
43 Post – 368 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Get a teacher, it really helps. My teacher has small group class, which IMO are the best bang for your bucks, 2-3 students make the class cheaper than one while letting you time to play. Then as intermediate you can have bob plays the chords and Alice the melody which is great.

With 2 weeks of self practices, don't expect to play anything properly. It's called being a beginner, it's normal. At your level focus on switching open chords with a metronome (slow, like 40 bpm)

Easiest song I know would be come as you are by nirvana, usually the first new guitarists learn. Then here comes your man by pixies may be achievable(ospecially if you can play chords) then anything pop punk (the offspring) is super si le but may be fun r next year

Paraglider pilot here, so I landed among the cow my fair share of times.

Cows are curious but shy, if you walk slowly they might come to have a look, if they get too close, something like clapping your hands is enough to have them running away. However, if the farmer didn't took the veals the yet, they can be pretty agressive to protect their kids, in that case forgot what I said about "clapping your hand" and stay away from the herd. Note also that bull are less shy than cow.

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But being high make them incredibly dangerous for other road users. If a normal car hits you, you break your leg, it sucks, but within a month you'd walk on crutches and within 6 month you'd be fine. A SUV hitting a pedestrian or a cyclist will break their pelvis or even their back which has a harder recovery and long lasting consequences.

These stuff should be banned

Remember that

  • Unless your a professional communicator, talking to media is always dangerous. They can totally change what you say using "editing", and loaded question can quickly trap you. There is a reason why there is so many job in communication and media assistant, you don't want to let people talk unsupervised

  • Honestly, if only a sub reddit keeps a political movement alive, it isn't a political movement

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IMO, where lemmy is right now. Niche communities are counter productive. Especially as there is often 3 times the same niche communities on 3 different instances.

Try to talk about your niche content in a larger community. Talk about Oshi no ko in a generic manga/anime community. Try to talk about Kult RPG in a generic rpg community. Talk about french politics in a general France/Europe community.

Today we have generic community with like 10 posts a day and under them a bunch of niches with a post per week. Uf you move these posts to the general community above you now get 15 posts a day.

Content is what drags users, not yet another niche community.

Lemmy is still on the verge of usability, there is few very engaged user who make a large fraction of the content. Keeping it alive, but if in 6 month they have less time some /c will deperish

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It's a dual edged sword, everybody can look for vulnerability, it may-help some pirates, but it also means that everyone can volunteer to fix-it. To my understanding, professional security auditor concluded that (at least for big free projects) open-source is safer than closed source because more people fix bugs than exploit them

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Who said Facebook is fine ? Threads was illegal in the EU due to privacy concern.

Quick reminder that "Europe" is a mosaic of countries, and that there is a huge difference between let's say, Portugal, Austria and Latvia.

I don't really think there is a country which would be so liberal regarding marriage that you could get married by Elvis or a Machine on short notice amd drunk just to get laid (on the other hand, most European cultures stopped caring about marriage, and donxt need it to get laid or have kids)

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Do not under estimate the copyright mafia. The pirate bay admins spent time in jail (and didn't host anything).

Hosting copyright infringement is taken seriously, including civil damage which would definitely bankrupt a non profit organization. But it could result in jail time if the administrators don't take action.

A small team like LW (or any Lemmy instance) doesn't have a team of lawyers dealing with that shit. Please be kind with your admin and follow the laws, even the ones which suck

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It's crazy that people would rather migrate to a social media managed by a power hungry capitalist than to a "libre" platform

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Most likely : Someone script kiddie tried to attack-it, and some user had a week password. There is tons of bot farm attacking any device connected to the internet all the time, as indiviual, we usually have a firewall/router between our PC and internet (so the whole family gets wifi), and keep all the "remote access services" off. But a telescope is typically the kind of infrastructure where "remote access" is necessary meaning that you're a target for attacker

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From a European perspective (I use car/bicycle/train/longboard), a few pointers rather than a pro-con/list

  • The more people use a bicycle, even casually, The more it put pressures on local politician to do something

  • For short distances (<5km) in town, it's faster than the car

  • Gloves are more important than helmet, on the couple of fall I got, gloves protected my hands, while my head didn't hit. However, if you're in a severe accident a helmet can make the difference so I still recommend one.

  • Beware of your clothe, if you wear black, at night, without lights, you call for problem, and I can see how even good faith motorists can hit you.

