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Joined 3 months ago

I totally agree. But the question was about inventions not mass adaption.

That's like saying Henry Ford invented the car because the Model T was the first widely available one.

Sure, but the iPhone was far from the first smartphone.

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That was 20th century.

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In my client (Transmission) you can double click any torrent to open an extra windows with various details. There you find a tab "trackers" and at the bottom an option to add trackers. Then I can just copy-paste in the entire list.

From what I understand that wouldn't really help. If you don't to see downvotes you have to move your account to an instance with downvotes disabled.

Dog and cat food are totally suitable for human consumption. It's only when you eat nothing else over a long time that you will run into nutritional problems.

So it's totally fine to chug a beer, huff some glue and eat a can of cat food to help you fall asleep; As long as you otherwise eat healthy.

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You had one job ....

I once picked an answer that contained an umlaut and apprently their system couldn't handle that. Years later I actually needed it and it seems easy enough. My place of birth. "wrong" .... like wtf, I know where I was born.

Eventually the customer support accepted my answer as "close enough" after I gave like 3 different spellings.

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Not only that, it's still active, including a competetive scene with regular livestreams and tournaments.

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Then why are there still centrists? Checkmake evolutionists!

What do you mean by "working" in this context?

Paint: a coloured substance which is spread over a surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective coating.

So in this case the cornstarch is the paint. No misinformation at all.

How do we stop evil corporations? With political action. How do we get political action? Either by voting or collective activism.

That is true.

But they are doing activism for the wrong side. The conservatives and far right will jump on this one, because they just gotten handed a talking point on a silver platter. "Radical left activists attack cultural heritage site". They couldn't have asked for a more perfect one.

If you're fine with a terrible cam-rip and I guess the original audio, I think I just found it on youtube:

Part 1

Part 2

Oh .. right.

You could try AoE4 instead. Basically a reboot of AoE2 in a modern engine.

Everyone who drinks milk is funding the repeated rape of cows

False. I drink goat milk!

That sure would explain a lot ... but I think in the end Hanlon's razor applies.

Yeah and it's so annoying because I haven't actually been chaught, yet.

Fox. They canceled Firefly.

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You want proof that they aren't sure he's dead?

Easy, Frieren.

Angry upvote ...

Yep, totally this.

I occationally have to fix stuff on the weekend and even than I'll rather go to the office than doing it from home.

Also I have different monitor/keyboard/mouse setups and I really don't like working on my home setup.

Direct download.

Well, first of all the statement could be interpreted either way (either meaning a fully-white team would be better or worse).

But no, it was not backlash from some bigots. It was the "anti-bigots" that think you're a bigot for mearly mentioning skincolour.

So .. Maltageddon?

Why not just say which movie?

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Sure, why not.

Did you think I replied to you?

Huh, for some reason I was. No idea how that happened. My apologies.

Not sure what you mean by that.

I can offer you bad, terrible, aweful, dreadful, horrendous, vile, digusting .... but I wouldn't say evil.

I’m guessing she’s suggesting that the team would actually suck if it were all-white.

Yep, though it was worded a bit ambigious. But that wasn't really what the backlash was about ...

Were bigots outraged here?

Guess again.

I'm pretty sure the term here is "not a vegan".

I'm so glad I'm stuck with a "your hardware doesn't support windows 11" message.

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It was ! ... so yeah, almost anyone that say anything against China. It's a tankie instance.

Use ! instead.

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what ‘level of piracy’ is morally or ethically acceptable to you?

If I could, I would download a car.

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I don't think it's an "or" situation. They are both.

.mkv is just a container and can contain any encode. All my av1 encodes are .mkv files.

But the majority of my videos are in h264 for compatability, though I've been adding more av1 and h265 encodes lateley. But storage isn't much of a concern for me.