Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters to World – 195 points –
Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters – DW – 06/19/2024

The prehistoric megalithic structure in England has been targeted by activists spraying orange powder paint, social media footage showed.

Environmental protesters sprayed paint on Stonehenge on Wednesday, with footage showing an orange powder covering some of the stones.

Two protesters dressed in white were seen running towards two of the megaliths, spraying paint, as another person attempted to stop them, in footage released by Just Stop Oil, an environmental activist group focused on the issue of human-caused climate change.


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I still subscribe to the theory that these people are hired actors from Big Oil. They are experts at being unlikable and naturally pushes me towards the opposing side. It sucks.

If a small group annoying you pushes you towards not caring about the climate, you never cared about the climate.

Don't worry, it's not like I'm yielding. The point is that I find them to be detractors rather than attractors to join our common goal of not eliminating ourselves.

genuinely i used to subscribe to the same theory

and then it switched. i think they’re here genuinely. not even sure what happened to change my mind. your mileage may vary? but i get where you are coming from.

Just be skeptical about it from both perspectives.

Bad actors do exist but they're not to blame for everything despite almost any organization or movement these days attempting to scapegoat any poor publicity they experience as bad actors.

I remember hearing claims that this was the case. I have no idea how true that is, but I would be 0% surprised if it was.

That sure would explain a lot ... but I think in the end Hanlon's razor applies.