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Joined 11 months ago

Windows Solitaire. Or, before Windows, Solitaire with actual playing cards.

OTOH, this is Newsweek. Take it with a grain of salt, pending confirmation from a more credible source.

The frightening realisation to take away is that most people don’t have a visceral horror of fascism in the way that progressives on Mastodon do. Which makes sense: if fascism was regarded with widespread revulsion, the Trumps and Orbans and Netanyahus of this world would be as successful as someone running a dogshit sandwich stall at the local market.

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Also the cover of the least street R&B album of 1991

Official vegan Satanist mascot

The immovable object of Stolen Valor meets the irresistible force of It’s OK If You’re A Conservative

As Jamie Zawinski put it, it’s like a non-profit animal shelter setting up a sideline selling kitten meat to satisfy demands for hockey-stick growth. If somebody castigates them for it, they can point out that the demand for kitten deli slices didn’t going to go away, and if they didn’t sell them, someone else would step in and do it less humanely.

Whilst keeping male puberty legally mandatory for trans women, so the rest of the population can easily identify them.

Sounds philosophically consistent. What could be more pro-life, pro-business and pro-freedom than being in favour of endless cell growth unchecked by cell apoptosis? Come to think of it, not only does curing cancer sound like a socialist anti-prosperity regulatory agenda, killing off cells that would naturally grow is a little too close to abortion.

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They might not need to open-source it: hackers have found ways of jailbreaking the installed Linux and are stepping up efforts for making it reusable. It’s a rather feeble SoC, so there won’t be a huge number of applications for it, but there will be some.

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Australia has a somewhat threadbare welfare state, though is more of a social democracy than the UK. And snakes and spiders are easier to avoid than Tories.

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How will the logistics of this work? Are there fast-food restaurants that would accept a privileged Karen with anger management issues as a member of their team? After all, they have a business with tight margins to run, and this sounds like a huge liability.

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Japan’s problems are compounded by its ethnocentric concept of nationhood, where it is almost impossible for people who aren’t of ethnic Japanese descent to become citizens. There are third-generation descendants of Korean immigrants in Japan who have never lived in Korea, speak only Japanese and have only ever known Japanese culture, but who can never be legally Japanese.

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Long bovid

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They should at least release data sheets and any bootloader signing keys, allowing people to reuse the devices for other purposes. If you could replace the firmware, I’m sure you could use it for controlling your home automation setup or displaying the weather/news/train times/other info (or possibly other tasks depending on what’s in the SoC). Now, alas, it’s just e-waste.

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“We’re sorry, true love is not available in your membership tier.”

By that token, America should have bullet trains everywhere

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Oppenheimer 2: Oppenheimer, Einstein and Turing team up for one last mission when alien invaders/evil cultists/a mad scientist’s minions seize the doomsday device and the President’s daughter.

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The next thing after DRM will be ARM (Attention Rights Management). The camera will be used to verify that you are paying attention to the ads, otherwise no content for you.

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It’s a good thing assault rifles are illegal in Britain

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They’ve established dedicated racism zones, which are soundproof chambers where you can go and shout slurs.

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This is what happens once conservative politics has degenerated to literally “I’m an asshole, and there’s nothing you can do about it”, to crude dominance displays, performative cruelty and rolling coal. Not that it was much better, but at least the assholery used to need some sort of high-minded, principled rationalisation, rather than being self-justifying.

There are plenty of unimaginably rich right-wing weirdos who will take it off his hands for a generous sum, and end up with a perfectly viable propaganda network with a few miles on the odometer.

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Sweden has historically been ethnically close to homogeneous (until the 20th century, life in Scandinavia was hard, and few wanted to move there) and has a relatively flat social hierarchy, meaning that redistributive taxation to fund services is popular (after all, if everyone needs a specific service, having the government provide it through taxes is an economy of scale). America, meanwhile, was founded on racial slavery, which resulted in a racial hierarchy (i.e., the definition of who counts as “white” shifting over time), and there’s a non-negligible proportion of voters who would resent being taxed extra to help lift those below them in this hierarchy closer to their level.

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Tell me you live in America without saying you live in America…

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So this is wholesome Christian porn, solely for use in the sanctity of the marital bedroom?

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And, of course, it would be morally unacceptable to get in the way of them maximising the profits they’re entitled to, such as by forcing them to rent it out long-term to some poors rather than allowing them to run an unregulated hotel room, because invisible hand of the free market or something.

Steam Deck

Steam Deck with OLED screen

Steam Deck with aromatherapy cartridge slot

I wonder if this is just the usual random mass shooting, perhaps by someone who had too much to drink and grabbed his assault rifle to show ‘em, or the action of one of the 18% of Americans who believe that the Kansas Chiefs/Taylor Swift are part of a conspiracy by the liberal baby adrenochrome 5G vaccine space laser lizard people to keep America from being Made Great Again.

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A spare apartment, you say? Do people just have those lying around?

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Next week: drinking age for women raised to 50, just in case.

Six months from now: Republican AG subpoenas IKEA for BLÅHAJ purchase records.

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John Gruber (yes, the Apple loyalist) pointed out that the Japanese law specifically exempts game consoles, and suggested the US retaliating by passing a law requiring third-party app stores on the PlayStation and Switch. Which probably won’t happen, but would be entertaining if it did.

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High-end corporate laptops from 5-10 years ago make excellent cheap and powerful Linux machines today (given a reconditioned battery, assuming you want to run them without mains, and a new SSD several times larger than the hard drive they came with). See all the sticker-festooned Thinkpads you see at conferences that spent the first few years of their lives handling executive email and PowerPoint presentations, now living their best lives.

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Also, it has 8 hardware sprites. How many does IBM’s quantum system have?

Musk is the Henry Ford of our time. Helping his pal, the enemy, as far as possible within the bounds of treason laws.

If you’re paranoid, you can convert the FLACs to WAV on an isolated computer (or VM), copy them and recompress them to FLAC or other formats. If there is a vulnerability in FLAC, it won’t persist through transcoding.

Remember: It’s not paedophilia if it comes from the Bible.

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The German compound noun thing also works in other Germanic languages like, say, Dutch, Swedish and Old English. You can blame the Normans (i.e. a bunch of snobbish Vikings who, a generation earlier, decided to speak only French) for modern English’s lack of them.

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