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Joined 4 months ago

Oh that does sound really nice actually, I'll book a trip. I really like the sound of the moon changing size, would add a lot of variety to the sky. I would ask what time of year you suggest visiting but since they're over 500 earth years I don't really have the option.

So if someone made a photoshop of him in blackface with racist iconography and he didn't like it you'd post it everywhere? 'Look at putin depicted as a disgusting stupid black guy! It sure is humiliating for him to be associated with terrible things like black people!'

And yes I know it's tempting to write off things like this with 'it's not complex bro, I just do what I feel like and it's OK because in my heart it's a progressive act of kindness!' but life isn't so simple, actions have unintended and unconsidered implications.

There's so many reasons to laugh at putin, even if he was gay it wouldn't be one of them. Assume the story that this upsets putin didn't exist as a meme (which btw is likely nonsense anyway) what would be the point of this image? What would it convey? Just homophobia.

Also people getting used to group chat and online games with friends, being able to socialize more effectively made activities like the mall pointless.

That's why when you go to places where people used to hang out to socialise most people are just on their phones, the phone is better.

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You've got to stop kidding yourself, most of america does not.share your/our political opinions, it feels like it when inside a bubble like on here but the wider reality of people who actually vote they're not going to win.

Yeah but s lot of those are self serving right wing ideals, for some reason everyone ignored this and just assumed the old revolution was ongoing. I guess like people who still talk about Russia as communist

He's right, information wants to be free. Don't support stronger copyright just to spite people it'll benefit

I think he wants us to vote Trump to justify his doomerism? If things go well then he has to think about the future and act on plans, he'd rather screw up the dems than see things continue to improve under Biden. Seems to be the thinking of most the 'I'm above politics because I'm unflinchingly negative about everything'

The problem is the only people saying this are people who have been saying the same things for the whole time and are desperate for it to ve true so it's hard to believe them, it's not coming from my friends that weren't yelling about Biden every excuse they got.

It's like thuderfoots recent starliner stream, he predicted it would fail and spent the whole time saying 'oh shit, here it goes... looks like it's going to explode...' even when both bits were returned safely he was calling the spaceX staff morons for celebrating because he was so desperate to be right.

People wanted Biden to fail because then they could push their brand of politics but he's doing great based on actual metrics, so they try to make him fail using opion and tone setting behavior - the exact way Trump beat Hillary, memed that she was bad until no one went to vote.

I think a big part of the problem is Biden is a good politician, he's generally honest and forthright which is what everyone claims to want.

But we're all so lost in marvel movie logic and cinema tropes that people don't respond to it, they just want a showman - meanwhile politics is boiled down to robot voice tiktoks and reddit posts that barely scratch the headline so again people don't respond to reality they need a hyper targeted exaggeration coated in catchy idealism and easily retweetable slogans.

Biden says exactly the right things, minis the sort of speech error we all make occasionally, and his record backs up his ability to actually get things done - often in a way that doesn't draw massive attention but incrementally makes things better.

Trump is a liar and an actual idiot, like genuinely stupid and uninformed - but he says anything that will sound good at the time so it makes it seem to people that aren't paying attention or follow complex arguments that he's the one who'll get things done

You fighting to sow discord against the only viable alternative is working to get Trump, pointing out that regular people found reason to prefer his responses over Trump and highlighting what they are is useful in helping people highlight the many advantages of Biden.

Yes he's not as energetic as a lunatic, probably because he's a sensible human that's been working hard on his lifelong goal of improving the society he lives in and pushing through sensible and practical reforms that actually help real people and put the nation on track to deal with the many challenges it faces going forward.

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At least you can tell where something happens by place names, I get headlines '12 shot in Manchester gun fight' or 'Birmingham man kills 8 in roadrage incident' and there's just no way of telling it's America... OK, well those examples are obvious but the point stands.

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Yeah it's a very reasonable question for an llm, especially if you Google the name for it and read a reputable article after

This is a fascinating one.

Some things to consider, a toddler can easily defeat a baby but a 40 and 45 year old are evenly matched. There's also the question of how much is there to learn, at some point the tech tree is pretty much done - iron is much stronger than brass but maybe light-speed heavy plasma guns are pretty much maxed out and physics simply doesn't allow more.

This could result in interesting stalemates, a natural limit to the size of conflicts for example if it's possible to maintain a defensive sphere that can withstand the maximum level of abuse that a circle of attackers can provide - any weapons platform too far back being unable to increase the force applied. We might get technologically perfect civilizations effectively combined to bubbles of influence around their power sources.

