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That would be more in line with the actual American tradition.

But personally, I would recommend to only allow filibusters in the House, which has a more proportional representation, and to not allow it in the Senate, which has the least proportional representation, even less than the electoral college.

Well, to be fair, he should have stepped down a year ago, or at least 3 months ago. I vaguely remember him saying he was going to be a 1 term candidate in 2020.

Anyway, I respect Biden. I honestly think he was a better president than Obama, Bush, Trump and Clinton. Perhaps the best since Carter or JFK.

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When starting these meds, Euphoria is a common side effect.

It can still make a huge difference in your life, but the euphoria isn't permanent.

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The ICJ ruling will take years though.

I think the most similar genocide to the Gaza genocide is the Bosnian genocide. The Srebrenica massacre took place in 1995 and the ICJ ruled in 2007.

So, the Gaza genocide might take until 2035 before it is all legally settled.

In the interim, Wikipedia and all of us need to decide what to call it.

Since it looks like a genocide and the initial findings support the case that genocide is likely being committed, it seems to border on genocide denial to call it anything else.

Edit to add: I also don't see people complaining about Wikipedia calling the Rohingya genocide a genocide, even though it is legally in the same phase as the Gaza genocide.

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The US allegedly spent a billion dollars intercepting these missiles.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is all out of air defense and only Germany seems to be sending an extra patriot on the short-term.

As a European, I think the wakeup call is to start taking European security more seriously, since the USA seems to have other priorities.

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Good post, but we really need to get out of the generational thinking.

I know rich and poor boomers. I know rich and poor millenials, and gen X/Z.

It's a class struggle. Always has been.

Stop making it a generational battle. That only serves to divide the working class.

Yes, there is racism, ageism, sexism. We should debate those things and improve, but we can't let those things divide us politically.

And since I'm ranting, let me end with a solution. We need to find themes that help all of us.

So perhaps we should say: for example, everyone with less than $1M in wealth gets a $20K tax deduction.

Who could oppose that? It doesn't benefit home owners vs. renters. It doesn't benefit students vs. retirees. It doesn't benefit city dwellers vs. rural. Or white vs. black.

But it does benefit the class who owns nothing and gives them a better chance to own something.

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Dude, I fully agree.

My eyes have really been opened.

Anti-muslim sentiment has been going on for a really long time. I thought it was just a few racist uncles who overreacted to 9/11.

But now that the propaganda and suppression is in full swing, it's become abundantly clear. It's not just normal people, it's a coordinated disinformation campaign.

Lemmy is still a relatively safe and reasonable space.

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I totally agree.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, they were handed everything they wanted on a silver plate.

They could have been Poland on steroids.

But they chose to reject it, so stupid.

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If he goes full Dark Brandon with his immunity, perhaps in his lame duck period, then that would be epic.

I got the popcorn ready.

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Yep, all the electrical engineers who have chimed in say it looks more like explosives.

A battery would get hot and start a fire. It wouldn't instantly explode like this.

They know this and encourage it.

Every time the Palestinians kill an Israeli, that gives them permission from the Americans to kill a thousand Palestinians.

And that's their plan to take all the land. Offer up a few thousand Israeli lives to genocide a few million Palestinians.

The humiliation of losing to a black woman.

The past months the mood in America has been: not these two old geezers again.

I am honestly optimistic that it's going to be a landslide for the Democrats without Biden. Americans are just sick of Trump and they didn't want Biden to run again.

So the Democrats are giving the people what they want, while the Republicans are trying to force feed them something they don't want.

Let's see how this plays out.

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Why make election season much longer than needed?

Printing ballots can be done quite quickly.

And is 6 months of campaigning really better than 2 months?

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Can't save the cultists, yes, but Independents do care.

And even though Indies are a minority, they are still the ones who decide the election outcome in every swing state.

So, good strategy by the Dems.

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Exactly. Democrats are falling in line and that's to be expected. They already voted for her as VP, so they should have no objection to her as President.

But independents and swing voters should still be undecided on her. Some might lean slightly towards her because she is younger and not a senile fascist, but overall, it should not be expected that they will support her at this stage.

Polling in September will be more accurate.

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It's really a global problem and I do think it's an inevitable problem of capital saturation.

After decades of economic growth and peace, the developed world has an overabundance of wealth.

Some of that wealth chases the stock and bond markets and private equity and things like art and crypto and that's fine. Those are proper channels to act as a sponge to absorb wealth.

But some of this wealth is chasing real estate and commodities, which makes the basic necessities of life unaffordable.

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It's unlikely that the details will be known before an agreement is reached.

But to your point, what really matters is whether the USA will force Israel to accept the proposal, or if the Israeli population protests harder against Netanyahu (but that's unlikely to reach the required mass).

Netanyahu wants the war to continue and will not accept any deal, unless his hand is forced.

Anyway, Israel was telling people to flee Rafah. My local news says they are probably doing that to pressure Hamas by panicking the Gazan population.

So, no, I don't think Israel will accept the deal.

As a European, I am appalled that I didn't get to vote for Harris.

Gotta share the love man.

Which is why the tax system needs to be reformed.

The political right actually has one good point that we on the left don't always appreciate: taxes on middle class people should be lower.

Specifically, very liberal tax exemptions on things like 401Ks, including the ability to transfer wealth across generations.

Combine that with higher taxes on the wealthy, and it will be possible to shift power to the middle class.

Consider the total market cap of the S&P 500, rounded up it's about 50 trillion. Divide that among 130 million households and each household should own about $400K in stock on average.

