Reddit & Gaza situation to No Stupid – -5 points –

Is it me or is Reddit a pit-hole of people that advocate Palestinians being ethnic cleansed and genocide?

Many threads about Arab countries not taking in Palestinians and blaming the Palestinians for protesting and all that.

But majority of Reddit people refuse to acknowledge the history of how Israel was made. You know - Israel literal stealing the land of Palestinians in 1948, driving out 750 000 Palestinian people.

Humiliating, apartheid and the killing of men women and children Palestinians.

They seem to blame Hamas, always. But refuse to acknowledge that Hamas was made in 1987 because of Israel horrifying actions towards the Palestinian people.

It looks as if the entire Reddit community is advocating of just letting Palestinian fade into nothingness. But then all shout shockingly when talking about what Nazi Germany did to Jewish people.

While it is all the same. Ethnic cleansing and genocide.

All three are wrong What Nazi Germany did is wrong. What Israel is doing is wrong. What Hamas is doing is wrong.

Why does Reddit not want to acknowledge it? I don’t get it.

Note: Apologies if political questions and a slight rant isn’t allowed here. If it isn’t, tell me. I will delete its


First, it isn't all of Reddit. I've seen a lot of pro-Palestinian posts on Reddit. However, Reddit is a more mainstream site and support for Palestine in the English speaking is no where near as high as on Lemmy.

Second, I wouldn't be surprised if Reddit is the target of a propaganda campaign by Israel. In contrast, posting Israeli propaganda on Lemmy probably isn't worth it. The audience isn't here to sway public opinion.

I wish I could say I'm surprised to hear reddit has been astroturfed by whoever handles Israel's propaganda. And that reddit has likely and gladly taken whatever monetary incentive to allow it. But I'm not.

Reddit, especially the world news and europe subs have been dealing with far right brigading for as long as I remember, there is regularly comments praising israel, and blaming Muslims itxs a bit morc visible noz but not new

It seems important to have a strong opinion and tell it to everyone on the internet, despite being not involved and not having too much background knowledge.

Doesn't really matter which side you pick, it needs to be one of the extremes. And don't bother with too many differentiated facts or just feeling sorry for the normal people there. So yes, and the opposite.

I, for one, took a single class on the history of the Middle East when I began college for the second time five years ago. feelings, whatever they are, are both informed and justified.

So :P

Yeah. And you don't seem to be blasting you opinion on who's 200% right and wrong out there, too much. And reducing the complex context to the last 3 news articles, and then immediately jumping to simple conclusions. At least judging by the last few posts. I appreciate that.

I think it’s normally whatever the last TikTok they watched said.

I use redreader to lurk there and to follow some AI news from time to time and each time i find myself closing the app after seeing the most vile isreali propaganda you can find. It's cesspool of degenerative thinking. The nazi didn't die, a fair amount of the children of their victims toke the torch and ran with it to palestine. But It doesn't matter , At the end of the day, the crimes of Israel are the last lines of history from a dying planet, and when the searing heat of the MENA region will reach its peak, they can't simply throw US bombs at it to destroy it.

I think you missed though that Jews were driven from Palestine in the eighth and ninth century. If you want to bring history up you need to include that.