Anyone else banned from world news for criticizing China?locked to Ask – 368 points –

So I made a comment on worldnews criticizing Chinese activity in the south china sea and apparently got banned for it by the automod. This happen to anyone else? Is this Lemmy's version of the need help post and the shape of things to come?

The instance I posted in was


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There is nothing marxist about ml or other tankie places. They are just pure authoritarian brownnosers, and couldn't care less about actual socialism. Tankies are purely in it because they imagine they are going to be the ruling class after their imaginary "revolution", exactly the same way fascists are in it for.

From my little research I didn't think communism even had classes.

Sure, the people running the goverment were definitely in the same lines as everyone else waiting for their beet and bread rations.

I mean real communism. Not the totalitarianism dictatorships the USSR and China were/are.