Immich x FUTO Q&A to – 148 points –
Immich Q&A ft. Eron Wolf & Louis Rossmann from Futo

Short version of this interview is that nothing is changing, other than they're going to be asking a flat fee "$5-20" for the app, rather than relying on donations. All donation platforms have been closed. However, if you choose not to, as Louis says "that's between you and your God".

Project will remain AGPL and thus can be forked at any time. FUTO maintains the trademark of Immich name and logos.


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What is Futo? Their website says absolutely nothing besides their "company values."

What is their business model?

Who is running it?

How do they earn money to give out?

What do they ask in return besides hoarding the trademarks?

Flat fee is always good, but I am always skeptical about these sort of completely opaque, altruistic companies that often turn into not-so-altruistic companies after they see more profit capabilities.

What is their business model?

Selling free software without enforcing it.

How do they earn money to give out?

See above.

What do they ask in return besides hoarding the trademarks?


Uhh... why did you just paste the comments from the video without the answers?