2 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

OMG Boobs! Does nobody think of the Children?!?!?!?!


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It completely replaced Reddit for me. I love the project. It is getting better and better.

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The perpetual chicken egg problem of IPv6: many users don't have IPv6 because it's not worth it because everything is reachable via IPv4 anyways because IPv6 only service don't make sense because they will only reach a subset of users because many users don't have IPv6.....

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If you work on not buying cigarettes anymore you avoid the ads and something for your health and your pocket. Triple win.

I think the biggest problem is that employers used to require that we do all the work we can do. The easiest way to achieve that is to observe that no one is slacking off. With Home Office there is suddenly a need to find out what is a reasonable workload. They seem to fear that they don't get occupy the employees 100% of the time and as usual on capitalism it is not enough when you produce enough bit when you produce all you can.

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Maybe the "do one thing and do it well" paradigm was not a bad idea after all.

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Is it because of all the free games I claimed?

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  1. The tower doesn't have 5G (yet)

Currently standing at a demonstration in Nuremberg. Lots of passionate people here.


linus Torvalds showing his middle finger towards the camera and at nvidia

Aegis. An open source authenticator app similar to Google Authenticator or Authy. I really like to back up my encrypted credentials to my nextcloud.

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Isn't there an addon for vertical tabs? I mean if you are power user enough to need vertical tabs you should be power user enough to install an addon.

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Godmode: you maintain the fork.

I mean that is sometimes what it feels like. Like there is a second entity that constantly whants something else than I do. When I explained to my wife how this feels I even gave it a voice so she could understand that there is something inside of me that constantly wants something. It is concious logical thought vs strong feelings.

My favourite explaination is how habbits don't stick because whenever I have to do an uncomfortable task I have to do it is like there is a toddler having a temper tantrum inside of me when I do it. I can ignore it a couple times but it gets harder every time and when I give in all me strength is gone and I can't do it for a while.

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Only if you have enough starting capital to skirt through life without a worry.

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Displaying the internal information publicly is indeed the more honest approach. Still, people need to understand that Social Media is Public Media. Deleting and editing depends on the goodwill of the receiver. Just imagine you were sending an email when you send something here. It is about the same level of control. It is not like you had much more control on Facebook or Reddit.

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More than the company that literally is a for profit that makes a browser that kneecaps adblocking and puts an ad targeting protocol onto the Browser?

It must be because the UK has such a strong bargaining position as a single country. They don't need to write it down. India will do it out of respect for them.

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That's a generic top-level domain. It is not associated with any country. It belongs to "Identity Digital Inc.".

I really think it is connected to the fact that many managers never had to think about how long something takes and how much work they actually need out of someone. It used to be, that if you stare at your screen from 9-5 you probably did all the work you could. But now they can't see you stare at the screen and they fear they don't get all the work out of you. For the first time management has to figure out how much work they need instead of going by time spent in the office. That scares them.

I think most projects pride themselves on not having something like that. It would be hard to create an algorithm that doesn't create the problems that we know of commercial platforms (echo chambers, biases, and the likes). There used to be simpler algorithms on the platforms but then people got stuck in racist or conspiracy stuff. And then they tried to tweak it and then people started to complain that the platforms are biased. You can't win. It maybe harder to curate what to follow on your own but at least there is not some algorithm that influences what you see and what you like and what you think.

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Execution is not punishment it is revenge.

I don't think that is quite right. As far as I understand it the new feature generates topics from your browser history that website can use for targeted ads. So if you visit banking websites it might add to the finance topic. I don't think Websites get access to the history. Still it is a shitty idea and please use Firefox.

The biggest problem is not getting your application to send mail, but to get the mail into the inboxes of people and not spam. That is what you pay the big providers for. Email is broken in that way. I'd advise you to go for a paid service if you want your emails to reliably arrive.

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Well someone has to pay for the server, the power, the storage, the network, etc. So if you find something free it will be very limited.

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Nope. Bash (at least by default on Ubuntu) doesn't have case insensitive tab completion.

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I fear that many people are not aware just how public everything in the fediverse is. Everything you post, every comment, every upvote, boost, favorite, like or other interaction is broadcasted to every instance where there is at least on subscriber/follower. Nothing in the fediverse is private. There is no real way to protect from this. You don't even need a real instance for that. You could write a software that subscribes to everything and just takes the data. The fediverse is as public as it can be. It's like standing on a market place and screaming out your thoughts. There is nothing stopping anyone from writing it down. And that is by design.

And I don't mean that in a negative way. It is not really different from all the commercial platforms. They just take the data without you knowing it. Here you are very aware that you don't control anything that you do in public.

The solution is to act accordingly. Use cryptic usernames and don't post anything that can be traced back to you. Be aware that you are in a public space.

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This is my favorite comic

It is still on Meta servers.

Did you feel better after doing it?

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I don't think an app will help you. One of the core concepts you have to learn is, how to identify a problem, deconstruct it into it's core components and write it in way the pc understands.

Whenever I see someone learning programming there is usually a moment when it clicks and it suddenly gets easier.

You have to learn the basic concepts of a programming language. Usually there are a lot of concepts that are similar in different languages but also a lot of details that are not.

I learned programming by reading and experimenting with code but that was the hard way. In your case I'd try to find a course that you like and use that. That is your starting point. When you a through you have to find your own projects to really leant how to program.

Finally a real feel good story.

Germany does tip sometimes. But mostly we round up to the next thing that feels right. For me it is usually between 1-5€, but I never tip a percentage or use the tip option on a payment terminal. Sometimes I just don't tip. It is never a problem. It is a bonus not a necessity here.

There is a common misconception that long term effects will manifest long after the injection. All vaccines with longterm effects manifested their effect shortly after the injection. It makes little sense that you will have adverse reactions months or years later because the compounds are long gone from your system.

There was also the misconception that the vaccine was rushed and that steps were skipped or shortened during testing. That is not the case. The administrative processes were prioritized and there was a huge amount of test candidates so testing could be done much quicker. The normal process is not longer because they want to gather more long term data but because it just takes longer to gather it.

If that is a solution you'd need to change the ActivityPub specification. You are more than welcome to submit your idea.

Also, there’s way too much trust in instances. Like, one person could easily make a post on, go on their personal instance, and just give themselves, say, 2000 upvotes.

I'd first have to create 2000 users, then I'd have to send 2000 upvotes. And then I'd get blocked by all instances.

Instances should have their own settings on what instances are allowed to keep a local copy.

This is also not compatible with the ActivityPub spec but even if it were you'd win nothing because as soon as you fetch the post it is still on the server.

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You are not supposed to make them. Just eat 7 of them.

I don't think it is that easy. I'd say you might be able to use it for 1 month then. The key probably has a validity.

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The captcha code is merged but there is no release candidate yet. Probably only @dessalines knows.

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Is it possible you have a faulty disk?

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