Full equality is neither achievable nor desired by most people, so a good scheme would be to let every household hold up to $1M in wealth, tax exempt.

And then progressively tax everything above that.

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Also, having been on the other side of such a situation: it's not cool to pressure or guilt trip your guests. Either be hospitable and let them do whatever they want, or don't invite them.

If people aren't hungry, then they aren't hungry. Maybe they are on a diet, maybe they misunderstood OP's intention and ate beforehand. Maybe they are recovering from something and don't want to eat too much.

And as for the two that did not showed up. It's a good practice to reconfirm the night before. Sometimes people forget. Sometimes life gets in the way.

If they did reconfirm and still didn't show up and did not have a good excuse, then I would start looking for better friends.

Hope OP has better success next time. I do understand that the situation sucks.

But it's also a situation that, in my opinion, is preventable.

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I really don't want to victim blame, but people really have to be careful when travelling.

Not every country is as liberal as the West.

Otto Warmbier

Brittany Griner

And now this guy.

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Indeed, also it's much nicer to use a shared high quality tool than to buy an el-cheapo disposable tool.

Even something simple like a crowbar. I once borrowed a (shorter) professional crowbar after struggling with a (larger) cheap one. The thing I was trying to pry came out like butter.

Even though physics dictates that a shorter lever should be inferior, it just had a much better design and grip.

Better for our wallet, sanity and environment.

You could also say, if the Democrats had nominated a more likeable candidate in 2016, we wouldn't be here.

Clinton got less votes than Obama in 2012 and 2008, even though the population had grown during that time.

And it wasn't the Bernie bros who stayed home. Polling revealed that the Bernie bros showed up.

Blaming the voters is like having your bakery go bankrupt and trying to blame people for not buying your shitty cake.

First, bake a better cake.

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But nobody is enforcing compliance.

So they can just keep it on American servers and sell it to OpenAI or share it with the US government.

Also, there are a lot of bots copying everything on reddit and other sites. Even if reddit would comply with GDPR, these bots cannot be traced and cannot be fined.

Looks like they at least made it sturdy enough to withstand a car wash.


Then you are basically implying the state of Israel can't exist without genocide, ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

Most of these protesters want a one state solution that doesn't discriminate between people based on religion or ethnicity.

Or they want a two state solution where a Palestinian army can protect Palestinians against Israel stealing their land, denying them health care and imprisoning their families.

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For decades, Israel and the US (and European countries) have pursued a policy to destabilize middle eastern regimes.

People don't realize this, but there was a wave of Arab nationalism that was killed by sponsoring Islamic extremists. Had that not happened, the middle east would be much more secular today than it is.

Israel attacking and destabilizing Lebanon and Syria and the US maintaining a dictator in Egypt are part of this strategy.

In turn, this leads to hate towards the West and Israel by the Muslims affected.

It won't stop as long as American voters care much more about gas prices than about human rights. American politicians are willing to sponsor genocide to have some control on oil prices in order to win elections.

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They could have had all the hostages back in October. Hamas just wanted back the hostages that Israel holds.

And again, they could have had all the hostages back in May.

Netanyahu seems committed to genocide and the hostages are collateral damage.

It's deranged and I am ashamed our western leaders are cheerleading this.

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And Kamala is the most logical choice, because there will be the least amount of legal hurdles, since she was already on the ticket.

And the Republicans already said they are going to mount legal challenges, which can easily lead to SCOTUS deciding the election. So I expect Sanders, AOC and progressives to strongly push for Kamala.

But I fully expect the DNC to push forward some corporate candidate like Bloomberg.

It's going to be interesting.

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A few days ago, a mildly critical comment of mine against Netanyahu was removed by the mods.

I said something like, both Netanyahu and Hamas want this war. Not too controversial, I would think.

It was in a thread on

Anyway, I ditched my account and made this alt my main.

But yeah, the bots and propagandists have found lemmy, too. They seem to be focussing on the bigger instances.

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The last natural, human, popular subreddit to arise on reddit was r/antiwork

After that, the site got swarmed by bots and censorship.

If you try and post something even remotely progressive in a popular subreddit, it will get deleted and you will probably get banned.

Honestly, tokenism is a good place to start.

Realistically, there is no political majority in the USA to go further. The progressive caucus is only about 10% of the House.

That's enough to have influence, but not enough to drive policy.

But over time, the movement grows.

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Because base 12 is superior to base 10.

  • Signed, the Sumerian master race
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I once read an expert on this and it seems they only need a very low amount of DNA samples (like 0.1% of the population) in the database to be able to narrow down any search to the sibling level.

And traditional detective work can then figure out which sibling, if there are multiple.

So yeah, the cat is out of the bag with this one.

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It's really insane that the police get called on US citizens peacefully protesting against a genocide in a foreign country.

I really want to hear more about Cori Bush's plan to take down AIPAC.

It's time to do it.

Yes, I fully agree.

So we need to find the right messaging.

I don't know about Germany, but here in the Netherlands most people identify as middle class.

So "stop taxing the middle class" and "let the billionaires pay more" is a message that should resonate.

I'm optimistic and I believe we will get there. The level of equality we have today would be unfathomable for somebody living before 1945.

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I agree. The rule based order only works if the rules apply to everyone.

And from a more realpolitik perspective: the Arab world is our (European) backyard.

We really don't benefit from instability there.

Because they manage to attract investment.

As long as investors are willing to give cash in exchange for equity, a company can operate on that cash and run at a loss.

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You are totally right.

Fascism appeals to humanity's most basic impulses and fascists will therefore always be a threat to democracy.

People crave the strong, authoritarian leader who will protect them from danger.