
37 Post – 711 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


And more depression.

Couple issues with the upgrade trying to be worked out.

One of my all time favs. Secret of Mana and A Link to the Past are right up there too.

The compression to quality ratio of webp is amazing, especially webm. Some instances have this conversion happen upon upload would be my guess to save a crazy amount of space.

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Clipping a way Jon Stewart and now editing speeches. WTF is going on.

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To play off my instance name.

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Whoever wrote this article must’ve just got on Reddit.

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SMH what is wrong with people.

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Nicotine creates a temporary feeling of well-being and relaxation, and increases heart rate and the amount of oxygen the heart uses. As nicotine enters the body, it causes a surge of endorphins, which are chemicals that help to relieve stress and pain and improve mood.

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Just original content you don’t see anywhere else first.

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Probably. I mean I would block it if I were them lol

The boost believe it or not came from the launch of Boost for Lemmy which was a popular Reddit client.

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Costly? They were pretty pathetic spam attempts that are still ongoing.

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🚀 more posters less lurkers!

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This is more for !memes@lemmy.world not pics lol. Unless you took these photos yourself.

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What the fuck?

When it warms up I tend to spend less time on my devices. This is the case where I live and will be for the next 3-4 months.

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You’re using an instance that has a large chunk of the fediverse blocked and hasn’t even updated to the latest version.

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I see it but your subject is just the post contents until it reached a character limit. So it looks like crap.

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Disconnect and seek therapy.

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Glass half full point of view.

I wouldn’t call this a shower thought, but what do you mean?

Hope it keeps plummeting.

N-word lover for having a lot of black friends. Along with every other description you could think of surrounding that.

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They locked my account and are holding my funds for 6 months.

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Anyone is able to contribute to the code. Are you saying we need background checks before contributions? Also as pointed out in another comment you didn’t prove any connection between the two usernames either.

Finally something that could hold my entire porn collection.

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Yeah, I’m running a Lemmy instance maybe we missed out on the bulk of it but it’s been pretty sad over here as far as being able to call it an attack.

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Did you just crawl out of a cave?

Provider Free allowance 1 TB of egress overage
Cloudflare Free for most services
Heroku 2 TB / mo per app Not publicly listed
OVH Cloud Free and unlimited
Scaleway Free for most services
Hetzner 20-60 TB / mo per instance $1.08
Linode 1-20 TB / mo per instance $5.00
Oracle Cloud 10 TB / mo $8.50
Backblaze 3x the amount of data stored $10.00
Bunny CDN $10.00
DigitalOcean 100 GB - 10 TB / mo per instance $10.00
UpCloud 500 GB - 24 TB / mo per instance $10.77
Vultr 2 TB / mo for most services $10.00
Fly.io 100 GB / mo $20.00
Microsoft Azure 100 GB / mo $78.30
Amazon Web Services 100 GB / mo $92.16
Railway $100.00
Zeabur 10-100 GB, depends on plan $100.00
Google Cloud Depends on service $111.60
Render 100 GB - 1 TB, depends on plan $300.00
Vercel 100 GB - 1 TB, depends on plan $400.00
Netlify 100 GB - 1 TB, depends on plan $550.00

Unfortunately it’s mostly bot posts and people of all the same thought processes with nothing to add to any conversation.

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Are you sure you didn’t have a boomer moment and accidentally spotlight search the taxi app?

What an idiot on multiple accounts.

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I didn’t know Reddit disclosed what you were subscribed to.

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Breath of fresh air comment here on Lemmy.

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