6 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The woman is reportedly denying the charges saying during voluntary questioning that she was not aware that the suitcase is a vehicle that requires a driver's license.

When you start to realize that there could be too many laws on the books.

We all knew this was a pump and dump scheme. Spez got his, fuck everyone else.

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And they will get away with it because nobody does what will really hurt Ubisoft, which is NOT buy the games. No. They will simply come on reddit or here and complain, and then throw their hands up and accept it when that fails to produce any results.

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Not coincidentally, Dorsey still has about $1 billion of his personal wealth invested in the company now known as X

HAD. Had a billion dollars...

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This is what happens when you push someone through the higher education complex on a sports scholarship...

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If you use ANYTHING other than face to face meetings when discussing something illegal, you get what you deserve.

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Really? I thought they were more of a chartreuse myself...

"Yeah, let's go up against the woman who sued Disney and won What could go wrong!?"

I get angry whenever someone pushes that "They lied to you" bullshit. I just tell them "well tell that to my fucked up heart and lungs."

I just wish they would advertise the truth. VPN's are basically useless nowadays for everything except torrenting. Most websites once they detect a VPN address will just shut down. Go ahead and give Imgur a try with it turned on to see what I mean.

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I just wonder why Linda Yaccarino would continue to stay with a ship that's going down? I mean she has to think about how this reflects on her own reputation in the business world.

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Sooo... How do Republican's square being the party of "Small Govt" and then interfering in a private business?

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I'm just surprised it was the Republicans to back Stewart up.

Anyone ever sometimes think, that there's an alien species that kinda feels a little paternal towards us and keeps fixing out Tonka Toys because it makes us happy?

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Because the law drops the hammer on them BIG time.

Hell, activists use to spike old wood trees marked for clear cutting back in the day. This would cause the saw blades foresters would use to explode in their face,, in fact George Alexander, a millworker, was severely injured when a saw blade shattered after contact with a tree spike and cut his jaw in half.

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Like the fucking plague.

  1. 99% of it is American and I'm not. So what the fuck could I even do about it if I wanted to?

  2. There's nothing I can do to change someone's mind on ANY subject on here.

I'm just here to find interesting stuff, make a funny comment or 2 or find answers to some questions I may have. That's about it.

Yeah, I deleted a banned account only to still find the posts I made still up. So I went in and manually deleted EVEY. SINGLE. ONE.

Guess what. They still show up.

It's already out there. For example you can't use the words "Suicide" or "rape" or "murder" in YouTube, TikTok etc. even when the discussion is clearly about trying to educate people. Heck, you can't even mention Onlyfans on Twitch...

I have no idea what any of that meant.

they both look like their parents, it's scary.

I find it fascinating that they have no legislation about workers rights. I am curious if any Swedes could inform me how the "conservative" style movements are doing in Sweden.

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Nobody ever said smart people can't be stupid too.

Good Fuck VW. My mom had an 86 Jetta and that thing was the biggest piece of junk on the road. and every time she took it to the dealer to get it fixed they would do the cheapest thing possible. I ended up taking to my local mechanic who fixed it properly for her.

And also be wary of any good deals on some newer model VW's. They got the court case cleared up where a bunch of cars got damaged by sea water and those vehicles which were supposed to have been sold as scrap are now on the road.

I would assume this falls into the "you couldn't pay me" category for most people.

How is this even considered an article? The title is half the length of the article.

I'm sorry I have a life. It will never happen again."

Best case scenario is Judge breaks up google which then goes to the Supreme court which will then overturn the ruling.

This is the ONLY music player I found with a logical and reasonably laid out library.

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It's all right. But it's a ghost town compared to reddit.

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classic example of being wrong with authority.

get something with hall effect sensors.

I see he went to the Adam Neuman school of business...

Stay off the internet.

Then why can they waterproof the usb plug-in but not the headphone jack?

You're thinking first civil war. This civil war is going to be about bombing and terror. And it will be MAGA idiots bombing govt facilities. But they'll start first with places like gay bars and libraries.

THEN the federal govt will get involved and it will devolve into a shit show from there.

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TBH if your daily mileage is only 30 or so miles, then you can do all of that on an electric bike.

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The only thing VPN's are good for anymore is hiding torrents. That's it.

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Do newly built houses have landlines still installed in them?

The only thing I don't like about the new WInamp is the NFT library, Hotmix and Fanzone things they added to it. But I guess the new owners had to try and make their money back somehow. Plus they're easily ignorable.