What is possible is that at a certain level of tech we discover how to tap into the universal internet, aliens give us the rest of the answers to physics and philosophy then show us how to build VR gear so we can explore the cosmos in perfect VR and no one ever needs to build Dyson spheres or hyperwarp megastructures because we can do anything with a dark matter powered computanium smart phone.

It doesn't have to be storage, another option is building over capacity so it's winter output is sufficient then using the excess in summer months to perform useful work.

For example a desalination and pumping station at the mouth of the Arizona River, you can scale the pumping from a storage lake by the desalination plant to one or more of the upriver lakes raising their water levels to replace the water used for industry and agricultural.

Carbon capture and manufacture of e-fuels or similar is another great possibility, it can be scaled with energy production vastly reducing the cost of the process and allowing further transition from oil in areas which might otherwise be difficult.

E-chems are important because there's a few things which are vitally important to modern industry but currently produced fairly cheep as an oil by-product, if demand for oil derived fuel declines as we hope and production falls dramatically then the price of those chemicals would skyrocket - being able to transition into using sequestered carbon would save a lot of difficulty, and if it helps create a market for sequestered carbon it could help us start bring atmospheric co2 ppm down slowly.

Like many things it's a solution to a problem that's now solved in other ways, originally it was really easy to skip town and make a new identity so they had to have enough collateral to know you'll come back - if you're facing two years in jail if you lose the trial or losing 5 years worth of money if you flee it's more likely you'd turn up to court.

I guess it became a money thing at some point, the rich like it because they can avoid the same harsh laws the poor suffer, then lending money became an industry and of course they use some of the money they screw out of poor people to lobby the government to make the system even less fair... plus j imagine all sorts of clever accounting makes use of the money while in the courts hands, probably earns some kickbacks somewhere.

Abolishing it and creating a more sane modern system would be a good thing but it'd be unpopular for many reasons - but we've always done it like this, but we would have a budget hole, but why are they making things easier for criminals when my life is hard / climate change / war / etc... politicians don't deal with issues like this because the voting public would punish them if they did even though the voting public largely agrees and would likely totally agree if they understood it - which they never will because their opposition will find clever ways to make it seem complicated or turn it Into a culture war issue / moral crusade.

It's really hard writing software and knowing every bit of it then seeing it as a new user to write docs.

You are right, I hate that I have to navigate a bizarre maze of mathematical conundrums just to order food. I avoid ordering I'm general but the rare time I do it annoys me every time and I always feel like I'm getting ripped off.

I want to know more about gonggong

Is it pretty? Would I freeze or boil if I visited? What souvenirs should I bring back? Do I need to take my own water and oxygen or can I buy it there? How much fuel would I need to use if I wanted to push it into a more temperate orbit?

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When I was a kid people said the same about typing, homework has to be handwrittena because no boss will ever accept a typed report.

We had the same when media studies became a lesson, everyone freaking out that kids learning to watch TV is stupid but of course that's not what they're getting taught - media literacy turned our to be a hugely important subject even for those that don't go on to work in the huge and ever growing media sector.

Teaching kids to use AI tools effectively is the same, you hear it and imagine 'they put homework prompt into chatGPT and hand in the output' it's the same as imagining media studies as being nothing more than watching TV. AI is going to be an ever more present and useful tool in our lives so kids need to learn how to leverage and utilize it or they'll be at a huge disadvantage.

You can't hold back time by denying your kid a full education, they need to know how to effectively use the tools everyone else will be using.

6 in 10 Americans believe any old nonsense as long as you present it with confidence.

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I don't understand, do you think this is funny because she's pretty and you therefore assume she's dumb?

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I defend a lot of misunderstood ai but this doesn't have any good qualities even if it wasn't a scam

Then you're acting casual but let slip 'oh that's the b type they use coaxial threading so won't deharmonize until you get upto 8000hz... uh, I mean yeah looks life it'll go real fast!'

We do need to address certain toxic traits that are bringing things down, hyper negativity is the default as well as intense partisanship to the point where anyone with a slightly unpopular opinion is instantly labeled as an troll, bot, or agent of dark forces - you can see it a dozen times just in this thread.

There is no debate here because anyone who doesn't follow the groupthink is chased out, the news is super biased because of this but it also spills over in to everywhere.

I think there are too many people that think they should be the dictator of lemmy, we really need to start up voting good posts and useful content rather than knee-jerk down voting.

