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Joined 1 years ago

We don't need 2 nazis debating each other

At this point I'd take either the superhero or the comedian

A crime wave they can blame on democrats?

Join the Navy and tell them you want guaranteed placement as a bosun. You will save money by never wanting a boat of your own.

More and better renewable energy is great. The problem is that we're not getting rid of the other stuff

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And if he can't, Boebert will, in a movie theater

Do a search for "Jamie Loftus Grand Rapids"
Note: just a joke

Would absolutely lose Grand Rapids MI because of his friends though

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Pariahs who need to have their own state for armageddon to happen. Remember that these are the same mental giants who invented the prosperity gospel. Not a cult so much as the entirety of southern baptism.

Because the companies paid good money to get these people appointed to the court, and they expect a return on that investment

Chief O'Brien does not approve

Also known as voting for the spoiler. Remind us again how that works out?

Probed, 2 years ago, but didn't charge

Being owned by a wacko is conspicuously absent from the list

He does force them to cut corners for the sake of more headlines though

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Local clown claims to be surprised that his fellow clowns can't maintain decorum

So, another PragerU?

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If you think that running people over is a valid response to a minor inconvenience, you might be a terrorist.

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Culture maybe, but she spent the last 5 years on COD so you can be sure nothing about the games will improve

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It's almost like "college football" doesn't involve any education

Can I make a whale tank out of it?

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Well, he IS Russia's greatest love machine

Good livestock conditions so that food is actually edible raw

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Yo dawg, I heard you like book bans

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As if playing WoW these days wasn't torture enough, they got kidnapped too

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Pretty sure civilian courts can't order military discharge as a punishment.

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Big company ruled by judge to be illegally union-busting. Also rules that the only penalty is they have to put up some flyers. Classic.

Check out the video of Apollo astronauts trying it out. Turns out, a normal running gait isn't a great idea, it's better to bunny hop.

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They asked for this

His lawyers literally told the bankruptcy judge that he can't possibly survive on anything less than $520k per year. And that's after conveniently leaving out all the money he tried to hide in shell companies named after himself. He's taken like 3-4 family vacations since the verdict. Think Disneyland and Waikiki. The judge even allowed InfoWars to keep running, so long as they pinky swear to send all their profits to the plaintiffs. And that still held up even after 2 aborted attempts at restarting the show under different umbrellas.

I dunno, is organizing a protest a criminal conspiracy?

Vos dismissed the maps submitted by Democrats, saying they would move too many boundary lines and force incumbent lawmakers to run against one another.

How dare you undo my gerrymandering!

District often used as a target for judge-shopping announces they won't follow the rules against judge-shopping.

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As if they had permission to take it in the first place

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You do realize that he's basically on trial for trying to make himself a king, right? Her saying that wasn't hyperbole, it was a core issue.

  1. Every branch of the military has become increasingly toxic, cutting things like training and cleaning up black mold in favor of new uniforms every 2 years
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Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen (R)

The mother of all lossy compression

Linked includes victims and people who didn't take the bait. Keep that in mind before you set up the guillotine

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This is the guy who knew how to solder, not the guy who invented walled gardens

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