Innovation cannot be stopped

MacN' to Lemmy – 1078 points –

The double cigarette HDMI Adapter is also great:

double cigarette HDMI Adapter

This is great

This is the kind of shit that makes 3d printing community special. Physical shitposts beyond imagination.

Man, I never thought of it as a physical shitpost. Now it all makes sense.

For when you just need to die, right fucking now.

Then you'll need some of this

What is that?

Chewing tabacco called nasvai, used in eastern europe by teenagers, there's also more cultured version called snys

I wouldn't call it cultured. I have been in meetings with people sticking fingers in the mouth to put/remove snys, or put the used ones back in the box, it was quite disgusting...

True true, but nasvai is made out of shit, so that's some improvement at least

One inhalation on a single cigarette is said to reduce your life by 7 minutes. How does this apply here? Is the scale linear or exponential?

7 minutes per puff? Who says that?

It's a very rough approximation which was used in anti-smoking campaigns, at least in the 90s/00s.

A lot of that was exaggerated. 7 minutes per puff really doesn't sound realistic. But since it convinced people to stop smoking I guess everyone agreed that some misinformation was OK?

I really don't have a clue, but calculating averages might yield results which don't represent a directly applicable value. If some people lose tens of years due to dramatic complications, it could weigh up a lot for people who barely lose any life length.

Again, I'm just guessing wildly, but anything which scares people away from smoking is good in my opinion.

Again, I'm just guessing wildly, but anything which scares people away from smoking is good in my opinion.

That's where I disagree, spreading misinformation as scientific fact causes people to lose trust in health authorities, and it fuels things like the anti-vax movement and flat earthers. The ends don't justify the means.

I was about to ask if there was a carton adapter. I guess that's ones way to speed up messing the guy yelling "democracy manifest"

1950 called it wants its cigarette adapters back

Make sure you use food safe filament! You wouldn't want to get cancer.

I remember when I was a kid, the Guinness book of world records had an entry for most cigarettes smoked at once. There was a picture of a guy with a whole bunch of cigarettes stuffed in his mouth smoking them. Great reading material for kids back then.

That's just speed running lung cancer

Yall ever just unwind and smoke 20 cigarettes at once? Relaxes your soul, 20 cigarettes does

God it's posts like this that make me wanna fix my 3d printer

Not for cigarettes but like, the dispensary near me sells the double blunt adapter for wayyyy too much and I could print one with the resin I have if my printer wasn't a lil bitch about things, and a triple-chamber for a 3-strain hit sounds so goddamn fun

Wouldn't do that with resin though if you are going to put it in your mouth.

Very toxic, even on skin.

The resin is used to make a mold for silicone by inverting the 3d model, I've done it for a couple of pipe ideas before to see if they'd be cool (I'm bad at 3d design is what I learned)

I also know a guy who uses some EXPENSIVE resin that's apparently safe to use in medical situations, so I assume breathing through that once it's done with its treatment is probably fine, but I'd never do it with my cheap shit, even being in the room with it hurts with my mask on (hyperbole)

What's wrong with the printer?

It fell out of alignment and no matter what I do it refuses to properly calibrate

Every test print for a month failed no matter what I did because it wasn't moving properly and contacting support got me less than nowhere

If I ever get medicated again it's on the list of shit to sit down and figure out cuz I bet a part is loose somewhere OR the firmware went insane and needs reinstall

Man I know that feeling. I have a prusa Mk2 that's just.... Funny about things and I'm so uninspired to fix it anymore but print ideas still come in from time to time that makes me want to figure it out.

Makes me want to watch Taskmaster NZ again

Guy Williams being unhealthy

Ooooh how is NZ TV? I love myself a good bit of British TV including OG taskmaster. I tried the Australian one but as with most Australian shows I find them too "Americanised" with over-dramatic editing and sob stories. Is NZ a bit more natural and low-key in their shows?

I only watch Taskmaster and a couple things that Taskmaster NZ contestants do (like Guy Montgomery's Guy Mont-Spelling Bee). That said, Taskmaster NZ is really good.

I've been a Taskmaster UK fan since episode 1 and I knew that Paul Williams (the NZ Taskmaster's Assistant) is friends with folks like Rose Matifeo (who was in the music video for Surf Music) and James Acaster (who used Euroleague for music in his standup special Cold Lasagna Hate Myself 1999) so I gave it a shot and was very happy I did. I wasn't as impressed with the Australian Taskmaster, but I only watched the first season/series.

I'm a huge fan of the original British TM, but TM New Zealand is honestly amazing. The whole thing is available on YouTube (thanks Little Alex Horne + team!!!).

In my and many of my friends' opinion, TM New Zealand Series 2 is one of the best TM series. TM New Zealand in general is absolutely unhinged.

Series 1 feels a bit off, which is probably because it's unlike British TM. I got used to it fairly quick though.

TM NZ Series 1

TM NZ Series 2

TM NZ Series 3 (final episode releases on YouTube in 2-3 days)

I don't see an official source for series 4. And, FYI, series 5 has started.

I love Series 2 and that the whole cast still gets together and posts pics online. But I also really loved both Josh "well alRIGHT!" Thomson and Chris "The Goose" Parker on series 3.

Yep! Series 4 hasn't "released" on YouTube yet. I saw Paul William's story on instagram that they're releasing Series 5 on TV, but sadly I don't have access to that. I'm fine being behind by 1-2 years though.

God I wish cigarettes were safe so I could smoke shit like this. I would be using a leafblower to smoke a whole room.

trying to keep up with the vaping industry?

That's great and all, but feels very targeted towards boomers.

Where's one that can take 500 vape juice cartridges?

I want to hit every flavor at once

I wonder if the effect would be akin to mixing every paint color and getting "super dark greyish black-brown" as a result.

My guess would be "super icy horrifying franken-fruit."