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Joined 11 months ago

It is not. It is the interpretation right wing gunnits have claimed it is, so there is that I suppose...

Nah, he js just doing the bidding of his corporate masters. He couldnt give a flying fuck about ideology, he just likes the money they hand him for doing this.

The immunity only applies to Republican presidents.

Only Americans thinks that apple pie is a specifically American food.

But we’re still doing this thread in English, and I’ll bet the reason why isn’t Britain’s impact on the internet.

It is incredible how poor you guys are at understanding the concept of languages. Your comments are completely unrelated to the fact that Americans are not a majority on the internet, even though Americans always assume so.

About 4.2%.

You seem to confuse people writing in English with being American.

It doesn't make any sense at all. The world wide web is gasp world wide. Reddit is an international platform which deliberately appeals to an international audience, regardless of which country the company is situated in.

People are speaking English because that is an internationally known language. Americans assume that when people speak English on the internet, it must mean that they are American. It is not even remotely true though, Americans are a minority on the internet, including the "English speaking" internet, they are just never aware of it.

There is nothing marxist about ml or other tankie places. They are just pure authoritarian brownnosers, and couldn't care less about actual socialism. Tankies are purely in it because they imagine they are going to be the ruling class after their imaginary "revolution", exactly the same way fascists are in it for.

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He died in 2006. They got his embalmed body on display in a glass box and everything, like the complete insane psychopaths that they are.

I guess you must have been in a coma since 2015.

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but Texas (and other states) is being hit hard by the number of immigrants, and if the federal government can’t (or won’t?) do anything to curb it, makes sense that they will do something on their own.

That's the thing though, they aren't. Things aren't worse than they were, this is a manufactured crisis because Republicans need some kind of tangible policy to lie about to their voters for the upcoming election. Just like the immigrant caravan which disappeared as suddenly as it appeared (as in it never existed) the previous election.

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If you come across a mugshot picture with a headline and nothing else then you should be aware by now that the headline is 100% made up.

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"Both sides!!!!!"

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The concept of multiple languages seems to confuse so many monolinguists.

ITT: Loads of monolingual native English speakers who has no knowledge of linguistics or even how their own language is not unique in all the ways that they think it is.

A good example of how Russian "both sides" propaganda against the US has always been a thing.

Way too overthinking it for Trump. Some criminal puppeteer just paid him a lot of funds in bitcoin.

Being gullible is also the exact opposite of being a critical thinker. And it is being very gullible to somehow still let the Republicans benefit from your doubt, despite knowing exactly why they are why they are and why they have been doing what they have been doing for decades now. All the while knowing that the factors which makes them that way has only increased the last couple of years.

But then again you are not really being gullible, are you, you are just being disingenous.

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Yeah, that argument may have worked 1 or 2 years ago, but the thing is that there is a deadline for nailing him. If he gets reelected then that ship has sailed.

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Just paying for a whole new computer required for compability with 11.

Not evs in general, just tesla.

That only happened extremely rarely. Nowadays it seems to be almost mandatory, precisely because the mindset is that they can just fix it later

Do you know that though? Because the internet is flooded by Americans defending their shitty system.

What on Earth are you on about? His propaganda stooges in the Russian media which he 100% controls says Russia will either nuke or invade NATO countries on a daily basis.

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Too much hassle for them. They can in practice kill POWs with impunity and just disappear them, and probably already have done so in the past.

This seems more like them attempting to cover up yet another fuck up of theirs, and using the "no you!" retort (as in "we didn't lose 75 men, you did!") is one of Putin's favourite in those kinds of situations, because it serves as an attack as well as covering up something that would make them lose face.

And now with the added "bonus" for Putin that he can kill 75 Ukrainian POWs as a revenge for the attack, and just claim they were on the plane.

It is a waste of energy either way which could have been used for actual useful purposes. So no, that is not a helpful solution.

The new thing is the scope in which fake content is being created. In a very near future most internet content will be fake, including history. That is not something that has happened before in history.

The current AI situation is completely unprecedented in history.

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Republicans: *bigoted slurs*

Non-Republicans: Republicans are bigots.

You: Both sides are equally bad.

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Nope, just current day GOP America.

He is only famous because he is a murderer and he got away with it. He has nothing else going for him at all.

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What a techbro take.

We have no contemporary primary sources which confirms the existence of neither a Jesus of Nazareth nor a Jesus the Christ. It is still just a discussion of interpretations of later secondary sources.

Everything above 0% is not neglible for such uselessly decadent endeavours as cryptocurrency.

Mass shooters are the cause of relatively few deaths compared to the "accidental" or "spur of the moment" deaths the prevalence of guns in American households causes. I am not trying to downplay mass shootings, because they are absolutely loathsome and should be enough for any sensible person to realise that something is terribly wrong, but they tend to overshadow the much higher mortality rate which the prevalence of guns in the US are causing.

The US statistic of toddler shootings, as in toddlers shooting other persons, is above 0 each year. That alone is a pretty telling figure.

You would have to be very ignorant about the US immigration rules if you think it let's basically everyone in.

But it doesn't provide an explanatory context. It still assumes everyone knows what the hell these words mean, mainly "representative" in this context.

You have literally painted yourself into a self-destructive corner with your moronic strawman.

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Not if it poses as a documentary.