
5 Post – 407 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Baldur's gate is 20% off. Definitely definitely worth the price

And thus we have come full circle back to the XFire experience after so many years ๐Ÿ˜‚

Let's be honest, it doesn't work for 30% of listed businesses either... Typing in more than 1 word automatically returns utter crap.

If I type is SPAR, I get all supermarkets near me.

If I type in SPAR supermarket because that is what it is listed under, I get this BS, random supermarkets 60+ km away. Even if it could only parse out supermarket because of how badly it parses, then it still could take supermarkets near me.

When I type in just supermarket, I get the supermarkets near me. Any time I type more than one word, the search completely breaks...

Woah, let's not be hasty. A few big tech companies are really good at their jobs...

Let's not forget the dozens of big tech companies run by absolute morons that bring products that nobody wants or needs and only stay afloat due to legacy, stealing data & selling it, and/or venture capital.

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Spinning metal storage is cheapish now, but now a 4K movie takes up a much larger amount of space.

If you measure storage by โ‚ฌ/1 hour media with 4k HDR vs older prices and 720p, it is likely quite similar.

I love the absurdity of game reviewers ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • "This game is the pinnicle of its genre"

  • "This is the 1 game I would bring to a desert island"

  • "one of the most captivating puzzle games ever"

85%, 88%, 70%, a C to a B. That is just above average.

Meanwhile you get an absolute broken AAA piece of crap that barely functions, incoherant story, generic and boring and those same reviewers say "70-80%". So there is a <10% difference between absolutely mastering a genre and releasing straight garbage?

True, but it is also completely different use cases and they have different goals.

Windows on a 2-in-1 is also not as good as an iPad. They are desktop OS's with tablet functionality as a nice to have. They will never be as smooth of an experience as a mobile-first OS.

The trade off is 100x better compatibility with many apps, especially FOSS. inkscape, krita, KiCAD, FreeCAD, coding IDEs, MATLAB/scipy, games, etc... They are all available out of the box without a mediocre mobile port.

The flexibility to functionally use it as a full-blown computer (and not reliant on a monopolized, centralized app store) is the reason you get it and not an iPad. Of course it won't be as good as a tablet because it wasn't made for that.

You can also say "the iPad will never be as good of a drawing experience as a dedicated high-end drawing tablet." Like of course. That isn't its function and goal.

I got in one private tracker and I like that system a lot. I seed my torrents for years because I don't do a ton of very popular stuff, and I like some older shows. Like The Mentalist season packs on TG are at like a 30:1 for me because not many others seed them.

However, the private tracker doesn't use standard naming which sometimes fucks up searches and *arr, also, there are barely any seeders or leechers so a lot of media is hit or miss both downloading and uploading. Of the 50 or so things that I downloaded since I got on, 1 has a positive seed ratio, so thank mods for duration seed points...

It has sent me down some dead end roads in the past 6 months, and the time estimate is always far off even without traffic, but other than that it has been great and I can actually change night and day mode in my car manually because google maps is forever stuck in night mode for some reason.

Then use Wireguard to get into your local network. Simple as. All security risks that don't need to be accessed by the public (document servers, ssh, internal tools, etc...) can be accessed via VPN while the port forwarded servers are behind a reverse proxy, TLS, and an authentication layer like Authelia/authentik for things that only a small group needs to access.

Sorry, but there is 1 case in 10000 where a home user would have to have publicly exposed SSH and 9999 cases of 10000 where it is not needed at all and would only be done out of laziness or lack of knowledge of options.

Well this article is pretty disingenuous...

  1. The distribution "managed by a single person" depends on hundreds of people working on different sofware to keep up. It's not "one person doing better than the thousands of Microsoft employees combined" implication they are pushing

  2. Windows 11 beat the linux distros by up to 20% in 1% lows which are argued as much more important by most tech reviewers. It wasn't consistant at all which means that there was a giant margin of error.

I love linux and linux gaming has gotten radically better, but I am tired of tech "journalism" literally just cherrypicking, misleading, clickbait trash.

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Even musk paying 30% in taxes is such a misnomer too. He accrued like 80 billion in assets during that time and just borrows money tax-free based off that imaginary asset valuation and can essentially have unlimited tax-free money as his assets appreciate...

Props to littlejohn

I think that one of the projects that needs it the most right now, a complete overhaul, is FreeCAD.

It needs a good, competent UX designer. Nothing has changed UX wise for like 6 years. Everyone who begins to use it quits saying that it is the biggest hurdle.

It is literally the only real classical FOSS CAD software and they have no UX designer as far as I know.

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I'm interested to know how they fool the AI while keeping it invisible to the human eye. Do they make additional layers? Do they change every nth pixel? Is every poisoning associated with another poisoned object? (Will a dog always be poisoned towards a cat?, etc...)

Interesting, but a bit hard to understand.

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Because 90% of standard phones now don't have SD card slots. Thanks pixel

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It comes from having hands bigger than the mouse. I don't get how taller people can even do palm grip. You would have to click with your finger knuckles.

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I mean, China fucking sucks and is a shit authoritarian statist government but let's not pretend America hasn't done similar things.

