1 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Them killing off Desmond started the decline of the series. The series isn't even about being an assassin any more with all the battlefields you fight in.

Not even a little. We are being forced into sickness and poverty. We make just enough to put food on the table and even that's getting harder. An unexpected illness is setting people back on their bills. Every law that's passed goes against what the people want and the only way this will ever change is if we can afford to pay off a politician like all the major companies do. Voting doesn't feel like it makes a difference anymore and the only platform it feels like they use is "at least I'm not them". I've said it before and I'll say it again if someone paid for us to leave the US I'd be packed within a couple of hours.

Meanwhile I would pray they would while I am so my family can get that good money lol

I'm sorry, social media is the problem? It's a part of the problem sure but not THE problem. We just want to afford rent and feed our families. It's really not a big ask.

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As someone planning to move to this area soon I want my kiddo involved!

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So they'll reintroduce the old size with a larger price tag now that they shrank the others while keeping them priced the same. More of a reason to stay away

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I don't think that it's forgotten I think it's a great representation of flipping the roles around. Instead of leaving out LGBTQ+ they chose to have straight be the other this time.

I'm a relatively good driver (not the greatest) I'll never understand how people don't understand there's more you can do to control your vehicle speed besides just hitting the gas then the brake. It's terrifying seeing someone speed up on someone then hit the brakes ever every 3 seconds. I've had my set of brakes on for nearly 7 years I know people who change them yearly and I'm strictly talking about the ones I know for a fact get the same level of quality brakes that I get. I own a truck hauling stuff around nearly every day so in theory I should be going through brakes WAY more than the average person.

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The fact that card admitted to wanting to do this and nothing was done boggles my mind. The entire state is on their knees until he is caught. Every school has been shut down and the surrounding towns are all still in lock down until further notice. I'm 2h away and they're debating a lock down for us now because he had plans to go to saco,me and going through that down this morning you can tell they're geared up and ready for the call

Just herniated a disc and was told it's really bad. Can't afford treatment so I go back to full duty at work with a physical bulge in my spine. Not really sure why I'm paying $600/m with no damn benefit

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My wife and I were just talking about this. We pay $600/m and the very few times we go to a doctor we end up paying anyways. We never meet the deductible but we can't not have insurance because we have a kid who does need it. In the twelve years we have paid we have never reached the deductible even with having a kiddo who's had surgery. Once you get past october it seems like they charge it to the following year if your close to meeting the deductible it's insane...

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You know what's also annoying AF? The number of apps that keep asking permissions when you open then. Doesn't matter how many times you say no.

I'm currently selling my house because I can't afford it anymore. When I bought the house I made sure it was 20% below my income. Mortgage went up $600 this year along with everything else I got robbed of home ownership. I worked tirelessly to buy the house and now being forced to sell I feel absolutely defeated....

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Aggressive marketing is killing the love for gaming. There's nothing that can be done to off set the whales and that's so disheartening. Games have become a part of the day to day stress with needing daily log ins for rewards or to buy an overpriced subscription to play with friends. The fact single play games dwindle down more and more everyday is why I moved to PS just so I can enjoy them with games like Spiderman

Honestly killing off Desmond started the fall in my opinion. They had us invested and just killed him off suddenly. I personally think they should remove the assassins creed title at this point. It's open world combat barely any sneaking assassin stuff. The new Japan one is wasted at this point. It's what everyone wanted back when the start setting it up with ezios short movie. They shot themselves releasing it as a crappy side scroller....

Honestly no matter how small the issue we should be bringing it to their door step like this. You have to start somewhere and take small victories as they come. It's the only chance we have at effecting them at this point.

I use Linux but can not stand Linux users on here. As soon as there is any conversation about windows there's a line of people "why aren't you using linux?!" As if it's the solution for everything. Linux users have become the vegans of the internet.

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Honestly, lemmy isn't that welcoming. Read through comments and you'll notice most of them are kinda snarky and rude. Look at no stupid questions (idk the name of "subreddits") you ask a serious questions and almost none of them are on topic just people giving you shit for asking. If you have tech problems it's "install linux,degoogle,stay away from that brand" for someone new reading through them they'll probably leave because of the toxic community.

