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Joined 11 months ago

Best case scenario at this point is one of them croaks before November. It's insane to me that Biden even contemplated a second term, when the whole point of picking Kamala Harris as his VP was so she could be the young fit successor. It's time to roll out plan B, guys.

Politics is not a zero sum game. You don't vote for the good choice. You vote for the less bad choice.

Might as well just shit in your own hat for all the good that will do anyone.

I mean it's your choice to walk around with shit in your hat, but you do you.

Bringing up AOC every time Boebert shits the bed is unfair and degrading to AOC.

Untreated mental illness supplemented by fame-induced yes-men syndrome.

What he needs is a good slap and a kick to the groin.

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What do you want to bet that the code for "female students" is at least three times as long and contains the words "leg skin"?

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It's not too late to abort Ken Paxton.

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I have always had an Android phone, while my wife has had iPhones. Whenever one of the kids got old enough to get their own phone, they inherited hers and gave her an excuse to get a new iPhone. (Meanwhile I just traded mine in.)

The unintentional result is that she can never find a charging cable or block for her phone because the kids keep taking them (and inevitably somehow breaking them), while I have a surplus of ways to charge my own. And also the kids' batteries are always low, because they can't figure out how to ration screen use with an old-ass worn out battery.

So everyone else in the house is always squabbling about who took the charger, while I rarely see my phone dip below 50%. They hate it SO MUCH when I point this out. I swear I try not to smirk when I do.

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You have to actually have values to fail them.

Never did like that guy. He seemed like a creep from the start, and I didn't ever find him funny.

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His dementia is really showing now, huh.

You might have to just jack it to lingerie catalogues like I did at your age.


You don't have a cat.

If it's referenced in the early seasons of The Simpsons, it is timeless.

It turns out that the more you know about the world, the more you tend to lean left.

It's no wonder the right wants to keep people as ignorant as possible.

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Celebrity. Gossip. Is. Not. News.

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Administrators should be gutted in a public square. And let's not stop with these ones.

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Fucking fascist pieces of shit need to go on a pyre.

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Tax the wealthy more, they won't lose any quality of life whatsoever, and the money they extorted from their fellow humans gets paid back to support them in their old age.

This isn't actually a hard problem to solve if you take greed out of the equation.

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Steve Jobs is the best of all three of them. At least he had the decency to die.

If you asked my wife, the answer would be that you use them for a day or two tops, but the important part is that you throw them in the hamper wet, and then make sure to put other clothes and stuff on top of them so they sit there damp and mouldering until laundry day comes around.

Our towel bar is directly above the heating grate, so towels, properly hung, will dry fairly quickly there. Considering that towels are typically only used to dry you once you've just thoroughly cleaned yourself, they won't smell like much of anything but maybe soap and shampoo for many days of use, assuming they are able to dry out. But apparently it's more of a priority that they get put in the laundry basket immediately, moisture be damned. I gave up trying to fight that fight long ago.

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Scuttle it next time.

How at this point are there still so many people who don't understand what masks are for? It's not primarily to protect yourself, it's to bolster the whole herd's defenses by reducing spread.

The mask isn't for you, it's for everyone else. It's not that fucking hard to understand.

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This is 100% his lawyers keeping him on a short leash.

Literally no damage done to the boat will ever actually financially harm the bitchionaire. That's not the goal of protest - though it's certainly a bonus when it's achievable.

He's clearly just pandering to his constituents, who are apparently literal children.

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Nobody's concerned with what their own children are wearing. They're concerned that they might be exposed to abdomen skin (the horror!) because of what someone else's child is wearing.

This is a really great illustration of how mere extrapolation can lead you to shitty conclusions.

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St. Patrick's Day in America has always been more of a celebration of Irish-American immigrant culture than it is of Ireland itself.

Has crime actually gone down, or have homicide rates gone down? Malcolm Gladwell did a great series on his podcast recently that points out that when trauma centers save more lives of GSW victims, the homicide rates go down simply because not as many people die -even though there are just as many bullets hitting humans.

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So a while back, the smoke alarm in the kid's room directly below mine started going off for no apparent reason at 3 AM. Got up, went downstairs to silence it, checked everything in the house, smelled for smoke, looked at all the outlets, etc. Dug through drawers to find a new 9V battery and figured it was either a battery issue or a literal bug set it off. Never really got back to restful sleep after that, and the next day I kept worrying I had missed something and a shorted wire was quietly smoldering away in the wall somewhere.

Next night, around the same time, I was again jolted out of sleep by a loud beep, but by the time I had gotten downstairs, there was no alarm going off, just my ears ringing. Asked everyone else if they heard an alarm, they said no. I must've hallucinated it, but I was also experiencing the most intense tinitus I have ever had. I don't usually get tinitus at all, but my ears were ringing so loudly I couldn't get back to sleep for a half hour afterwards.

I believe I had a major psychosomatic event, which manifested tinitus. It's either that or the timing of the random tinitus that woke me up was a bizarre coincidence.

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Reality is woke. Defund reality.

-- some GOP chode, probably

Folks can't read past the headline. Truly this site has arrived.

There are no consequences in our laws that actually fit crimes like this. Retributive justice is a farce and an insult to humanity.

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Dog owners who let their little bastards bark or go off leash in public.

People who stop to chat in doorways.

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Well, we actually did give them the choice. They all chose iPhone, though I admit we encouraged that because it was simpler to lock those down and keep track of their location with them when they were younger.

My oldest had his for a few years and switched to an Android when he became more tech savvy and realized that an Apple didn't afford him the customization he wanted and didn't mesh as well with the PC he built with his summer job money.

I kind of like that we have an assortment of ecosystems in the house, because it exposes them to the advantages and drawbacks of each. Lord knows they hear me cussing out Windows often enough when I use the laptop, so maybe they'll be motivated to learn to use another OS when they're older.

I'd prevent the Challenger launch. Manned spaceflight doesn't get shelved for an entire generation, and a young me doesn't lose hope for the future at such an early age.

Through a bizarre series of butterfly effects, the successful launch and its international attention gives bureaucrats in Pripyat an extra nudge to encourage cooperation amongst their engineers and nuclear scientists, and a critical flaw in the operation of the plant at Chernobyl is caught before it causes a catastrophic meltdown.

The cumulative effect is a continued culture of progressive technological expansion into the 90s, and the fading of the anti-intellectualism that threatened to overtake the world during the Reagan and Thatcher administrations. Hand in hand with this is a decreased militarism, as technology is increasingly seen as a tool for the betterment of humanity, and less as a means of building better weapons.

One other immediate result is in the US presidential election of 1988. A lack of meaningful engagement with the public (no "skipped the surly bonds of earth" speech) led to increasing apathy toward the outgoing Reagan administration, giving G.H.W. Bush a tougher hill to climb, and less solid footing on the issue of defense. Dukakis doesn't feel the need to do a silly photo op in a tank, but instead campaigns partly on an expansion of the space program and educational outreach programs similar to the one that brought in Christa McAuliffe.

Neoconservatism and neoliberalism wither together on the vine. Permanent human presence in space continues uninterrupted for the next two decades, with a base on the moon by the end of the century and a manned mission to Mars planned for a decade after that.

No Bushes, no rise of Al-Qaeda in 1988, no Gulf War, no Rush Limbaugh, no Clinton's, and no 9/11.

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I'm guessing, because he's clearly a moron, that he doesn't realize that former presidents don't have pardoning power.

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