
4 Post – 216 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Obvious answer is to give the kids ducklings for every visit. Pressuring kids parents to stop their kids coming over without permission. Unless they want to own duck pets.

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Here are some things I think will happen.

Nueralink first implanted to a human. Likely the first person gets killed also probably due to complications.

Increase lifespan of pig heart implants to humans.

Introduction of autonomous drones that are allowed to make decisions who to kill, I predict it's going to be tested in Ukraine.

We start to see more widespread effects of LLM in general in our society, lost of jobs, and so on.

Release of Windows 12, possibly backtracks Windows 11 decision of requiring TPM.

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I smell vampire lobbying.

US broke those list like a bingo card.

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If 5g makes the frog gay would 6g negate it?

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Two words, bean counters.

There is this neat game I saw in YouTube where you play as a vampire trying to convince AI driven NPC to let you in their house using voice. What amazes me is how good it is at detecting different accent and the AI being able to grasp the thing your talking about.

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F. See if gang member has insurance to cover for his treatment

G. Charge extra for handling firearm

H. Deferred treatment

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Gay dad is about to become richer.

So many questions about that last tab...

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This will be interesting, maybe this will push for huge adoption for linux. This could also mean a lot of old hardware that are still very capable goes to 2nd hand market in turn lowering prices for pc. Or nothing happens and most of the people will be in a compromise OS for years similar to what happen with windows xp debacle. There also another situation where Microsoft does backtrack on its decision and the same status quo would remain for years to come.

My thought was they will always be in the frontiers of medicine since they are used as experiments. Results from rat experiments does not usually equate to be successful to humans. Not saying we should forgo ethics and do human experiments right away, just an observation.

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If your expected to empty this everyday you'll eventually end up being diabetic.

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Aww what a cute looking testicle.

Doesn't matter post it here either way we want engagement here not in Google.

Booming for the rich?

I wonder what would happen in the future as future AI's get trained with AI generated images that they got from the internet. Would the generated images start to degrade or have somekind of distinct style pop out.

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Oh they will it's called exposure. Exposure from the radiation emitted from their monitor.

We'll probably be able to harvest solar power from space then beam it to Earth in a practical way first, than nuclear fusion becomes practical.

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Soy sauce.


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RIP terraform

Must be the season of boycott, youtube about to do a reddit moment.

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You sure that's not a jet engine?

Sometimes I think the whole industry of audiophile is just a bunch of baloney. Reminds of chifi IEM the KZ ZEX pro or something where people were praising for the improve sound and more drivers. Turns out only 1 driver is used and the rest are just there to justify increase in the price. It being no different than their cheaper version.

Cancer 3000, get one yours today.

Don't look up!

To be fair I don't mind that .world should just keep federate it may be one way but content is content some people just lurk anyway. Its probably what makes .world attractive aside from no requirement in registration.

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RIP Raspberry Pi

Straight as a furniture 🛋️🥵

Your a Wizard, an Ishtar sent by the Valar.

Alexey Soldatov, 72, sentenced by Moscow court to death.

Neither unless your a bee or a bird.

Is this loss?

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I would go with 5 watt laser pointer. I would roleplay as a wizard.

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I smell Discord about to do a Reddit thing.

Never thought I see the day where AMD is praised for their single threaded performance.

I bet in the future someone who will see your code will also think of the same. Just the nature of things.

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Yeah something like that. I imagine it would be something like jpeg which degrades as you keep converting over and over. But not sure how would AI generated images would look like.