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Exactly there is so many different fields effected by the right to repair. Farmers in my opinion got it the worst. So many simple and basic repairs prevented because of it too. Loads of them went from not being super tech savvy to learning how to hack their machines or hiring people who specialize in doing so.

You gotta wonder though did it cross their minds to just say "IRS please open up!" To see what would happen

I hate how accurate you are. There's no other reason it would be government backed ESPECIALLY during war time where they're pissing money away and losing their soldiers left and right without be able to fill the open spots.

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This country Is such a fucking joke. My small family of three will be homeless in a month because we can't afford to pay for food and our mortgage. We make to much got any government assistance but to little to live....My daughter already lost her asthma medication because insurance doesn't cover it. I had to get rid of my insurance for myself because we couldn't afford it and it wasn't covering anything for me. I'd kill myself but the slim chance I'd live it would just bring on more fucking bills. Why even bother trying any more.

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My Dad fell down the stairs naked and landed in my mom's sisters special spot.

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This is the reason my wife and I will admit we don't know to our kiddo. When possible we explain how we can find out. Growing up without a sense of how being older actually is has been wild.

You're absolutely right about most of it. My only criticism is the first paragraph as I am notorious for just commenting and not responding. Literally if you reply I won't respond lol but I can't imagine I'm the only one. A better way to sniff them out would be profiling them and finding things like hobby subs where they would be significantly more likely to comment vs addiction subs where they may feel some shame in interacting or engaging in their addiction.

I'm pretty stupid so I could be talking out my ass but I figured input for data collection and such.

Ya frankly if they're just taking corporations and not mom and pop shops I ain't seeing anything.

Maybe, maybe not. The problem that skews this thought is you didn't have 24/7 news coverage shoved in your face from tv and social media. You wouldn't know if it were happening unless it was local to your town or it gained national coverage.

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Lots of reasons to enjoy having a Playstation. Having a full PC setup is expensive when you factor in more than just the case build. It's nice to have something you can boot up and get right into. Everyone acts like their system is superior but the superior system is whatever one best suits your needs. I personally would absolutely love a PS5 varient that didn't require internet and just let me play my single player games in peace.

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I feel like Google just needs to give their employees the list of employees they're keeping at this point just rip the Bandaid right off and be done. It feels like every other week there's enormous layoffs from these big tech companies....

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As someone who just finished dusting my hat off after 12 years and setting up jellyfin how do I get the content I need for it?

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Yupp and it still messes with my head. A friend's friend was hanging out with our group for the first time and he was super chill but the way he spoke just seemed really off and I couldn't explain it. As we ended the night his friend was gonna take off by himself as my buddy wanted to chill for the night. The next morning the guys sister calls my buddy and tells him that her brother hung himself. I know logically i couldn't have known but my gut told me he shouldn't have been leaving without my buddy. No drugs or alcohol were involved that night we were all 100% sober....

Let's assume all of this is true, we really have to prepare ourselves for this game to not live up to its hype. The fans have recreated the hype that cyberpunk got which could result in just as much of a let down

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I dont get how that blows your mind. Families typically dont have the time to jump through loops so they pretty much have to pay for some kind of streaming service. I use to sail the seas all the time but between work, family, and trying to find time to myself there's no time.

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I learned with Google music never get involved with Google with something you'll want to use daily. Google music hands down was the absolute best music service I've ever used. Google is like a kid with ADHD bouncing around from project to project never to see them through.

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Unless the simulation is to prolong a catastrophic event that's happening outside of this simulation which runs billions of years in just seconds in hopes they find a way to fix the true reality.

Him and meat canyon it's so sad to see but if that's what they need then I'm happy for them.

And of all people he's getting hit with so much right now it's so tough seeing him lose so many loved ones

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From now on when I feel stupid I will make sure to remember I'm not this level of stupid....

I disagree. Lemmy is a very small group of individuals and these type of threads are going to have similar minded people finding eachother. In the grand scheme of things we are next to nothing in scale of the billions of people on this planet.

It's super political and tech based. Feels like if you don't use Linux or Firefox you're an outcast. I still use it often just not as often as I did with reddit.