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Joined 1 years ago


Over the last two decades we have reduced the amount of time spent to get many of the items we need. Since we can now order online from our homes we don't have to go out and get them, this frees up a reasonable chunk of time.

Also, over the last 50 or so years we have lost many 3rd places. A 3rd place is where you would spend your time that is not work or home. A bar, community center, an arcade..ect. those were a common place to spend time socializing.

Finally, items like reading and watching TV filled a lot of time. From reading the newspaper to getting the local news. Channel surfing was a big thing for a while. You would cycle through channels until you found something you wanted to watch, you could cycle channels for a while before finding something, so that took up a large chunk of time.

Mr anti climate change says not to worry when it benefits him.

Fuck bill gates, fucking nepo-baby

Watch out, you might upset the emacs crowd.

Slavery 2.0

I back a running trainer on Kickstarter called Vi. When I got it is was insanely uncomfortable, drained my phone battery on an hour via the companion app and did not work for runs longer than 10 minutes. It was absolutely dog shit.

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The defense is: if he did anything wrong he would be in jail.

My brother in Christ, you don't need to do something illegal to be a shitbag.

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It tracks! Nazi Germany was actually pro Jewish state as well, the rationale was that it gets all the Jews out of Germany. It also supposedly kicks off the rapture when the Jews return to Israel.

Taking stances that are popular so that people will vote for you is the entire intent of democracy. Dipshit.


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With trump, the trap isn't his loyal base turning on him, it's having a motivated population against him. He benefits from apathy. If he falls into traps that cause bubble voters to show up, that's the trouble for him.

Studies find that the vast majority of users on a platform are passive participants, the vast majority only look, a smaller group looks and comments and finally an even smaller group looks, comment and post. The key to growing any community is to find or be an active poster. It's also an investment, if you post and get only 1 to 2 reactions, that's okay, it takes time. It also means that more people see it and didn't react.

In your example the NBA sub, I am on it and comment from time to time, but don't have the sources or time to post, but if someone took, at least, the links from reddit and posted them here, it's a start. I know NBA reddit has a lot of good discussions which you can't replicate here without more people, but the posting of articles and links is a start.

So, secretbase?

He's a fucking child

It blows my mind that these companies think AI is good as an informative resource. The whole point of generative text AIs is the make things up based on its training data. It doesn't learn, it generates. It's all made up, yet they want to slap it on a search engine like it provides factual information.

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Someone wanted to erase history.

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We are on the path to ruin.

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Honestly, I don't really care. I like it here more than reddit and if it stays like it is, awesome.

I have no desire to see reddit succeed or fail, I simply found a place I fit in better.

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Get fucked EA

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The kids are alright

Get fucked, scumbag.

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Piracy will increase as streaming services get more exclusive and more expensive. Fuck em, we sail the seas again.

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The kids are alright.

When elected officials need to be segregated from the people they serve, they should be removed from their post. You are here to represent the people, not rule over us.

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Modern capitalism has made us overly concerned with anything other than constant and rapid growth. This does not concern me.

Crazy, if you make good games, people will buy them and pay for them.

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That profile is very much the early adopters of any new platform or technology. If you described the early users of the internet as a whole, it would be very similar.

I don't think anything particular is keeping other users away, it's early. We need evangelist, I suspect that most normies don't even know the fediverse exists, let alone are considering using it.

We just need to continue to grow the reach of the fediverse, don't give up if it seems a bit bare and give everyone else a reason to join us

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Imagine being so insistent on targeting what amounts to 1% of the population.

This shows how little they care about governing and how much they care about pushing their agenda.

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People are starving and unhoused and this is the shit they choose to focus on. People should be mad

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America is a garbage country.

Context: I am American

What if we reduced the size of cars, reduced speed limits and created cities and towns that are safer to walk in

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Do it. I dare you

The problem isn't that a convicted felon can be president, the problem is that a convicted felon can't get other jobs and vote. We should stop dehumanizing felons.

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Firefox is a good option.

But I will raise people one more. Waterfox. Been using it for over a year now and enjoy it.

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If you go far enough left, you get your guns back.

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Public transit should be free

No, can we stop striving for constant growth like some bullshit capitalism company and work to make the content and engagement here worth coming for. Growth isn't everything.

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Then let them die.

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Sex work should be legal.

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Never forget that Oprah platformed grifters like Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil