The Best Toppings for Oatmeal to Food and – 19 points –
The Best Toppings for Oatmeal

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Lol what? What list is this?

All a bunch of corporate brand shilling...

  • good maple syrup

  • Apples & cinnamon

  • banana and walnuts

  • brown sugar and nutmeg

  • blueberries and strawberries when cooking the oats in milk (doesn't work well with nutmilks)

  • peanut butter oats

  • overnight oats of various forms

  • protein tiramisu oats with cottage cheese

  • mangos

  • chocolate chips and nuts

All with no brands, all with simple, easy to find foods, tons of variety in types of flavors.

Totally agreed, but I was also surprised not to see raisins on your list! They're great cooked right along with the oats: they'll soak up a little water (or milk if you do it that way) and plump back up a bit, and they make for delicious bites. I also usually make steel-cut oats in a rice cooker – they don't come out quite as delicious with quick oats because they don't get as much opportunity to suck up water, but they're still good.

Try some cardamom spice in there, too -- but don't add it until near the end. Cardamom's flavor dissipates when cooked too long.

I like that they listed the brands because some of the ones they mentioned aren't available in my area - so I like knowing I'd have to travel to get something else.