  • Paint isn't infrastructure but at least remind the motorists that you have the right to be there. I can see how the mayor call the infrastructure director and ask them for bike lane without any budget, but it sucks

  • Be a bit agressive, and look for eye-contact before passing between car, keep distance from parked car, they can open a door, If you don't think a car can pass you with a safe distance (small urban streets) stay in the middle of the road, and stop to the side when you can to let the car pass you.

  • A backpack, or bike pack helps a lot carrying groceries, not really an excuse

  • The problem isn't that much the winter (unless you live on a really cold place) but the rain, good clothe can help, but still.

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In the late 00's a new version of my little pony has been aired. The producers and authors decided to make it an anime for the whole family rather than an anime for little girls. So basically something that a dad can enjoy as much as their daughter. An unplanned side effect is that there was a whole public of single men in their 20's who really enjoyed that show, add the toxic masculinity around it blaming grown-up men for watching a girl thing, and it created a lot of fuzz/meme about people liking it and people hating-it (or hating the person liking it, because you know right wing hate everyone including themselves) and it's how my little pony became an internet meme (but objectively if you end-up being the parent of a daughter, watch that anime with her, you'll enjoy it together)

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Honestly, if someone pulls a knife you're fucked anyway. I like to say that the best sport for self defence is track running. Less risk of being injured, and no risk of dealing with legal consequences of injuring someone.

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  • Language, you can filter content by language you speak

  • Edit title, If with my broken english and autocorrect, I write down does anybody now about a boardgame for trees ? I can do a ninja edit without deleting the post

  • Interaction with Mastodon (and the rest of the fedi), seriously, imagine being able to answer to a tweet from reddit, with Lemmy you can answer to a toot

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Mass exodus?


Howevir, Lemmy has reached the critical mass of users and is usable. In parallel some active users left reddit, and many sub reddits relies on a handful of active users who post and comment, even one of them leaving here is impacting the life of these subs

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CVs are supposed to be at least 2-3 pages

Where is it the case ? I always heard CV are expected to be kept short, and stay on one page unless you're one of these senior experts with a crazy experience. A young graduate sending a 2-3 page CV sounds at minimum pretentious and would go direct to the garbage.

Now, it seems that "Not being able to find a job" is a great reason to pursue further education.

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Sure, if you deal with customer

It's still a nice way to get someone coordinates, like who is the sales person, or the tech support tech, or the researcher.

If you go to conference/trade fairs people willstill exchange cards.

Relevant XKCD
and I find it actually worrysome that a maintainer has to spend their evening working on lemmy rather than having fun. (And also kinda worrysome that they're forced to go to a prom)

Even worse, watering lawns. Not only in many places there is water restriction during the summer season and people watering their lawn do-it illegally, but the only consequences is that you have to mow-it more often. If you want to have green-grass, go to Britain or Netherlands where it's always raining and stop living around the Mediterranean

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It's pretty standard in Europe too. It's what you see when filling your taxes, but very often people have bonuses, over-time, 13rd month and other things making monthly pay not relevant

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What about the newest fairphone which is being released this fall, not thc best for your bucks, but built a bit more ethically than the others, and a modular design enabling eeasy repair*

I don't have one, but heard good stuff about the 4 and consider getting the 5 as my 5 year old Huawei is aging

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we cure about your privacy, It's very valuable for us, so please, all your data are belong to us

Some of the active ones I follow

!imageai@sh.itjust.works : Ai Generated image and weekly challenge, some people are pretty creative there

!forumlibre@jlai.lu : French "free/casual chat" community, most likely not interesting for most of you, but if you know some french come

One which is semi active, and would desserve more user

!rpg@ttrpg.network : I can't imagine that so few people around here want to talk about rpg :)

Some meme communties I don't follow, but sure some of you would like-it

!196@lemmy.blahaj.zone : Lemmy's dump of old meme !rpgmemes@ttrpg.network : I am sure some of you like RPG, and like meme, even though it's a bit too much D&D meme !ich_iel@feddit.de : Some German meme, not always in proper German so not optimum if we don't know German.

Don't use amazon !

The money you spent in a billionaire owned shop is less money for family owned shop in your community. Not only it transfer tons of wealth to billionaire, but having a nice neighbourhood bookstore, and other small business nearby is a real improvement to your local community and everyone benefits from it.

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This is a guy who humiliated Putin 2 month ago with his protest (attempted coup ? ) to Moscow. Considering how Putin treats his opponent it's crazy that he survived that long.

yes it could be a body double and he is hiding on the same island as Elvis, but let's believe the simplest hypothesis

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Renaissance fairs are an American thing. They don’t exist in the UK.

