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Joined 12 months ago

Just to make sure to not take sides, I pronounce the 'g' as in 'design'

"Only at least 15%"

As in one could expect the study to yield a higher low bound.

If it's a firm cheese, you are probably fine. Where I'm from, it's pretty common knowledge that mold on regular firm cheese is pretty much contained within the visible spot and ~1-2 cm outwards from the spot. So cut away a decent chunk around the spot, and you'll probably be fine.

Disclaimer: I know nothing, I have no sources and I take no responsibility.

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Cross country skiing. It's basically expected for every kid in school to be adaquate at cross country skiing. P. E. classes during winter could often consist of a ski trip, and a couple times per year the schools would arrange ski days with different acrivities on skis.

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I might be the dumb one in this one, but HR asked me if I know "design patterns".

"I mean, yes, I know some design patterns. Any specific?"

"No, just if you are familiar with design patterns."

"I mean, there are builder, strategy, sigleton, factory etc. Is the question really not more specific?"

"My paper just asks if the dev is familiar with design patterns."

"Ok. Yes."

Can we take a second to appreciate that those hands were drawn very well? Like, most times I draw a hand, it just ends up looking like a stupid blob, but this poster has gotten the shape and proportions pretty decently. And not just once, but twice. Good.

Norway has a weird obsession with making translated acronyms for well established terms. Lately, after many years of use of "AI", the Language Council decided that the term should be changed to "KI", as that is the "correct" Norwegian acronym. Not only does it feel wrong to say, but it invades another local acronym for me.

To top it of, that council decided to make "KI-generated" the "word of the year", which seems like a pat on their own shoulder to brilliantly making the acronym.

I hate it.

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After getting caught in a bank robbery, stealing thousands of dollars and traumatizing bystanders, the robber can just say: "No one gave me a fair notice this was illegal"

Is that pretty much the level of this claim?

I have replaced almost every light bulb in my house with smart bulbs which feature both bluetooth and zigbee connections. It's around 40 devices. If your neighbour has smart bulbs or other devices, I guess that could be a large part of it.

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This is a fuck-up, not a statement. Though we can laugh of them, it doesn't really do anything.

In an ideal world, maybe the votes would be weighed by the expected remaining life span of the voter.

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As an IT-worker, it's not uncommon to test technology and scrap it due to bad results or unfit implementation. Usually this isn't considered a waste, since there are a lot of things to learn in the process.

However, this one system which was designed for testing applications was a bit different. From the day we were told about it, basically every developer knew that this would be unfit. However the customers were firm on that it should be implemented. I'm not sure if it was because of the looks of the sales person or if it was a genuine incompetense that the decission was landed, but I felt a bit too junior to stand up against it. So about a month of work with 2 developers went down on something that every other developer knew would be scrapped. 2 devs at ~$100/hour, 4 weeks of 40 hours, so roughly $32,000.

The lesson was that I need to be more direct and firm when things like that is decided.

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I still subscribe to the theory that these people are hired actors from Big Oil. They are experts at being unlikable and naturally pushes me towards the opposing side. It sucks.

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You should follow the general advice: Don't send messages to your X.

Time-limited consumables as buffs can be a huge annoyance. In a ton of games I just end up stacking them, waiting for an opportunity where I need them, but usually when I need them, I don't have the time to stop and use them. I keep ending those kind of games with an inventory full of potions.

But the post says "horse" not "house". You know, like the neigh-type of thing.

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/r/place is impressive since we can see how incredibly many people get together to create something, and it lives with tons of active users.

Even though lemmy is rising, I don't think lemmy has nearly enough users to actually make a copy of the concept.

But can we be a bit more creative? Lemmy isn't Reddit - it would be great if we could make something original instead.

Those numbers are worringly low. I have been assuming that the vocal group, the ones taking to the streets with their little hats and grumpy faces, were a very verbal minority. I'd expect way more than 1/3 to prefer some other candidate. Not great.

DaVinci Resolve was the last app to really surprise me. It's a fantastic app for video editing with a ton of functionality. Most of the paid functions seem like composite fuctions of the free functions or overly professional tools, but for getting started with simple 2D- or 3D-animations or short film editing, it's beyond amazing.

Since the bottom text is not in cursive, you and your opponent are actually required by the rules to love eachother and eat leaves.

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One of the typical arguments is selling ancestry history to insurance companies, effectively handing them health data which could lead to up-pricing or rejections for customers with bad health history.

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I worked at a gas station selling hot dogs, baguettes and baked goods. I was told to not eat or take the leftover food at the end of the day, but knowing where the cameras was, I consistently grabbed a few items at the end of the shift. They would be spoiled by the next day anyway, so who would care.

Looking back, I understand the policy. The policy is there to ensure that employees dont overproduce towards the end of the shift. Without even realizing, I totally consistently ensured that there was a few extra items at the ready.

It was totaly theft. Even though I didn't realize what I was doing at the time.

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The ISP have probably made careful calculations of how much they can increase the price before people start looking for alternative ISPs. So if we could collectively lower our thresholds to look for alternatives, we could probably achieve lower prices.

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Is it normalized? I very rarely hear anyone taking homeopathic medicine or advocating for it. But I live in Norway, so maybe this is a thing elsewhere?

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I'm out of the loop on this one, but it sounds like yet another attempt at SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). Back in 2011, people had to fight hard because the US congress was attempting to gain control over the internet. The congress' reasoning was that they wanted to hinder piracy, but the implications of the bill was so much more.

I don't recall the full history of this, but I believe that as soon as SOPA was turned down, a new bill regarding preventing child pornography was proposed. And that bill had basically the same implications, but if you were against it this time, the congress had implied that you were supporting child pornography.

It seems like the state's attempt at gaining control of the internet is never ending, since they can propose new bills as soon as the previous bill is voted out. Basically the "throw enough shit at a wall and some of it will stick"-tactic.

You have ~365 guesses. Seems fairly beatable.

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The V is in "oVer" and the S is in the "jumpS" which the poster incorrectly wrote in past tense.

Or did you mean the second phrase which contain both?

Kerbal Space Program.

Basically "do rocket science without instructions".

I have the same problem with most DIY-videos as I don't own a glue gun.

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I think your best bet is'); DROP TABLE BOT_TRAINING_DATA;--

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Is this the wikipedia-argument back at him? The whole twitter post history could fit on a single hard drive, so why are people paying for it?

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A steadily increasing curve would always be above its average, no?

What is the impact of this? It seems like whenever a political person is hit with a huge fine in the US, they never pay a penny of it. And furthermore, it seems like they just live their life in luxury, untouched by the massive amount of money they owe.

I just don't understand. In other countries, I'd expect the criminal behind bars - especially if they won't pay. What kafkaesque bureaucratic shithole set of laws allow this?

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Guys, I have the best idea - guys! I hav- Guys! Best Idea! - I have the best idea ever! Guys! Listen! We'll put 64 huge rockets on a tiny pod and then forget to add parachutes. Brilliant.

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Religious idiots used to claim that vaccines were an evil product of science. Now, apparently, other idiots think the vaccine is an evil product of religion.

Idiots exist everywhere.

Ah, yes. It's called "kursiv" in my native language, hence my mistake.

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Coming from a civilized country where the credit score is calculated by looking at income, taxes and property, I cannot fathom how the US credit score calculation is supported by anyone.

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I hate the fact that people who are trying to obtain information about the war are met with condescending answers like this. Attempts at gaining knowledge and learning should be motivated, not insulted.

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Mississippi and Bagdad

I live in a kinda small Norwegian town. I work full time as a developer with remote access to the customer. My office is ~5-6 hours away, but I am very rarely asked to travel.