What are the most evil media corporations in the world?

VanHalbgott@lemmus.org to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 59 points –

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Fox. They canceled Firefly.

Almost as evil as canceling Firefly: Their "news" channel perpetuating conspiracy theories, fascist talking points, and outright lies.

Warner Bros, they didn't just cancel things, they scrubbed things just for tax breaks.

And they also canceled Final Space, bastards.

Didn't they not just cancel Final Space, but will also make sure it isn't available anywhere?

They sure as fuck did, they did that to a lot of their content but Final Space was one of the first and what I was actually really into and single handedly made WBD rise to the top 3 of my personally most hated companies list

I love Final Space - never being able to watch the proper ending, because execs & profit is sad.