion this morning after Meta stock makes record surge" https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/02/business/meta-stock-surge-mark-zuckerberg/index.html

“No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

Meet the (Many) Small Business Owners Stiffed by Donald Trump - inc.com

Quick! Somebody order more pizza and ping pong tables...

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The guy who runs Reddit is an utter douchebag.

At this point, I’m just so sick of every little thing being a huge struggle

Suffering is inevitable. This is the first noble truth in Buddhism. Troubleshooting Linux is Tao.

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I thought Lindy Chamberlain was "Australia's most hated woman"..... wait...huh?

'The police were feeding information to the press': The Australian mother wrongly convicted of murder


oh… maybe it was Julia Gillard then… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misogyny_Speech

now this one's pardoned, who will the Murdochs be nominating for the "Australia's most hated woman" title?

ahem - nobody I know will use X.

"Mokhiber, who was stepping down having reached retirement age..."

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Hardly ever use Windows myself, but I'm pretty sure you can just download it from Microsoft and refuse all the nags to register it when you are installing it.

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thanks - to save other cheapskates' time - these are supported on Linux: Handshakes, OpenTTD, Cave Crawler

I was going to ask how this fucking idiot became CEO of a major company. I was surprised to learn that he joined as an intern in 1989 - based on his stupidity I incorrectly assumed it was nepotism again.

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so you order on a touch screen that has been used by every nosepickin' customer before you and then chow down on food you eat with your hands? Sounds delicious.

Agile is LinkedIn religious bollocks. Might as well just pray. Bunch of corporate nonsense.

BUt YoUrE NoT DoINg it RIghT!!1!

Should be reciting the creed in Latin, presumably.

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What’s next?

A gigantic Lemmy instance?

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Hookers and blackjack coming soon.

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Plus, their shit doesn't stink.

The fact that these stories are running in all the Murdoch papers is the tell.

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Kid at school named Miles Long.

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If you were taught on a typewriter, you double space for life. It's impossible to stop once ingrained.

Same shit, different century.

Not OP but likely refers to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement

Dude should have picked up some tips from Badger: https://piped.video/watch?v=I6_yFJuA6gk (Breaking Bad clip - Badger arrest scene)

to be fair, he doesn't understand anything.

Academy award-nominated actress Margot Robbie does actually spend most of her free time modding an android group on Lemmy - but you will never see that mentioned on mainstream social media.

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I'm getting laid.

The MGM attack originated with calling their help desk pretending to be somebody inside. They found enough info on LinkedIn to be convincing enough to get credentials https://www.vox.com/technology/2023/9/15/23875113/mgm-hack-casino-vishing-cybersecurity-ransomware

all aboard! Coming soon to your local employment office.

"Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, and when he had given thanks, he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and they in turn gave to the people. They all ate and were satisfied. Afterward, they were all given invoices and in his majestic mercy he allowed them all an extra 30 days to pay."

Matthew 15:32

idiot corporate managers who insist on the word 'huddle' instead of 'meeting'. Ugh.

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Do you think it's safe to upvote this?

Imagine this happening today...


Sauna boats sound much more innovative than "full self-driving".

sounds like a load of bullshit, tbh.


Well, you're supposed to refer to them as "rituals". "Meetings" are so waterfall. No wonder it isn't working.

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