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Joined 2 months ago

My political vocabulary doesn't suck. You're a typical reactionary tankie that thinks that using Lenin's outdated analysis and calling it Marxism gives you the authority to dismiss the grievances of the colonized.

Marxism and capitalism doesn't have stages. Where capitalism exists all of Marx's critiques apply. You use the tied old "muh imperialism" argument because you're a Russian chauvinist that fears that the fascist accusations could apply to current day Russia and the fallen Soviet Union.

And Dems will do nothing, nothing I say. Ahahahaha

They won't do shiiiiiiiit.

The walls are closing in!

Prepare your anus.

The US has a centuries long history of genocide and enslavement that continue into today. All their power and wealth is predicated on this bloodshed in the here and now. And it was all done for the sake of private interests.

You deny that it was always fascism because you and your family are settler house servants in this scheme. You get a small piece of property and a middle class lifestyle in exchange for your implicit support for the US to continue to eat the bodies of he colonized and impoverished.

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It's pretty clear that your definition of fascism is heavily predicated on your feelings. And that judicious reservation of judgment is applied to actions that don't effect you while emotional appeals are applied when it does.


To be fair, Russia is as big as it is because of genocide too.

They did it to uphold Anglo imperialism. That's why they intentionally let the Holocaust happen and were fully prepared to integrate Nazi Germany into the international order after their invasion of Poland.

Also why they spent the next 60 years fighting to keep colonies from gaining independence.

Don't know why you're getting down voted. Hitler literally said he looked to the US Army's genocide of Native Americans as a proof of concept for his own Jewish Holocaust.

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It's only fascism when it's effects me you see.

No Intel Management Engine though.

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No it wasn't, are you kidding me. It was just that their corruption was obfuscated by difficult to understand legalize. But no even laymen can tell they're making things up.

Noice, corporations about to have slaves soon.

Bruh he sounded ancient. I actually found it challenging to follow what he was saying.

The US subsidizes their EV industry twice as much as China. The real why China can do this is because the US has gutted their industrial base in favor of financialization while China built up their industrial base.

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Can you elaborate?

No that's just the US not being competitive because stock buy backs and layoffs are easier than building good cheap cars.

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Ooooo I'm going to get to live in the cyberpunk dystopia that I'm such a fan of after all.

Overturned by the Supreme Court.

It's not due to a lack of will. They can't produce cars as cheaply because they've spent the last 50 years closing factories and buying back their own stock while China invested in their industrial capacity.

Ahahahaha this is a settler colonial nation. The colonized are too weak to do anything and settlers have proven for centuries they won't do anything until they absolutely positively have to.

They say neither Pennsylvania nor the nation can afford to lose small towns and the institutions that power them.

Lol, why?

Not only are they a touchstone of American life,

Very often a hard and poverty stricken life.

but they are also key to driving certain sectors of the economy, like agriculture.

What's stopping farms from being built next to suburbs or even within cities with the tech we have now.

These boomers are why over romanticizing how "good" small town life was. What they're really sad about is disproportionate political power our anti democratic electoral college gave them and the unchecked tin pot dictatorships they often held over small towns. Being able to get away with literal murder sometimes because they personally knew the cops and judges.

They couldn't care less about the poor quality of life that most citizens of these small towns had. If they did they would have made the necessary investments to attract people (like a handful of small towns have).

I can't wait for them to make a vagina next.

But it's not both. How can you produce something for cheaper with less subsidies unless your just better at it.

It's like saying the winner of a race had an unfair advantage even after giving their opponent a head start.

It won't help. The real cause is that public school education is so severely underfunded in the US.

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"Muh administration". Sure buddy, you and your liberal buddies at Fox News got it all figured out.

Lol, teachers are paid comically low salaries.

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Haha the facade liberalism's "law and order" has completely collapsed.

I really don't see how this doesn't conflict with GDPR.

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Don't they know if he gives them a handout it will create a dependency /s.

If only he were in some kind of position of power to do something about it.

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This, they aren't protecting anyone's right, just picking a better case.

We have all the guns! We're on the edge!

Liberals are trying to bait us into violence.


Damn, if only we could have known that an attack where 90% of the hijackers were Saudi that Saudi Arabia could be involved.

The next president needs to pack the Federal court benches. I am getting so tired of right wingnuts upending democracy with these BS rulings.

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America has some of the most militant anti pedophilic culture in the world but they far and away have the highest rates of child sexual assault.

I think AI is going to revel is how deeply hypocritical Americans are on this issue. You have gigantic institutions like churches committing industrial scale victimization yet you won't find a 1/10th of the righteous indignation against other organized religions where there is just as much evidence it is happening as you will regarding one person producing images that don't actually hurt anyone.

It's pretty clear by how staggering a rate of child abuse that occurs in the states that Americans are just using child victims as weaponized politicalization (it's next to impossible to convincingly fight off pedo accusations if you're being mobbed) and aren't actually interested in fighting pedophilia.

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You don't need to be reminded about sound encoding every time you boot the game even if you do care.

4 more... commander and chief of the US armed forces he's completely powerless in stopping the flow of US weapons to Israel.