I don't know the UK, so I might be wrong, but it's not an US only thing (beside the naming).

I've seen various form of medieval markets/festivals on several continental Europe countries, and I don't see why it wouldn't cross the channel. Even though, Historical re-enactment is a niche hobby, it's not that uncommon to find group focused on the a given historical period caring a lot about the details, no matter if they re-enact the Viking, The crusade, or Napoleon's army (If you visit Belgium during the Waterloo battle anniversary, you can see these groups re-enacting the battle). LARP is also a thing in the whole western Europe, it's way less realistic as we do have elves and orcs, the biggest worldwide runs in Germany Trailer and UK has also some big ones and a lot of smaller ones.

So I'm sorry to disagree with your claim

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Considering how powerful is the copyright mafia (Remember that the pirate bay founder got jail-time) I totally understand why the people running the instance are doing so. I get why user are pissed off, but they're free to host their own instance and deal by themselves with the legal liability

Try to get yourself an old switch from ebay to practice setting up a small network, vlans etc., and you've got a solid start.

This is what (older) millenials had to do when they wanted to play video games with their friends, no broadband internet, we moved the computer, set up a lan. Good old time. But this is how 20-25 years latter, I have basic knowledge of network, and look at puzzled Gen Z kids when I tell them to set their IP adress and ping the hardware

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I am even surprised that the Taliban let someone buy the queer.af domain.

But it's also a cool feature of the federation, an instance is closed by an authoritarian government, tons of others are still there, and migration is easy, so you don't loose you whole network. Still an annoyance for the user, but not as much an annoyance as when a centralized social media closes.

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Are men clothe even standard ? I am floating in some shirt while some others at tge same sizing feel like a crop top

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peertube uses bittorent to stream video.

These kids haven't killed anyone. A weird guy told them who is the teacher who's insulted Muhamad, here is 300 EUR, I'll teach him to not do it again

They couldn't guess what was about to happen, and now live with the guilt and trauma which is a worse sentence than any jail time

Politics. US is ally with Israel but notxwith Iran, US isn't the world police but a country defending their interests which includes their allies.

I somehow hope, that this slow drone attack is also some political theatre like, we shoot some drones to protest our embassy bombing, but we won't go further

Why do people close the toilet door ?

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I might get down voted, but even for software dev, not all jobs can be done remotely. Software may need to interact with hardware, which requires to be on site. I am all in for hybrid or remote work, but totally see why some jobs require to be "on site"

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  • Peertube is a relatively popular federated-decentralized video platform, a couple of serious youtuber even have a mirror set there. But if you look for a place to share informal video with or without personal data it's better place than youtube (When reddit r/guitar had the weekly* first take challenge* I uploaded a few video on peertube because I don't want to tell google or the world about my bad but fun attempt jamming a guitar for an online challenge)

  • Pixelfed is a photo sharing app, I have an account there but don't use it as I am not that much in photography, They do even have an instance dedicated to artists

  • I heard about Calckey/Firefish/Misskey but not really sure what's the benefit over Mastodon

  • Diaspora* is the great old one of federated social network last time I opened it it was full of conspiracy nuts

Why do you need shoes to Cook ( well one du, Imight be injured by a falling knife) also use commons sense, if I break glass, I would keep shoes until It's cleaned.

Garbage Day is like once a week, so not sûre why this example. If I go shopping, I take 30 seconds to pass a pair oh shoes. It's net that long

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There is ads in public toilet, so sure, they'll put ads anywhere.

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A (modern) ballistic missile is basically a rocket carrying a few nuclear warhead to space and then falling from space back to earth, and very high speed while splitting the warhead on the way down to hit several targets (while some of these warhead may-be dummy). And this let alone all the fancy hypersonic ballistic missile which are steered by "bouncing atop the upper atmosphere* making them less predictible while travelling even faster.
So basically, we won't know the exact target before the last moments of the flight, letting may-be a few minutes to the inhabitant to hide.

Regarding "anti missile defence" I assume that the people who knows the details won't post about-it on lemmy. What you need to remember is that even if you catch 80% of the missile falling (let's be optimistic), it will still do a lot of damage.
To take French arsenal, according to Wikipedia, a Triomphant class submarine can carry 16 M51 ballistic missile, each of them carrying 6 warhead. A submarine emptying it's whole load on a hostile country would shoot like 100 warheads. Assuming that air-defence can intercept 80% of them, it's 20 nuke exploding. I can't think about any country which would resist to getting 20 cities wiped out of the map.

So yes, if nukes start to fly, we're fucked up.

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