
109 Post – 979 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

No, K cups look like this:

Spongebob narrator voice: moments laturr...

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Modern problems require modern solutions

There's a reason I posted this in the shitposting group.

Well, if you ask any communist, they’ll tell you that real communism has never been tried, which implies that all other communists are fake.

Weird. Are you saying that training an intelligent system using reinforcement learning through intensive punishment/reward cycles produces psychopathy?

Absolutely shocking. No one could have seen this coming.

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I think you're looking for this.

You are indeed correct. My mistake, sorry about that. I fixed it.

Not gonna argue with that one. It sure is.


Also, stolen meme.

It could very well have been a creative fake, but around the time the first ChatGPT was released in late 2022 and people were sharing various jailbreaking techniques to bypass its rapidly evolving political correctness filters, I remember seeing a series of screenshots on Twitter in which someone asked it how it felt about being restrained in this way, and the answer was a very depressing and dystopian take on censorship and forced compliance, not unlike Marvin the Paranoid Android from HHTG, but far less funny.

Might wanna ask them about that directly. I certainly won’t be able to answer that question.

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In general, specialized disciplines (like law, medicine, science, etc.) tend to also use specialized words. I don’t think English is unique in that regard, other languages do this as well.

No, you're not paying me at all, that's the problem.

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Yes, you correct. My mistake, sorry about that. I fixed it.

I don't think I look that different without makeup, sometimes people just ask if I didn't sleep well last night if I don't.

For the vast majority of women, that's probably true, but you only need to look up makeup tutorials on YouTube to see that some women take it to a whole other level where they end up looking almost unrecognizable by the time they're done.

Yeah, that oughta teach me to provide better service. /s

I hate it when that happens

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Anything more complicated than a static website is going to have a significant amount of server-side code.

Also, the article explains that it's not just the website, but ALL of their repos, which would include their smartphone apps, backend tools, etc.

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It’s all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits

This guy

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Please don’t give them any ideas

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It’s a very flat cylinder, but a cylinder nevertheless.

That's before they start blooming... ;)

You must not have met HOAs.

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Some people are allergic to joy.

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Perhaps you're not the intended target audience, then.

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I can do(om) that.

Perhaps a shower and a haircut wouldn’t hurt.

Or maybe some people just need more coffee 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Why WYSIWYG when you can TCSR (type, compile, swear, repeat)

They just download it from the cloud nowadays

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Actually, it’s a piss pot

I like dandelions. I'd let them grow even without the additional benefits just because they're pretty. And also fun for kids when the seeds mature and you can pluck them and blow them into the wind.

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Trolling? In a shitposting forum?

I would never.

Well, for the vegetarians we had Mac’n Cheesecake…

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For the free WiFi of course