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Yeah, especially when it's a total nothing product 'we removed the useful bits of a phone and charge a big subscription for the free tool most people disable or ignore'

I feel like no one even needed a review to know this is trash

Yours is too, its posting a silly link at the bottom which makes you look like you're a Facebook mom in 2003.

Dear Mark Zuckerberg

With this statement, I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute. NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tacitly allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the profile status updates. FACEBOOK DOES NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO SHARE PHOTOS OR MESSAGES.

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Old Roman artifacts so I can confuse them with how rusted and dirty they are, great conversation starter.

Cancer you say? Like the star sign?

But seriously the campaigns are about spotting signs and importance of early treatment

Watching his videos he's a clever snd self aware guy more than capable of thinking for himself. Hate Elon but you don't need to shit on the disabled by acting like being in a wheelchair means you can't think for yourself

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Which is amazing news for the planet, they're greedy though so they'll probably try and keep it cheap enough to keep people using and maximize profit.

It's going to be interesting when a large enough portion of cars on the road are electric that gas stations start to lose enough business to thin out.

I love how upset people get about things like this

Your coffee is made by enslaved children and people shrug

Your clothes were made in a sweatshop and people shrug

Your music is owned by corporate monsters who impose absurd copyright to steal culture from those that live in it and people shrug

A theoretical voice actor misses out on a small role and you go wild calling for boycotts and making unhinged tweets at the company?

Very weird priorities.

Almost like it's totally unserious and nothing but self Important performative nonsense.

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Articles like this kill me because the nudge it's kinda sorta racist to draw images like the ones they show which look exactly like the cover of half the bollywood movies ever made.

Yes, if you want to get a certain type of person in your image you need to choose descriptive words, imagine gong to an artist snd saying 'I need s picture and almost nothing matters beside the fact the look indian' unless they're bad at their job they'll give you a bollywood movie cover with a guy from rajistan in a turbin - just like their official tourist website does

Ask for an business man in delhi or an urdu shop keeper with an Elvis quiff if that's what you want.

I put a prostate in your butt, also another man's penis will fit perfectly in your butt. Do this and I'll have my followers kill you then send you to hell for eternity.

Oh yeah slavery is fine and women are property.

Two key notes for anyone wanting context

You could add anyone as a mod to a sub you moderated, he was added as a joke

Even more context they did give the guy who ran it and most the other nswf subs a special award before media controversy got them to ban the most problematic subs. So really it's a somewhat unfair statement but he was clearly aware of the sub and did nothing until forced.

The comment editing was clearly a joke because the Trump sub was pinging him in posts insulting him for enforcing moderation policy against them - he set it to change 'fuck @spez' to 'I love spez' or similar.

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The reality is 99% of people that create images or music have little to no real creativity, it's far higher for text.

You can be crazily creative with thrown paint and make images you can stare at for hours or you can do the most generic shit with a hundred brushes and 12 years of art education.

Of course a creative person can use ai in fascinating ways to create visually stunning images. The better tools get the more control we have over output and the more intricate and ¹complex the things we'll make. I've seen loads of really cool things from ai which are every bit as creative as anything else, as with all art you have to seek out creativity and originality.

Business lesson, : never build a factory because it won't pay for itself in the first year.

And yes I know it's hard to hear but Meta's vr is doing really well in the areas they targeted, industry, academia, and special use. This is likely to end up a profitable part of their business for a long time.

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Lemmy is slipping into a weird form of pacifism where they're really hype about certain types of violence (punch a nazi, execute billionaires, etc) but also hate democracies working together to defend against attack because they see government as a nebulous evil and they'd rather people die than admit their edgy ideology is overly simplistic.

And yes I know the west has been involved in bad wars predicated on lies, the west isn't the only place where people lie and do awful things for personal power and wealth, democracy isn't perfect but it's a work in progress best effort to work on making things better and it's actually working pretty well really all things considered. I certainly think having tools to defend it against attack is a sensible and good thing especially something as elegant and accurate as just smashing attacking drones with percussive force. Far less likelihood of civilian casualties or ecological damage.

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These people show up on my Facebook, they just want the opposite of what the government says no matter what, often they imagine the government saying something just so they can do the opposite.

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It's probably one of the biggest potential saviors tbh, having robots efficiently construct wind turbines and solar arrays in inhospitable locations will help us transition from oil far faster and more efficiently.

I know a lot of people want to go back to having half the world impoverished so we can exploit their cheap labour like in the good old days but technology already helped them access education and stuff so that game is over.

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I love that they always manage to demonstrate poor reading comprehension so clearly, like the note about private property is clearly in the context of Marxist beliefs not an assumption the world will be Marxist.