Ever heard the stories of how America won the right to unions?

  • Columbine Mine Massacre

  • Ludlow Massacre

  • Thibodaux Massacre

  • Battle of Blair Mountain

  • Herrin Massacre

Hundreds of people killed in total because they were protesting.

The difference in outcome is that back then the technology was more of a level playing field.

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And then when this gets big it will be decided on by partison 90 year old idiots who will probably and up saying "amazon is 100% in the right on all counts, as damages to their reputation, amazon now owns the FTC" and then it is promptly found out that amazon paid them $10 million each with a comically large check in front of the courthouse at a press conference while taking photos and laughing "about those darned poor people" and the ruling will still stand.

Well technically it is the record labels' jobs. I think most big artists don't interact directly with Spotify but through a label that signed them when they were small and takes 90% of the income from their songs.

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Pretty much, if you are like the "average redditor" guy's videos, then people aren't going to like you, even if you are technically correct.

There are also plenty of people who know a lot about adjacent subjects, think that they are correct all of the time, and are confidently wrong. Both kinds of people suck to be around.

If 1 person has said something in this vein to me, I would not think much of it, if 2 or more people said it, then I would really take a hard look at myself and how I can better empathize with people.

They can't. That would break the illusion of being an "enlightened centrist."

I.E. votes right wing, sees themselves as slightly more moderate, but sympathizer and defender of the far right and Nazis.

Or one of the many foreign troll farms found to be pushing the "enlightened centrist" narrative.

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I get the thought, but your phone can also have a security breach at any moment, ESPECIALLY because normal user error is by far the weakest and most often exploited attack vector.

Bitwarden's vaults are also encrypted with the option for even stronger argon2id encryption. Bitwarden themselves can't access them or reset them. It is open source and most importantly, audited. KeypassXC has only had one audit ever. (Though that passed and I would also definitely recommend keypassXC, it is great software security-wise)

The database is stored, encrypted, once on their server and once to each device you sync to, so it is available locally.

Even if they had a security breach, by design the assailant couldn't access your database any more than they could access your keypass database.

You can also self-host it which would bring it exactly to the level of keypassX variants as far as attack surface.

Not to mention with bitwarden, you will also only need one key. That is the whole point of a password manager.

"It is available locally and a lot better..." is simply untrue. They are both great options. Just whatever works best for the person. Bitwarden has a ton more QoL options and enterprise options, plus separate, shared password databases and such for families and companies. Again, just as secure.

ECC RAM is only necessary for people doing financial-related work.

If a video has a bitflip that is not corrected in software, ooooo 1 pixel will be a slightly different shade or hue or one subtitle letter will be wrong worst case.

Billing, payment processing, virtual currency storage, a flipped bit could be thousands of dollars, but those systems will have multiple verifiable redundancies in place, unlike the 90s when people like to quote that ECC RAM is essential.

Also 100% uptime servers like enterprise storage servers where customer data integrity is high priority.

I have yet to see a single shred of evidence that a memory bit flipping has caused any problems past 2008 or so. Maybe another person has found some case where it has, but when I was researching for my own server, I couldn't find a single one.

Nearly every problem (1 million times more likely) is caused by software instability and bugs, with some being due to hard drive bit rot or hardware failures which ECC won't fix anyway.

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Being able to find, download and seed old series and movies.

Nobody ever stays seeding anymore because big private trackers make it all about ratio and small ones simply don't have to userbase to support "old" series.

Back with RARBG I had every season of that 70's show and had around a ratio of around 50. For old scooby doo, red green show, Mr. Rogers, Tom & Jerry, some cartoons from when I was a kid, etc... Now it is difficult to even find a lot of that media, much less have a good ratio from it on smaller private trackers where it might get 1 download per 6 months or so. There is absolutely no incentive for keeping around older media. If you want to get in good in trackers, you HAVE to pump and dump the most popular torrent of the week once a month or so to get a good enough ratio.

For example, on SceneTime I have a ratio of like 0.1 because it simply doesn't have users. However, they assign bonus points based on how long your torrent is seeding, if I am not mistaken, so my site "effective ratio" has gone up to 2 because you can spend the bonus points to add "upload GB" to your account if you are keeping alive "unpopular" torrents.

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The problem is that the socket will always have the mechanical retainers for all sorts of plugs. This was a problem for example in the shitty Nokia (HMD Global) phones that used the literal cheapest half-sockets it could find. The retaining tabs wore out and the entire phone socket had to be replaced.

But yes, the smaller retaining pins on USB C will wear out the plug first. Apple Lightning cables will wear out at the phone side instead of the plug side. The difference is that Apple requires Lightning certification on all of their cables meaning that shitty out of spec Chinese crap can't ruin your port as easily. They worked around bad design with legal restrictions. This was also a play by Apple to restrict charging to whatever they want with proprietary protocol.

USB-C is also grounded from the shielding around the connector, that is huge for pushing higher speeds also. Lighting is limited to 2010 speeds, but generally on phones that doesn't matter.

