Mass Grave in Gaza Points to “Execution-Style” Killings by Israeli Forces to World – 545 points –
Mass Grave in Gaza Points to “Execution-Style” Killings by Israeli Forces

More video and eyewitness info on Al Jazeera so far

Also reported on Common Dreams and Middle East Eye.

I haven't found any reports of any independent investigations yet, hopefully they are underway


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I have realized a while ago that there’s no point in arguing or discussing with genocide-deniers, pro-Israel and pro-zionists.

They will write the most delusional things, deny every evidence there’s and come up with the most delusional things to defend the Israeli-Government.

I think they're delusional enough that there's value in giving them the space to lay that delusion out for all to see. They're one of the best arguments against themselves.

It's all the work of Schrodinger's terrorist sniper. He's killed every Palestinian!