5 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Which model with how many parameters du you use in ollama? With 8GB you should only be able to use the smallest models, which ist faaaar from ideal:

You should have at least 8 GB of RAM available to run the 7B models, 16 GB to run the 13B models, and 32 GB to run the 33B models.

He was so enthusiastic that he forgot the bottle!

Yeah, the 8GB model's purpose is to make an "starting at $xxxx" price tag possible.

Well, 2000€ for a "Pro" model of the Macbook 14" with only 8GB RAM sounds a bit strange, tbf. And +230€ for +8GB is straight up greedy.

They said "Actually, 8GB on an M3 MacBook Pro is probably analogous to 16GB on other systems" and well , that's definitely not the case for their upcoming AI usecases, because - and many people seem to overlook that - their RAM is shared RAM (or as they call it "unified memory"), which means that the GPU is limited by these 8GB of (V)RAM because it can only use what is left by the System usage.

Relevant Owlturd/Shencomix comic

Orange Box is GOAT, but what is that article? Just mentioning the games with barely any interesting backstories?

Here is a good writeup how it started:

Relevant part is this:

On August 16th, 2023, ex-LTT employee Madison Suop posted a thread on X explaining her reasons for leaving Linus Tech Tips and the kind of workplace misconduct she purportedly experienced during her time there:

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We did it, lemmy!

2 more...

The Sunglasses on basecap. It's so iconic.

"Felt cute, might transfer files later, idk"

Unfortunately DNS blocking is not nearly as powerful as an adblock extension which can manipulate the DOM and CSS directly.

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Well, getting their OpenID Signing Key for Azure Active Directory stolen was magnitudes worse in my opinion.

That fucking G Hub software has the absolute shittiest UX of all apps I have installed on my machine.

Baby reindeer!

Perfect to get your long sleeves wet!

Durable asphalt pillow!

This is the one

Oh wow, that's some nice and cozy sounding name for such an atrocity.

Lol, that sent me

Fuckin waterdealers!

Just a number!