4 Post – 719 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Open source or bust

Even if there was jurisdiction, anyone in the world is entitled to do it by the very licenses these works are released under.

You… tasted a septum ring?

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Answering the question in the image: machine learning arose from the industrial control world. The idea was to teach a machine how to detect defects in supposedly identical objects out of a manufacturing line, most often with “machine vision” (ie. a camera). Applying it to humans was asinine.

The more I see ADHD shitposts, the more I think I have it.

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The gag generally prohibits Trump from publicly commenting on potential witnesses, jurors and other people involved in the case. […] The prosecutors want Trump fined $1,000 per violation.

He violated The gag order over ten times. Why the fuck won’t the judge hold him in contempt of court and arrest him?

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A wee bit of knowledge and the wisdom to stop doing it.

Entire libraries worth of ink have been poured in an effort to understand, mythologize, and explain the behavior of white rural voters — why they are so attached to former President Donald Trump, [...]

It's racism.

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It's wild that Google got so bad that people are actually paying to get decent search.

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Every accusation a confession. Always.

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So like other live USBs? What’s new?

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I'm conflicted. On one hand, that's no homeopathy in any shape or form. On the other hand, in no shape or form does homeopathy work. So I guess the bullshits cancel each other out?

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These numbers are inflated due to our population and government and health sector office pc using linux (ubuntu).

They are not inflated. Office use is the majority of desktop use elsewhere in the world too. It's very much a apples to apples comparison.

“… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?”

It’s either abortion or marriage, it seems. No other alternative. Also, Freedom loving couples? Never knew hippies to be into traditional marriage. Someone please shut this degenerate up for good.

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Nazi doctors found out a lot about the human body by torturing them and/or treating them inhumanely.

That is a myth. The documentation left behind by them had little to no scientific rigor, and basically nothing of value was gained from it. The situation was even worse on the Japanese side, where even the visiting nazis thought they were going too far and, again, nothing of value was gained.

I’ll adopt it when it’s ready.

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I don't get the fixation people have with terminals. I don't think I've ever used one in Linux that made me think "you know, I need to install a better terminal emulator". So I just use what comes with my DE.

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Why is there a massive chip hanging precariously on a disorganized network rack?

So basically just drama?

Uh… don’t? I mean, why rush it? Host it privately. What compels you to host publicly facing such high risks?

This ignores the long history of Israeli ethnic cleansing in the region.

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Ashton Whittington, Gabriel Trujillo and Nathan Dieffenderffer have been arrested for suspected sexual assault on a warrant from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.

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Browser fingerprinting and borderline Spyware:

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Some. Better get the WD40.

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Haven’t you heard? He threatened them with even harsher threats if they don’t comply this time.

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I mean, I’d say that too even if untrue, if I were in their position.

Oh boy, do I have a surprise for you. Their cars blink the brake lights. You read that right. Bonus video

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I've turned down a couple prospective offers for that too. I am not going to trade my shithole state for a shittier holier state.

Every accusation he makes is a confession. Always.

They’re one downstairs, so they fuck as a couple. But the other twin also gets an orgasm.

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You don’t own the music you license through iTunes though.

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We are not stuck to DEC VT100 terminals anymore. It’s okay to have 100 columns of code. And wasting 10% of that space for each indentation? What are you smoking?

Wait until you discover aptitude.

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I’m always in favor of exponential fines. You can start at a very small sum at first offense and if you double at every new offense you’re quickly in the billions.

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I know Linux has little to no penetration in health equipment firmware because a lot if not most of them have hard real-time requirements that Linux just doesn’t quite reach. QNX4 is a real-time Unix flavor that has been used in fancy graphical heartbeat/multi stat monitors. Its microkernel architecture allows for a watchdog to restart individual drivers so it’s more fault tolerant.

Were systems in the stable branch at risk of compromise? Were there delays in releasing security fixes in the stable branch.

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What do you have against dogs?

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Don't discount the "Spez is a whoreson" in German.

US uses law even more favorable to the shipowner.

Color me surprised.