2 Post – 255 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'd rather get paid for my bodily material rather than give it for free.

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This isnt a bad thing you dinkledoodle

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You cant steal data. violating copyright (Which ai training does not do) is not theft.

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There is no moral issue.

you can say fuck

I feel like between 2-5, every parent would kill for some decent child mind control.

Why not have smoking days where smokers can smoke inside of restraunts? Why are we not inclusive of smokers?

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Wow an app based on gender descrimination is being sued for gender descrimination. I'm shocked

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People hate hexbear and memmygrad because they are annoying.

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good. Maybe people will stop eating shit

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Its more just lack of respect for women, this is big in nations with low social development

Trans women are women if people understand the word women to include trans women. More than that, unless you want to lift everyone's skirt before adressing them then you might as well just call the people that look like women women and the people that look like men.

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if nintendo has the potential to take legal action against valve for this I dont blame them for doing this. Nintendo has some fucking balls to the walls lawyers that will do anything to protect their IPs. Valve has every reason to be afraid of nintendo

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if you buy cookware because a singer told you to, you deserve to be scammed

I cant make out the racism. Is that supposed to be a slave? It looks like a taco bell employee the way hes dressed

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its not stolen, its AI generated.

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unfathomably based behavior

did she forget shes trans or something?

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For a lot of jobs that want bachelors degrees, people with lots of experience will do. But for jobs requiring masters and doctorates its a different story.

I'm pro gun and I want most black people to own guns.

How is that racist? Native americans are a big part of the state's history

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I like to facetime people randomly because I love to see the look of fear in their faces

I love edging.

thats not what the UN is, we need these nations in the UN even if they are pursuing offensive goals

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hexbear needed to be blocked

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unless you want your programs to run

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teachers dont say that

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I like eating lemons, I've had a few today

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It being cool is a compelling reason.

I like it when they are mentally unstable and own mutliple guns with their serial numbers filed off.

i mean it builds character

I feel like thats the case for most child deaths

I mean I dont see how their dick size affects it but ok

fuck the wall street journal

Not every article needs to be about the most important thing in the world

Epic child blindness moment

I thought a small d meant dick for a moment there

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yo momma vagigi be like