8 Post – 323 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Don't forget DVD playback. Most people by the year 2000 still only had VHS. DVD players were prohibitively expensive at the time so a lot of people were holding out. PS2 had DVD and cost about half the price of dedicated players. I know a lot of homes bought them purely as a movie machine.

I bet if Dreamcast had DVD playback the history of the Dreamcast would've been very different.

Nah, you can always rely on the Hilbert Hotel for a good night's rest. Your room is down the hall, just keep walking, you'll find it.

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Penny, morrowind and dishonoured are a really solid bundle alone for $20

I really like it. It's pretty simple but the small city feels dense and fun to explore. Reminds me of something you'd find on the Dreamcast. If you have gamepass give it a shot.

Used to have a pair of these. Motorola S305. They were the perfect running headphones. Big chunky buttons for volume and track skipping, a plastic band that wrapped the back of your head and over your ears so it would never fall off but otherwise wireless. The only downside was really old Bluetooth tech so connection was sketchy at times. Also audio has improved a lot since then.

Modern buds don't stay in my ears. I'm using the pixel buds pro right now. The right ear stays in pretty good but the left is completely unpredictable.

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Looks like there's a box of YoYo Balls and Pogs. Can I have a go?

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I haven't used PayPal in over 10 years. Why don't you just leave the service?

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Apple App Store, Apple Music store, Apple Movies store, Apple Television store and uhhh Apple News. Checkmate EU

Really though, claiming your Apple App Store on 5 different hardware categories that you own excludes you from your monopoly is some bonzo horseshit. Can't wait for the response on this one.

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For context, the emachines "never obsolete" wasn't referring to this computer, it was a recycling program where you could send your old machine back and get a huge discount on your next one. It was actually a pretty good deal at the time, especially when your average family machine was a lot more expensive than they are today

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"Hey Bing AI can I get a recipe that includes cinnamon"

"Sure! Before we begin did you hear about the great Black Friday deals at Sephora"

"Not interested"

"No problem. You're using query 9 of 20 this month. Do you want to proceed?"


"Before we begin, Bing Max+ has a one month trial starting at just $1 for your first month*. Want to give that a try?"

"Not now"

"No problem. With cinnamon you can make Cinnamon Rolls"

"What else?"

"Sure! You are using query 10 of 20 this month. Before I continue did you hear the McRib is back for a limited time at McDonald's. (ba, da, ba, ba, ba) I'm lovin' it."

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From: Dad

Subject: fw: fw: fw: fw: fw: re: fw: FW: fw: SO TRUE.

Funny because Inspect offers all the stealing tools

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Holy hell guys, did you all just read the headline and run to the comment section?

  • enabled by default means you can see the feature and interact with it if you choose to do so

  • when you interact with it, it explains it needs to send this file to OpenAI. Of course it does, that's how it knows what you're asking of it. You are prompted to choose to use this feature

  • if you choose not to interact with it, nothing has changed, nothing has been sent anywhere

  • if you really don't want to look at it anymore you can turn it off, which is nice. A lot of companies drop stuff like this and you're stuck with it whether you like it or not

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They're AI generated, so check those communities.

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My dad was complaining how the younger generation doesn't answer their phone anymore and I had to explain it's all scam calls now and it's his generation that keeps the scammers in business

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Get a load of this guy, just walking around all aimless

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TLOU Part 1 was a 2023 release, even though it's just a remake but at least I can let that slide. Even SIFU was a 2023 Steam release so I can let that slide. RDR2 is in a category that specifically built for games before 2023. What I can't let slide is giving it the labor of love award. It hasn't been touched since launch and the online component is a gong-show because of it's bugs and cheaters. Even the singleplayer mode had a huge audio bug that affected many people (including myself) and the only work around was getting some guys script that you have to run before launching the game.

It's completely abandoned by Rockstar and does not deserve to come anywhere close to the "Labor of Love" award.

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Fight Club. Even the author preferred some of the changes made for the movie.

Too bad the article only mentions apps migrating to Lemmy as a single line in a huge article. Would have been nice to hear about the transition process.

These quotes are from a time when games were stamped into hard plastic and circuitry. No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk are two examples of games with rocky launches that are both amazing now. Saying a game is forever bad simply isn't true anymore provided the makers stand behind the product.

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Exactly, people get to caught up in the Digital Foundry-ification of ultra max settings running at a perfect ~120 unlocked frames. Relax my dudes and remember the best games of your life were perfect dark with your friends running at 9 FPS.

1080p is fine, medium settings are fine. If the game is good you won't sweat the details.

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Times were tough before OnlyFans

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I think it's about audience. People who care about quality and bitrates and such usually have their couple of private trackers. People who just want to watch things regardless of quality just get whatever

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Since it was my favorite shot I got it printed. I extended the left edge with Photoshop to get an ultra wide 2:3 print (the original right edge was cropped out of the photo posted here). Got it done on a reflective metal, looks great in the dining room.

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Because their real purpose is to train the bots. The captcha features are just there to get us to use it.

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I do miss the days when Epic would build bespoke games to show off their new engines. Now they just dump it all into Fortnite.

Reddit is gonna be just fine and the shade we like to throw around here isn't even a blip on their radar

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Same, Sync was Reddit to me.

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We're only 34 years from this being true

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Or Cate Blanchett. Like if me and my friends were dream casting this movie one of us would say Cate Blanchett as a joke and we'd all laugh and move on. Don't get me wrong, she's one of my favorite actresses, you can Tar and feather me all day but this was frankly a bizarre call.

Reminds me of the show Barry, the character Sally is on a press circuit and someone throws the question at her "Who should play the next Spiderman" and confused by the question she says Ben Mendelson

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RDR2 labor of love?! Didn't Rockstar basically abandon the multiplayer a while back throwing the community into a clown protest. Even the single player mode has an audio bug introduced in the final update (many years ago) that affected many people (including myself) and the only fix was running a script some guy on a forum made. The game is completely abandoned by Rockstar and can get the fuck off that list.

Also, I'm one of the people who actually really enjoyed Starfield but to call it the most innovative I would not. Viewfinder, Cocoon, Jusant, Dave the Diver, Humanity, Venba, Hi-Fi Rush to name a few that feel much more at home in this category.

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Very cool, I wonder how he finds the matches.

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Slay the Spire. I've probably put more hours into this game than any other in my life.

From there, I guess all the usual picks. Hades, Hollow Knight, Braid, Fez, Dead Cells, Celeste

Looks like stack overflow privileges

"choose the roads that fill you with ennui moreso than the avenues that give you a sense of listless"

Those are two very different movies

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Exactly. After the @ they should just confirm there's at least one period. The rest is pretty much up in the air.

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Should've named him Harvey Dent

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All you have to do is change your user agent. This is just a way for Microsoft to wash their hands of browser support outside of WebKit

Bandcamp was bought by Epic Games, who fired half the staff and sold off the remainder to some kind of nebulous music licencing platform. I wouldn't cheer them on much longer, I see dark days ahead.

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