Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate to – -38 points –
Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate

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The frightening realisation to take away is that most people don’t have a visceral horror of fascism in the way that progressives on Mastodon do. Which makes sense: if fascism was regarded with widespread revulsion, the Trumps and Orbans and Netanyahus of this world would be as successful as someone running a dogshit sandwich stall at the local market.

You are totally right.

Fascism appeals to humanity's most basic impulses and fascists will therefore always be a threat to democracy.

People crave the strong, authoritarian leader who will protect them from danger.

The frightening realisation to take away is that most people don’t have a visceral horror of fascism in the way that progressives on Mastodon do.

Oh, don't worry. Many of the people on the Fediverse don't have a visceral horror of fascism either. To them it's "Both sides are fascist" because otherwise they might feel uncomfortable letting Trump win, and wouldn't feeling uncomfortable about that just be awful.

most people don’t have a visceral horror of fascism

No the problem is instead of:

Fascists vs non-fascist

We get:

Fascists vs slightly less fascist

That's not good enough to win elections. It's not a binary choice between 0 and 1, it's 0.5 and 1.

Y'all know there is a third choice? protest vote.

Uhh, Trump was the protest vote for a lot of people, unfortunately (Defifuckinlutely not me). Also, soooo few people vote, particularly in non-presedential year elections.

I always strategically vote for the best candidate, and live in a state which allows me to do so without impacting chances of the (more) fascist candidate winning the general election.

That's not going to stop trump.

What will stop trump is running a good candidate.

But Biden and the people he appointed to run the DNC would rather trump win than Biden step aside for the good of the country

You are missing the point...

Neither side is a good choice. No matter who they run. Deny theme electoral legitimacy

Politics is not a zero sum game. You don't vote for the good choice. You vote for the less bad choice.

I hope you get paid for these bootlicker takes lol

Biden and the people he appointed to head the DNC don't have to be the people running the DNC...

We can replace them and have a functional leftwing party again.

It's not quick, and it's not painless, but it's possible.

We already wasted a generation on this circle jerk.... If not two tbh

Why would I ever play their games again?

Protest vote until third party candidate arrives to capture us or I die in this clown dystopia as is and hope next generation can do better.

I don't see any other option here. An

Depending on where you live a protest vote is perfect. If you live in a swing state, you should vote for Biden or Trump. If you live in a solid state like California, voting third party won't hurt either candidates chances.

There is thus assumption I care about "hurting" either one...

I am trying to hurt BOTH

Deny their legitimacy

Oh yes, the "cutting off your nose to spite your face" strategy, well known for its effectiveness.

Political operatives in shambles

Says the guy whose head has been in the sand while we talk about what a bad choice Biden is for a couple years now.

Pony up nutjob, who is your candidate who can win 270 Electoral College votes at a higher likelihood than the sitting President?

Now? You mean after the dems refused to allow a primary / primary debates and have been shouting from the rooftops that dementia grandpa is the only candidate who can beat Trump?

Correction. Genocide enabling dementia grandpa


So no one? Cool, just checking.

I got a bowl of fresh popcorn here. Whoever the dems choose, they screwed themselves with their own choices.

Bernie would beat Trump by 20-30 points but the donor class would rather have Trump than that.

It’s not looking good.

It’s obvious Biden is going to lose unless he steps down.

Corporate dems would end up choosing someone like Hillary - who is the only person to ever lose against Trump lol….

I don’t have a lot of hope. The way it stands now, Trump is going to win. It just an obvious and blatant fact.