For your dirt problem, a smaller toothpick works fine and I have used that method many times to get fuzz and dirt out of my port. Don't use metal. Generally you will be fine with metal because GND and high voltage are both right next to high speed data lines so it will simply pull the data line high or low, pull data lines to each other, or temporarily toggle CC/SBU pins. Not a big deal, but if you go diagonally you can short something that would burn out supporting components, so I would recommend wood or plastic.

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What about "I want twitter to be a bastion of free speech?" And all of his cronies screeching "Musk is just preserving the first ammendment!!1!ยก"

Looks like the quiet part is now being said out loud: "for Nazis and fascists"

If you don't vote for biden then you too, are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians under Trump. You are personally complicit in the doubling or tripling of deaths, doubled or tripled export of weapons, and the outspoken sentiment of "kill them all" that Trump (your vote) actually expressed.

But good job trying to be a right wing fascist troll and guilting people into not voting so Trump wins.

It is exactly the same as the "personal carbon footprint" BS that corporations pushed to get the attention off the fact that 100 companies that individuals have no control of create over 70% of world emissions. Guilt people into accepting even worse outcomes and conditions by blaming them for things they literally cannot control.

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Anecdotal evidence, but I have been self hosting for 3 years and never had a single problem without ECC memory.

I think the thing is if you are serving thousands of requests constantly like a "real website" and/or have financial reliance on it then ECC memory becomes a huge ROI draw. If you are running a media server + a few services for one household, ECC memory is very overkill in the vast majority of cases and you won't see a difference.

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I find is very funny because I seem to remember the conservative chant back in the 2010s was "wake up america" or "wake up sheeple "

People "woke" up.

Conservatives: "No not like that." "Woke is destroying America"

72 Hz was used as a refresh rate for CRT monitors back in the day. Specifically because it was the average threshold that no users reported discomfort from CRT flicker. And 72 * 2.

It is likely a holdover from that era. I think from there, it is a multiple of 24 HZ so movie content scaled smoothly without tearing before vsync? Last part is a guess.

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Why does it matter?

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If you go for WD red plus 12TB drives, they are helium filled and less noisy even than the 8TB air versions.

I have one and it is silent when not tracking, but all hard drives have some seeking noise. Mostly because it is irregular so human ears pick it up more than white fan or spinning noise.

Best idea for absolute noise reduction in the same room is getting a good closed case, reinforcing with some foam panels with a direct air path that you can direct through a cupboard cutout for example.

What you are looking for is high capacity SSDs in this situation, but that is pricey.

But that is the concept of renting rather than a rent economy.

An industry or economy based entirely around renting with 0 other options is almost always rotten to the core.

Get rid of the cable and add heat

The problem with adding high bandwidth wifi is that it adds quite a bit of heat to a device. That's why high bandwidth wifi 6e devices and 10 gigabit Ethernet devices get quite warm. Many cameras already have a lot of heat problems because video sensors and processing already generates quite a bit of heat. Wireless always generates more heat than wired due to much higher amplification, transmit power, and demodulation requirements.

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Lol what? What list is this?

All a bunch of corporate brand shilling...

  • good maple syrup

  • Apples & cinnamon

  • banana and walnuts

  • brown sugar and nutmeg

  • blueberries and strawberries when cooking the oats in milk (doesn't work well with nutmilks)

  • peanut butter oats

  • overnight oats of various forms

  • protein tiramisu oats with cottage cheese

  • mangos

  • chocolate chips and nuts

All with no brands, all with simple, easy to find foods, tons of variety in types of flavors.

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You can install multiple cores on it.

First you have to go to the online updater and update all of your configuration files, core files, assets, everything and restart, but then you can simply go to the online updater and download any emulator core for any system.

I am playing on MelonDS which requires one fix to use the touchscreen in-game:

Core options -> screen -> change first option to Touch.

Also for pokemon specifically to have save filed work properly, you have to download a nintendoDS BIOS blob and put it in one of your retroarch folders. There are guides on that.

A little bit of configuration, bit you essentially have every single open source emulator in one app.

Any linux can use whatever you want.

Arch comes by default with nothing but a terminal and then you can install X.org or Wayland, whatever you want.

This. This is a hole in the market I think.

Windows used to have a similar hidden feature that my friend used all the time to tracking his work projects, but they removed it some time ago.

This is a good idea. It could even be later expanded to a sort of "digital wellbeing" type use case with time limits or reminders on certain apps, etc...

Ah, so then I assume you are posting this from a government building or prison after being the head of an armed resistance? No?

Oh you are just a basement-dweller who shitposts online to feel morally superior while enjoying the luxury that you hate so much? Imagine that, a hypocrite.

Are you aware that you, personally, are spreading white supremacist ideals and doing absolutely nothing about it besides trashing the others in the working class to feel better about yourself?

What is Futo? Their website says absolutely nothing besides their "company values."

What is their business model?

Who is running it?

How do they earn money to give out?

What do they ask in return besides hoarding the trademarks?

Flat fee is always good, but I am always skeptical about these sort of completely opaque, altruistic companies that often turn into not-so-altruistic companies after they see more profit capabilities.

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